Royce White continues to impress...

Where the hell is Whites agent. If a client of mine was looking at throwing away a fat contract that I was getting a percentage of, I would be addressing the issue.
Listening to all of radio commentary and looking at posts.

People are failing to understand something big here - which is suprising for how common anxiety/depression/ocd/bi polar disorders are.

The reason White is acting as oddly as he is (with all the tweets and strange behavior) is because thats exactly the way he is - a man who has OCD and anxiety problems and all these issues .... hey guess what they might be a bit eccentric, scatter brained and... not always do the right thing.

I'm not defending white - i mean it is what it is.

But I get a chuckle out of all these radio hosts and people expecting a neurotic person to act like a complete rational person would.
I feel sorry for the guy. That video makes me squirm watching him. If as many think, he is playing his mental health card, I don't understand any motive for him to behave this way except to avoid panic attacks. Seriously, why can't he take a sedative and get on the plane and sleep. Of course then there may be addiction issues... I don't know honestly what they can do unless he is able to fly. Therapy and Meds and lots of it.
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This. Some of the attacks on the mental health aspect of this are pathetic and ignorant. Mental illness is very real and should be taken seriously.

With that said, that doesn't give RW a pass on the way he is handling this publicly. I would agree that he doesn't seem to have people around him to tell him not to air all this on twitter.

Mental health issues should be taken seriously. But there are also those who take advantage of them, or leverage a more minor problem to their advantage. (not unlike someone who experiences a minor injury and leverages it into a financial settlement or long-term disability...despite their ability to function normally).

I have personal experience with this, had a family member that refused to manage a manageable issue. And then used it as a fallback on incidents when the real issue was their character. Used it as a "get-out-of-jail-free" card if you will. She eventually used up everyone's patience and compassion by abusing it. And there's no shortage of suspect therapists out there, who act as enablers. Again..something I observed close up.

I think White is of similar makeup.
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Mental health issues should be taken seriously. But there are also those who take advantage of them, or leverage a more minor problem to their advantage. (not unlike someone who experiences a minor injury and leverages it into a financial settlement or long-term disability...despite their ability to function normally).

I have personal experience with this, had a family member that refused to manage a manageable issue. And then used it as a fallback on incidents when the real issue was their character. Used it as a "get-out-of-jail-free" card if you will. She eventually used up everyone's patience and compassion by abusing it. And there's no shortage of suspect therapists out there, who act as enablers. Again..something I observed close up.

I think White is of similar makeup.

Exactly. There are so many red flags that create the impression that he doesn't actually want to work through it.
I feel bad for the guy.

Tough to feel bad for a guy that has had more chances than most in life b/c of his athletic abilities, but continues to make horrible decisions and then continue to blame everyone else in life for being the idiot that he is. I mean seriously, the guy was arrested for theft and assault, stole a laptop from MN, and was eventually dismissed from the team. Yeah, let's feel bad for the guy. Give me a break.
Mental health issues should be taken seriously. But there are also those who take advantage of them, or leverage a more minor problem to their advantage. (not unlike someone who experiences a minor injury and leverages it into a financial settlement or long-term disability...despite their ability to function normally).

I have personal experience with this, had a family member that refused to manage a manageable issue. And then used it as a fallback on incidents when the real issue was their character. Used it as a "get-out-of-jail-free" card if you will. She eventually used up everyone's patience and compassion by abusing it. And there's no shortage of suspect therapists out there, who act as enablers. Again..something I observed close up.

I think White is of similar makeup.

Well said.
Tough to feel bad for a guy that has had more chances than most in life b/c of his athletic abilities, but continues to make horrible decisions and then continue to blame everyone else in life for being the idiot that he is. I mean seriously, the guy was arrested for theft and assault, stole a laptop from MN, and was eventually dismissed from the team. Yeah, let's feel bad for the guy. Give me a break.

Yeah, you're right. I never did anything stupid when I was 18 or 19. I bet you didn't either. God knows no player from any Iowa roster has ever done anything dumb.
Yeah, you're right. I never did anything stupid when I was 18 or 19. I bet you didn't either. God knows no player from any Iowa roster has ever done anything dumb.

I think it's a bit more than "doing something stupid". The guy has a pattern of being a problem child going back to high school. He got tossed from DeLaSalle up here...and transferred to Hopkins. My kid goes there, and he was widely known as "difficult to deal with" (I'm cleaning up what the locals tell me) Even the Twin Cities sportswriters (who you'd expect to champion a local kid with NBA aspirations) publicly say he's a head case. No pun intended.

Mistakes at 18 or 19? Sure, I made plenty of em. But a chronic self-important something else.
Yeah, you're right. I never did anything stupid when I was 18 or 19. I bet you didn't either. God knows no player from any Iowa roster has ever done anything dumb.

I did; no doubt. But unlike this d*psh*t I actually learned from my mistakes and never repeated them. Why bring Iowa players into it like that would somehow make a difference? A d*psh*t is a d*psh*t is a d*psh*t no matter what their jersey says on the front.

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