Rumor - Vegas saying O'Keefe might be gone

Someone that knows. I'll leave it at that...

If you have inside information and don't want to give it out that's fine but do you happen to know the reasoning or are you able to share the reasoning behind us not being able to lose him?
if he is gone Kirk will find an adequate replacement.

question is.....what's gonna be ur new handle since KOK has taken his talents to South Beach. Fitz4prez?
If you have inside information and don't want to give it out that's fine but do you happen to know the reasoning or are you able to share the reasoning behind us not being able to lose him?

I'm just sharing what I know. KOK will go down as one of the most hated for all the wrong reasons coaches in Iowa history. There are a lot of "know it alls" in sports. Fact is many of us don't know squat. You can point to stats/results all you want. It doesn't include the things done beyond 12-13 days a year.

I'm as excited as anyone for some new blood and hopefully changes as the next. It's just obvious that the man is more well regarded than the average Joe Blow will ever dream to know...
I guess, I just have to question how important those things are (and yes I recognize that there are things I don't know and there is value that I can't possibly quantify or understand) when they aren't translating into results on the field as far as a successful offense and team go.

I don't see how this isn't a valid observation or how this makes me some "taver hawk" or whatever.
I guess, I just have to question how important those things are (and yes I recognize that there are things I don't know and there is value that I can't possibly quantify or understand) when they aren't translating into results on the field as far as a successful offense and team go.

I don't see how this isn't a valid observation or how this makes me some "taver hawk" or whatever.

Bcl I totally understand your view. Just remember that there is a handful of other coaches and a whole football team that are equally responsible for making EVERYTHING come together as 1. KOK takes the brunt of all criticism when onlly responsible for so much.....

I'm not calling you a tavern hawk or anything for that matter. I'm just making a case for the guy...
of course it is if you are a KOK hater.

Honestly how does the 2002 offense compare to the 2010 and 2011 offenses. That 2002 offense was a fluke driven by a mobile QB that could throw a very good post route to wide open receivers. 2002's offensive style was more akin to a spread offense than Iowa's traditional look. O'Keefe's biggest issue was not getting out of his own way or not doing enough self scouting. Iowa's formations on a given set of downs were to easy for opposing DCs to call. I have already posted that I think O'Keefe was a great teacher but I seriously doubt you will find anyone in the coaching community that thinks he was a great game day play caller.
There isn't a single person (myself included) that knows the things that KOK did for this program. I'll side with the people in the know who say he is a coach we can't afford to lose...Go back to your celebrating
He is more easily replaceable than the guy we just lost on the defensive side of things. Sure he did some good things, but now it is up to Kirk to find a guy who will hopefully do even better things.
I second Golfer's nomination as Poster of the year keep up with the info it's much appreciated.

This really made me laugh. After all the HN Legends absolutely ripped me.

If I had the time, I'd look up the post where one basically told me I was an idiot, not bothering to fact check something he could have googled in about 30 seconds, and then went into a rant about how I wasn't close to the program (which I am really not), and suggested he was more in tune, and had "inside information"

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow the money, to see how it all really works. And then when you give. Just a little. You find yourself at these events. And if you carry yourself with some level of intelligence, you can actually talk to them, and ask them intelligent questions.

And then you can come back on here, and often times giggle, or shake your head in disbelief, at some of the posts, and posters.
Yeah, I don't see how KOK was a good coach. Iowa's offenses were average to bad most years at Iowa.

you could say the same thing about mike mccarthy. when he was oc for san fran he had the worst offense in the nfc and bottom offense most yrs. then he becomes the hc at green bay. so this is all about the situation you are in.
Honestly how does the 2002 offense compare to the 2010 and 2011 offenses. That 2002 offense was a fluke driven by a mobile QB that could throw a very good post route to wide open receivers. 2002's offensive style was more akin to a spread offense than Iowa's traditional look. O'Keefe's biggest issue was not getting out of his own way or not doing enough self scouting. Iowa's formations on a given set of downs were to easy for opposing DCs to call. I have already posted that I think O'Keefe was a great teacher but I seriously doubt you will find anyone in the coaching community that thinks he was a great game day play caller.

the base offense is basically the same - sure they will tweak it depending on who is the QB, and what parts are strengths and weaknesses. iowa's offense was built on tendencies and to take advantage of those shown tendencies and that is what Carroll discussed as to why iowa was so hard to prepare for.
Iowa's formations on a given set of downs were to easy for opposing DCs to call. I have already posted that I think O'Keefe was a great teacher but I seriously doubt you will find anyone in the coaching community that thinks he was a great game day play caller.


Play calling was a real head scratcher most Saturdays? That was my beef w/KOK.
Yeah, I don't see how 2004 was ONE OF THE BEST JOBS BY AN OC EVER.

I know you're a more rational poster than this. KOK was down to his 5th string running back in 2004. Jermelle Lewis led the team in rushing (with like 230 yards), despite only playing in 5 games. The fact that we still fielded an offense with even remotely decent results was nothing short of a miracle. And that offense wasn't half bad with Tate at the wheel and throwing to Solomon, Hinkle, and Chandler. When you're that one-dimensional, you have to get more aggressive and creative, which KOK did successfully.

That is what makes it the best job I've ever seen from an OC. It wasn't that we were an offensive juggernaut. It's that KOK was able to take that almost-fatally shorthanded unit and actually put out serviceable results.

Hater? No but the data I have in front of me tells me he's not a good coach. Unless you believe football is the same 10 years ago that it is now than it's a valid point could label me based on nothing and that makes you look smarter I guess.

The data and eyeball test say KOK was actually very good when he was allowed to do what he's best at: be creative and aggressive. It's when he's reined in (which was most of the time while he was in IC) that he looks average at best. That doesn't make him a bad coach. It makes him a bad fit for what we're trying to do. There's a big difference there. It's like saying Usain Bolt can't beat Jeremy Wariner in the 400 meters, therefore he couldn't possibly beat Wariner in the 100 meters. The 400 isn't what Bolt's best at. And the pro set isn't what KOK is best at.
i think kok is best suited for more of a west coast style offense. rather than the pro style i. when we were pass 1st and run 2nd he was more creative and seemed to do his best job as a coach. if kf wants to be a pro style i team (like he has chosen to be for 13 yrs) then we need an oc that can run that most effectively. the fit is most important. kok wasnt the correct fit as our offense was not as productive as others with similar systems. pro style isnt bad we just need the right oc that is a good gameday playcaller. and that is where kok struggled within the confines of our offense.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow the money, to see how it all really works. And then when you give. Just a little. You find yourself at these events. And if you carry yourself with some level of intelligence, you can actually talk to them, and ask them intelligent questions.

And then you can come back on here, and often times giggle, or shake your head in disbelief, at some of the posts, and posters.

Very true on all counts. The U of I isn't a huge place.

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