Sally Mason's Contract not Renewed

Country question about that. Its funny, more centrists than either lunatic fringe...but we now only get to choose between a giant ****** and a turd sandwich every election.

Hold on folks because both sides are too busy fighting each other to actually help anyone. "See all or nothing stance by both sides concerning "fiscal cliff""....we all gonna pay.....

-socially liberal, economic conservative.

The country is not 50-50 divided. Last election proved that the majority of the voting population in the USA is ok with immorality being legal, and it's ok if people live off other people's money. It's over. The country is now spiraling out of control very rapidly both morally and fiscally.

But I'm still gonna wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! :)

I mean, Jesus Christ, "Football" and "Political/Controversial" aren't even similar words.
People have been perma-banned for far lesser crimes than golfercomanche has committed in this thread alone.
Dude is the forum equivalent of crotch rot.
Ferentz/Davis 2016. Hope and Change.

Legalize Immorality...and Marijuana...and please ban free speech...for cause see HawkeyeNation

Happy Holidays Everyone
The country is not 50-50 divided. Last election proved that the majority of the voting population in the USA is ok with immorality being legal, and it's ok if people live off other people's money. It's over. The country is now spiraling out of control very rapidly both morally and fiscally.

But I'm still gonna wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! :)


F U. You gonna go full metal Scali on us and liken Teh Gayness to murder?

I hope your Christmas sucks. Also, those teabagger @$$holes you support are nothing more, or less, than domestic Taliban-wannabe terrorists. You wouldn't know Christian morality or fiscal sanity if they jumped up and slammed your teeth down your throat.
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Country question about that. Its funny, more centrists than either lunatic fringe...but we now only get to choose between a giant ****** and a turd sandwich every election.

Hold on folks because both sides are too busy fighting each other to actually help anyone. "See all or nothing stance by both sides concerning "fiscal cliff""....we all gonna pay.....

-socially liberal, economic conservative.

Ah, the old "both sides suck, so screw it" argument. Well, when millions err billions is poured into propaganda designed to sow cynicism and murder truth, that's what you'll get. Regardless, huge majorities (and actual economists) support the policies of one side over the other in the current manufactured crisis, so your logic fails here.
F U. You gonna go full metal Scali on us and liken Teh Gayness to murder?

I hope your Christmas sucks. Also, those teabagger @$$holes you support are nothing more, or less, than domestic Taliban-wannabe terrorists. You wouldn't know Christian morality or fiscal sanity if they jumped up and slammed your teeth down your throat.

F U. You gonna go full metal Scali on us and liken Teh Gayness to murder?

I hope your Christmas sucks. Also, those teabagger @$$holes you support are nothing more, or less, than domestic Taliban-wannabe terrorists. You wouldn't know Christian morality or fiscal sanity if they jumped up and slammed your teeth down your throat.

LOL..........I'm not even taking you seriously any more. But I love ya and I do hope you have a Merry Christmas. At least I got you to say the word, Christmas. That's a win.

This thread ticks me off, yet I can't stop coming back to it even though I know I'll hate myself for it in the morning.
Ah, the old "both sides suck, so screw it" argument. Well, when millions err billions is poured into propaganda designed to sow cynicism and murder truth, that's what you'll get. Regardless, huge majorities (and actual economists) support the policies of one side over the other in the current manufactured crisis, so your logic fails here.

I took a side. Your guess is as good as mine if it was the correct one. Never said " so screw it "...but is starting to appear the two sides are getting closer to saying just that regarding the tax cut dilema... logic is irrelevant... but as sound as yours
Serious question here on the political debate. When people say "we need to get back to the times of [fill in the blank morals/value] of our country" or when people say the "country is no longer [fill in the value/moral], I don't know what this means. , What decade or 20-30 year period of our country's history is it that we need to get back to that best exemplifies the morals and virtues that we apparently not longer value?
Wow - you step away for a few days and this happens.

SCORPION - I blame you and you solely. You are one of two regular posters who can get in contact with me and yiou failed me miserably

Evidently you weren't the only stalwart to step away for a few days, Boss.
Whar Jonny Website? Whar TrollMod?
Serious question here on the political debate. When people say "we need to get back to the times of [fill in the blank morals/value] of our country" or when people say the "country is no longer [fill in the value/moral], I don't know what this means. , What decade or 20-30 year period of our country's history is it that we need to get back to that best exemplifies the morals and virtues that we apparently not longer value?

I understand what you mean because you can identify any point in time in the histroy of the USA and find immorality running wild. For example, look from the country's origin till 1865. Slavery was legal. Was it immoral? Absolutely! Why? Because it's the stealing of a man's life.

I think what people mean when they say times were so much better in the 50's, for example, is because other types of immorality like abortion and the sodomy lifestyle was stigmatized as what it was. Sodomy and adultery actually used to be against the law by the way in the USA. Now, adultery and sodomy lifestyle is becoming more and more accepted by the cultyure and abortion supported and protected by the state.

I think that's what people mean when they, "we need to get back to the times of.......".

damn, just suffered through a 4-8 season, and now I have learned from talk radio that living in the US is terrible, Oh when will it end!