Rudock can run

Clone trolls suck but not as much as Nebraska trolls. Nebraska sucks. That said, I had heard that Coe wasn't really college material as well but I don't have any idea if its true. There must have been a reason that Iowa stopped recruiting him. Iowa certainly seems to need help on the d line.
It's well known around the CIML that Jok always wanted to go to ISU but Lefty Moore ruined that for him. So he had to settle for Iowa. Good for you, bad for him.

Sounds more like it got ruined for ISU. Peter seems to be more than happy with his choice for college...

and beating Iowa State 3 or 4 times will probably make things even better.
I think Rudock is a smart, smart kid...but he's also very green, which could tend to lead to some robotic play early. Sokol is more of a free spirit player on the field....which is probably going to come with a higher risk set to start...which is why I think Rudock starts things off ;)
It's well known around the CIML that Jok always wanted to go to ISU but Lefty Moore ruined that for him. So he had to settle for Iowa. Good for you, bad for him.

I am around the CIML, I have never heard anything like this at all. You certainly have been trolling hard here lately.
A 20 year old college athlete should be able to run, as long as he can pick up easy yards if they are right in front of him I am happy.
If by slight you mean he weighs the same as Russell Wilson, who was able to stay alive in the big 10 pretty well...I don't think he is as good as Wilson but your statement on size doesn't hold up. Ben rothelsberger gets hurt a lot and he is much bigger than rudock and runs pretty well.

Roethlisberger holds on to the ball way too long and takes a significantly more sacks because of it. That's a big part of why he gets hurt a lot.
Hopefully the ability to run can be factored into the bubble screen :/ ...and then another bubble screen....and another bubble screen :/// ....and another bubble screen. ...and another #%*##ing bubble screen...

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