Ryan Kriener Says Outside Doubt Fuels Hawkeyes

Your homerism clouds your judgement at times!! Because that response from you Was to people who stated if we lose Jordan the jury reenters the room on this team!

It really doesn't. I am a fan of Iowa. I am pretty far from a homer but I am a fan. I am more positive then negative for certain. Why? Because being a dick hole about something I have no control over is exhausting. I just want them to be good. I also like to be fair about things with my assessment. I said that before Frederick went down. Losing another player changes the dynamic of that statement quite a bit. But feel free to hang me for it because I am not wrong. If thinking CJF, Luka Garza and Joe Wieskamp are talented players makes me a homer, then I guess I am. But I would imagine other people are of that opinion as well. It's not like that opinion is a minority opinion or something.
I wouldn’t expect you to have any type of issue with anything from this Iowa BB Program. :cool: I’m guessing PC won’t either. :)

My general rule of thumb is to try really hard not to have issues with things I can't control and have nothing to do with me. Trust me, most people I know think its pathetic that I care as much as I do about a bunch of college kids I've never even met. I used to scream like an idiot at the tv and let it ruin my week when they lost. I still scream like an idiot at the tv (I even embarrass myself) but I only let it ruin the next couple hours of my day. Maybe its having kids that changed my priorities. Maybe a guy in his 40s has to look in the mirror and ask what the F are you so pissed about. Whatever the reason, it makes life a little bit easier and being a fan a little more fun. All that said, I'll be watching this game at home because I'm afraid of how i will act when and if we suck it up.
They are 1-3 in the conference. When does he plan on throwing the fuel to the fire?????

This. His comments don't bug me in general. Just that it sounds hyperbolic when you say this then don't play well and the team begins to fade/lose more. Then his comments are pie in the face because they did the opposite of what you said. If he truly means his comments, then prove it. Become a better leader, play better defense, step up. Don't just talk about it. Do it.
The guys on the court and the coaches on the bench need to work a lot harder b/c of the teams status. Period. Don't worry about what people say or what you may hear or expect. Fucking go out and play hard. Don't be a pussy. If you work hard, lose, move on. But maybe, just maybe you might win. Then you flip the bird to all the naysayers. But don't use the injuries as an excuse. Just fucking do it and win.
Your homerism clouds your judgement at times!! Because that response from you Was to people who stated if we lose Jordan the jury reenters the room on this team!

Don't be a dolt. It's not just JBo that's been lost. Nunge, Patrick and, now, CJFred. It was surprising enough--aside from the DePaul game--that the Hawks looked as good as they did without Cook and Moss (remember all those who said it was all but doomsday without them?). But to lose three starters/high-minutes guys, plus another "rotation" player (Patrick) and not think it makes a huge difference is intellectual dishonesty.
Kriener is the biggest wasted scholarship in Iowa history. The guy has done nothing since he's been here and needs to finish out his career on the bench.
Kriener is the biggest wasted scholarship in Iowa history. The guy has done nothing since he's been here and needs to finish out his career on the bench.


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