sad news for wrestling fans

here's a current list of sports for the 2016 olympics. Rugby and golf get added for Rio and then wrestling gets dropped. unbelievable
The 2016 Summer Olympic programme features 28 sports and a total of 42 disciplines.

Can't wait to hear Gable's take on this. We toured the wrestling practice room after the dual on Sunday. Met Gable at the top of the stairs and he was congratulating the team that we were with because they were a start up team at a high school that had not had a wrestling team for 28 years. He said that they continue to fight to keep wrestling teams in both the high school and college levels. This is a horrible set back!
There is one last shot at inclusion and that is the fact that the next meeting to decide with sport to replace wrestling (which could actually be a reinstatement) is in Russia.
Um... Canoeing? Really? So if you win the canoe race, do they give you an Olympic medal or the Boy Scout patch that you've just earned?
This is terrible news.
Never thought I'd see wrestling dropped as an Olympic sport during my lifetime. What a sad/pathetic decision.
Olympic politics at their best.
Iowa's historic sport, in which they have recently been relegated to also-ran status, is now even more fringe.

Um... Canoeing? Really? So if you win the canoe race, do they give you an Olympic medal or the Boy Scout patch that you've just earned?
This is terrible news.

what makes it worse that they have canoeing is that they also have rowing! same f-ing thing in my book. might as well have golf and mini golf.

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