Honestly, I don't blame either one of these guys for this fight. I blame the NFL and every other sporting institution that requires handshakes at midfield or wherever after an intense competition.
As a former college wrestler and high school wrestling coach, I can't stand it when a wrestler comes over to my corner to shake hands as soon as the match is over. How many times do we need to demonstrate good sportsmanship through handshakes. In wrestling, the wrestlers shake hands:
1. During introductions.
2. At the start of the match.
3. After the match.
4. Now, it's commonplace for wrestlers to come to the corner after the match and shake the coach's hand (but usually only when they win).
5. After the dual.
I know this is not the same as what happened between Harbaugh and Schwartz, but does the game really suffer if these two don't shake hands? I don't think so. It's forced sportsmanship, and I hope the NFL doesn't fine either of these guys. There was no fight. It was a verbal spat, no different than what takes place during a routine play in a game.
Do away with the required handshake.