Rutger Vs St. John's

I saw this!!! And we complain about hightower? Jeesh, every one of those refs should be fired!!!! I am not a rutgers fan at all, but cmon!!! 1.7 seconds left with a travel and a couple missed calls. They just walked right off the court and didn't even check the clock. All should be fired!!!
I didnt see the game but I can you this, they will escape any 'trouble' because they are officials and they are above the game, happens in every sport and it is ridiculous!
That was horrid...I said at the time..."WHAT IS THAT GUY DOING" Lavin should be ******...his players almost gave the game away 3 times...first on the out of bounds...then that play...all he had to do was grab it and hold it.
I didnt see the game but I can you this, they will escape any 'trouble' because they are officials and they are above the game, happens in every sport and it is ridiculous!

After the game Mike Tirico, Doug Gottlieb, and Jay Williams were already saying they would likely be taken off the Big East Tournament.
Absolutely awful. The refs just sorted walked off the court right away too like it was no big deal. You just cost a team a chance to win a game twice. All 3 should be fired.
[ame=""]YouTube - The Rutgers Screw Job: Big East Tournament 2011[/ame]

For those who didn't see it.
Officials are currently graded on a how they perform during their season. That should change and it should be a game by game basis. How many of ust would be fired at our jobs for making a mistake like that, I would and it wouldn't matter how great of a job I did every day before that.
This is simply inexcuseable and they should be banned from all postseason officiating for at least this season and to make a real statement, they should be suspended to start the season. This may seem extreme, but officials do get free passes, but there were so many subtle calls in that didn't go in Rutgers' favor down the stretch, blatant fouls on St. John's were non-calls.
The grading of officials should be more stringent to get consistency amongst officiating and real punishment should be dished out to correct it. The apologies are not good enough, the last four minutes are so critical in a game and officials today don't want to make calls, but that has more influence, in most cases, that negatively impact the face of the game.
Call the game the same from the opening jump to the final buzzer, it just doesn't happen, change the evaluation process and start making real changes for the better.

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