Rodney Coe's New Twitter Avatar

If hes trying to be a gangsta hes really not dressed like one and does not look anything like one. As somebody said before he is in the Hills of Western Iowa for anybody who has not been there or seen them their is nothing there. He might have just got done shooting beer bottles for all we now. and pose for a pic picture. Was their a caption like "doing some target shooting" or F^&% AROUND AND GET BLASTED ON?
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I thought the same thing till I really thought about it and pictured a white guy. sad to say but it would look different

If any post in this thread is bigoted, it's this ^^^^^^ one.
His outfit is a bit goofy.

Yeah, but the thing is that style is always changing. I really want to know if this is cool right now. I mean, I wear black ankle socks with white shoes but you really don't see the socks. Are that many people really wearing white belts now? I thought you had to be a bigtime golfer to do that?

Any help on this matter is appreciated.
You are aware what the Nazis did right?

No, what did they do? Has Hollywood or our academic institutions made any effort to shine a light on their activities?

I had one relative killed at Sobibor and another at Treblinka. But please, regale us with your superior knowledge of evil in this world. I enjoy people explaining the true nature of humankind to me.

For the record, words like racist and rape should be saved for times when it isn't even a question as to whether they apply.
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I had two uncles that helped liberate concentration camps.

Me, FTW.
I had one relative killed at Sobibor and another at Treblinka. But please, regale us with your superior knowledge of evil in this world. I enjoy people explaining the true nature of humankind to me.

How does this excuse you to make ridiculous analogies?
For the record, the reason I think Political Correctness is the new Nazism is because of what it does to public discourse. The NAZIs depended on rigid group-think to maintain their status as "controllers". If anyone challenged the status-quo they were labeled in such a way as to invalidate ideas before they could be shared; weighed and debated.

The reason there are no real debates in America is because whenever someone is winning a debate the other side hysterically screams "racist!" Or they scream "mysoginist!" Or they scream "think of the children!" Admittedly "mysoginist" doesn't have nearly the punch as "racist". Basically anyone who doesn't agree that white heterosexual males are the bane of human existence is a bigot in contemporary society. And frankly, most white heterosexual males have come to believe they are morally inferior to anyone not in the same demographic. Or at least they've decided they will act like they believe it so they will not be punished and shunned for their anachronistic belief that all races and genders are equally flawed.

So now America is a place where if you challenge why we have given up so many freedoms since 911 - people say "Do you want the terrorists to win!"

To which I reply, "No, but you obviously do if you want us to voluntarily give up something that the terrorists are trying to take from us. Namely, our freedom."

Right now we have a supreme court unwilling to do what is right because at least one justice is afraid of being labeled a bigot.

Some poor schmuck in Florida is going to spend his life in prison because Al Sharpton wants him there.

A guy with a long criminal history and a life filled with irresponsible choices recently died and his passing was lamented as the death of a hero. Only in a land incapable of being honest with itself would Rodney King be labeled a hero.

Welcome to the Planet of the Apes. The upside down world where being irrational gives you unchallenged political power.
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awesome pseudo-unabomber rant, hoss :eek:

(For the record, I agree with some of your points, but you kinda went off the rails here and there.)
For the record, the reason I think Political Correctness is the new Nazism is because of what it does to public discourse. The NAZIs depended on rigid group-think to maintain their status as "controllers". If anyone challenged the status-quo they were labeled in such a way as to invalidate ideas before they could be shared; weighed and debated.

The reason there are no real debates in America is because whenever someone is losing a debate the other side hysterically screams "racist!" Or they scream "mysoginist!" Or they scream "think of the children!" Admittedly "mysoginist" doesn't have nearly the punch as "racist". Basically anyone who doesn't agree that white heterosexual males are the bane of human existence is a bigot in contemporary society. And frankly, most white heterosexual males have come to believe they are morally inferior to anyone not in the same demographic. Or at least they've decided they will act like they believe it so they will not be punished and shunned for their anachronistic belief that all races and genders are equally flawed.

So now America is a place where if you challenge why we have given up so many freedoms since 911 - people say "Do you want the terrorists to win!"

To which I reply, "No, but you obviously do if you want us to voluntarily give up something that the terrorists are trying to take from us. Namely, our freedom."

Right now we have a supreme court unwilling to do what is right because at least one justice is afraid of being labeled a bigot.

Some poor schmuck in Florida is going to spend his life in prison because Al Sharpton wants him there.

A guy with a long criminal history and a life filled with irresponsible choices recently died and his passing was lamented as the death of a hero. Only in a land incapable of being honest with itself would Rodney King be labeled a hero.

Welcome to the Planet of the Apes. The upside down world where being irrational gives you unchallenged political power.

Wow! you have problems.