Rumor on Derby

If my last name was "Derby=" I would at least be tempted to name one of my sons="Homerun="...and of course, once the novelty wore off (after about a month) I'd just switch to calling him by his middle name...="Demolition="...

Literally LOLed
Don’t forget the grandmother, Roller Derby. Quite a handful in her youth. Took to Bible thumping in her older years.
why all the ripping on the kid? if he wants to come back and Kirk let's him I see no problem. as for schollly, the one held for Kozan is still open
yeah, this is still dumb.

Yeah, it is. Quitters are dumb period.

It really doesn't matter, he didn't do anything good, not one thing - literally, when he was a Hawkeye. Could he in a few years? Maybe....

Second he is a quitter. Screw'em. He aint a Hawkeye, so it really doesn't matter.
if he really wants to come back let him walk on and try to earn the scholly back. nothing wrong with changing your mind but he needs to earn the team's trust and having him have to earn the scholly back would go a long way.
NICE! The only thing that could make that even remotely better would be if he had a twin....

Herby and KIRBY...Derby!

Every boy needs a pet...
