Royce White continues to impress...

Mental health issues are very serious. I won't toss stones at a guy who is undergoing what many people don't understand. Panic attacks and anxiety can seriously disrupt your life.

I am not giving White a pass... because he could be handling his communications much better re: the Rockets.

White obviously has some mental health issues. It is not fair to knock him for that. Unless you have dealt with panic attacks or anxiety you have no idea what it does to you... I speak from experience. They both can be crippling.

Yes White's obligations to the Rockets are not being fulfilled. But any attacks on his mental state are uncalled for.
Has White listed any stipulations himself? So far the team has suggested different things and he's said no to them all. I don't see much middle ground here. That's the problem. You don't see very many vets that are alergic to cats and dogs do you? Alot of people that are alergic to pets may love them but being around them all day every day just prolly isn't a good idea. Traveling is a huge part of being in the NBA there's no getting around it. Either he can be allowed to only play home games and hand picked road games he can be driven to. (how feasible is that?) Or just part ways and he should try something else. I'm not even saying the team should agree to that at all I just don't see what other options are out there.
I'm uncertain as to why he hasn't taken the D league assignment and asked the Rockets to work something out so he only plays D league home games.

While this is occuring his doc, the rockets, and himself could possibly come to an agreement on how to address the issue.

Mental health is no joke, but it is something that can be overcome. From an outsider's perspective tweeting about the situation only makes the situation worse not better. Somebody in his camp needs to step up and tell him to cut that off until the situation has been resolved one way or the other. The more he tweets the more negative judgement is sent his way.
I wonder if Kevin McHale still has the same respect for Hoiberg as he did

White probably lied to Hoiberg, can't hold it against Fred. He can't know what's rattling around in Royce's brain.

And if Royce is serious about wanting to play, let him start by playing home games only. How can that be a problem for him? Get him to Houston and ease him into it.
White probably lied to Hoiberg, can't hold it against Fred. He can't know what's rattling around in Royce's brain.

And if Royce is serious about wanting to play, let him start by playing home games only. How can that be a problem for him? Get him to Houston and ease him into it.

Did Royce lie to Hoiberg all year? Either Hoiberg lied to McHale, or Hoiberg was more willing to bend over backwards to accommodate him than Houston is.
Mental health issues are very serious. I won't toss stones at a guy who is undergoing what many people don't understand. Panic attacks and anxiety can seriously disrupt your life.

I am not giving White a pass... because he could be handling his communications much better re: the Rockets.

White obviously has some mental health issues. It is not fair to knock him for that. Unless you have dealt with panic attacks or anxiety you have no idea what it does to you... I speak from experience. They both can be crippling.

Yes White's obligations to the Rockets are not being fulfilled. But any attacks on his mental state are uncalled for.

Whoever he is listening too, it is not the right people. I understand that he had these mental issues, but if those closest to him are not helping him, he can't help himself, therefore he looks like an absolute idiot and I am not picking on his mental state when I say that.

Perception is not always reality, but he is not helping people perceive him as intelligent and someone needs to get him real help.
obviously his contract isn't public, but i'd think the Rockets's lawyers had some very specific stipulations in the contract. i'm guessing he's playing the "mental health" card to try and get public sympathy.

I am guessing it is something along the lines of "if you play basketball, we will pay you money." He signed it, so he agreed to it.
Did Royce lie to Hoiberg all year? Either Hoiberg lied to McHale, or Hoiberg was more willing to bend over backwards to accommodate him than Houston is.

The fact that you are reaching to make Hoiberg look negative in all of this is amusing. Keep it up.
Did Royce lie to Hoiberg all year? Either Hoiberg lied to McHale, or Hoiberg was more willing to bend over backwards to accommodate him than Houston is.

It was two years. I think why Royce was so successful was because he had a year to cope and become familiar with Ames where he would not travel to the away games. He felt comfortable enough with the staff and teammates by the time he was able to play to deal with his anxiety. Plus he was not all that far from home. He also knew he would be a starter right away whereas now he thinks he should get playing time and refused to go to D-League.
Mental health issues are very serious. I won't toss stones at a guy who is undergoing what many people don't understand. Panic attacks and anxiety can seriously disrupt your life.

I am not giving White a pass... because he could be handling his communications much better re: the Rockets.

White obviously has some mental health issues. It is not fair to knock him for that. Unless you have dealt with panic attacks or anxiety you have no idea what it does to you... I speak from experience. They both can be crippling.

Yes White's obligations to the Rockets are not being fulfilled. But any attacks on his mental state are uncalled for.

This. Some of the attacks on the mental health aspect of this are pathetic and ignorant. Mental illness is very real and should be taken seriously.

With that said, that doesn't give RW a pass on the way he is handling this publicly. I would agree that he doesn't seem to have people around him to tell him not to air all this on twitter.
This. Some of the attacks on the mental health aspect of this are pathetic and ignorant. Mental illness is very real and should be taken seriously.

With that said, that doesn't give RW a pass on the way he is handling this publicly. I would agree that he doesn't seem to have people around him to tell him not to air all this on twitter.

Twitter is so dead anyways. He should take this to Snapchat.
Look, proles, don't take potshots at this kid because of his mental health issues. None of you knows what he is going through. Now sure, we have all been blessed with some relative degree of stability that helps us get out of bed in the morning and go to work where we can then proceed to post on HN, but not everyone is as blessed. The loss of the structure and support system he probably had in Ames has prolly been pretty stressful and I wish the guy all the best in recovering, it would be a shame if he was unable to play in the NBA. Let's hope he can bank some money and be self sufficient for the balance of his life. The brain is a very sensitive thing and all of us are just one chemical imbalance, blood clot or accident away from being a shell of the people we are today and when folks trash people with mental health issues, it makes those affected with such issues less likely to come forward for help. Good luck, Royce.
It'd be interesting if the team would decide to allow him to play just home games and select road games. Think of it in the terms of paying an injured player to not play. Grant Hill as exibit A He has made a ton of money while not playing. He's certainly not the only one. So if players that are injured get paid for not playing/traveling then is there a possibility they may look at this that way?
The best part about all of this is that Royce is so ******* stupid that he doesn't even realize he should be fighting this battle with the union and not the Rockets. He's asking the Rockets to add an addendum to his contract which would violate the CBA. The dude is not only crazy, but just dumb too.

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