As a lifelong Lions fan, I am obviously probably a little biased in this situation but I will do my best to be fair. I do think Schwartz can be a ****** bag with his fist pumping antics and whatever else at times. While Schwartz did drop some f bombs at the end of the Minnesota game, he did not do it while shaking the opposing coach's hand. I would assume that the above poster from Owatonna, Minnesota is a Vikings fan and is just bitter that they blew a huge lead to the Lions at home. Schwartz also did not almost rip off his shirt while running to shake the coach's hand. I think that Harbaugh came off as a complete and total ****** bag in this case. I understand he is excited and wants to celebrate, but save that until you get to the locker room or at least until after you show respect to the coach who has just lost an intense game. Supposedly Harbaugh had an obscenity when he slapped Schwartz's hand. I am just glad he is not at Michigan and the Hawkeyes have to deal with his BS on a yearly basis.