Rob Howe's take on Iowa/UNI game

Yeah, I thought Howe was off base with the article. I have no problems with what Fran did. Yes, it came at a bad time in the game, but the officiating was atrocious. On a side note, I have met John Higgins in the past, and he is a pompous azz.
I would hate to be a coach.

If you don't show emotion like kirk... They call you out.

If you show emotion like Fran does...they call you out.

But if both coaches were winning right now... Would anyone complain about either approach?

I like Fran and I am glad we have someone that is showing fire and intensity. This program needs that. It needs a compassionate coach. On that note...I'm willing to let the T's slide.
Rob Howe completely missed the boat on this one. FM needs to apologize to his team?? What the hell for?
If anything the team should apologize for being such crappy FT shooters.:D

Seriously though, I feel FM handled it exactly right. He could see the officials were determined to hand this game to UNI. He took the opportunity to show his team that he will fight for them. After the game he let it go.
This will pay dividends later in the season.
I'm proud of our team for the way they played. Especially with BC sittting out and the refs being..............lacking.

Yep, more coaches should get T'd up like that when it is a two point game. Solid strategy. How much would everyone hate his style if he coached anywhere but Iowa?
The losing team's fans almost always blame officiating as the primary reason they lost, in about every sport.

There were many more factors involved as to why we lost that game. Fans typically ignore many of those factors.

What if Basabe was playing better than he did last year? How would that change this Iowa team.
What if Gatens could make his own shot and be consistent with his scoring? How would that have changed things?
What if Iowa was a better quicker defensive team and could have put pressure on UNI's outside shooters? How would that have changed things?
What if Iowa had a better and another good point guard who could penetrate efficiently? How would that change things.
What if Iowa had a bigger front line and could control the boards and get Iowa into their style of ball? How would that change things?

There are just so many factors involved. To blame the refs is foolish. Iowa just does not have the tools or weapons this year to achieve what Fran wants them to.

You simply can't take a bunch of players, many who do not have the ability, and turn them into a winning team. It is like trying to take slow guys who have one bad leg and telling them they have to play an uptempo game and defend quicker players. Just ain't gonna happen...

The best thing that can happen to Iowa is for Lickliter's players to graduate and move on so Fran can get the players he wants on the floor. The better players on the team are Fran's first recruiting class. Next year more than half of the team will be his players and that half will be the primary players.

Lickliter was so worthless and he just destroyed this program...The best thing Iowa could do with records is purge that man's name from the books. He simply was the worst coach in Iowa history...but then someone has to be don't they. That man just did not have a clue what he was doing...not a clue.
iowa- missed front end of 1-and-1's THREE TIMES
iowa- gives away 8 technical FT's
iowa- fouls three point shooter twice

UNI- shoots 8 FT's after final tv timeout when iowa was fouling.
Annnnnd Iowa shot 5 of 9 after the same TV timeout.
The losing team's fans almost always blame officiating as the primary reason they lost, in about every sport.

There were many more factors involved as to why we lost that game. Fans typically ignore many of those factors.

What if Basabe was playing better than he did last year? How would that change this Iowa team.
What if Gatens could make his own shot and be consistent with his scoring? How would that have changed things?
What if Iowa was a better quicker defensive team and could have put pressure on UNI's outside shooters? How would that have changed things?
What if Iowa had a better and another good point guard who could penetrate efficiently? How would that change things.
What if Iowa had a bigger front line and could control the boards and get Iowa into their style of ball? How would that change things?

There are just so many factors involved. To blame the refs is foolish. Iowa just does not have the tools or weapons this year to achieve what Fran wants them to.

You simply can't take a bunch of players, many who do not have the ability, and turn them into a winning team. It is like trying to take slow guys who have one bad leg and telling them they have to play an uptempo game and defend quicker players. Just ain't gonna happen...

The best thing that can happen to Iowa is for Lickliter's players to graduate and move on so Fran can get the players he wants on the floor. The better players on the team are Fran's first recruiting class. Next year more than half of the team will be his players and that half will be the primary players.

Lickliter was so worthless and he just destroyed this program...The best thing Iowa could do with records is purge that man's name from the books. He simply was the worst coach in Iowa history...but then someone has to be don't they. That man just did not have a clue what he was doing...not a clue.
What if the entire UNC team had graduated and ALL transfered to Iowa to play their last year of eligibility?
Life has ifs every minute of every day. Including if they called a block on the McCabe play. Game tied shooting for a lead and none of the rest of the BS goes down.
Bottom line: Iowa played pretty well for 30 mins even with the lopsided nature of the zebras. They Refs lost their cool as much or more than FM did and they effed up the game. There is no debating it.
If there is any way in the world you can explain to me how what the ref's did didn't tremendously effect this game I'd like to hear it.
I watch alot of basketball on all levels and you rarely if ever sees games called that poorly.
And if the statement I read last night regarding the zebra calling the T's and FM is true(past conflict) then he needs to never be allowed to call a game again. He has shown that he doesn't have the ability to officiate in an unbiased manner.
Howe is right on with this one. Iowa fans just aren't used to having a true journalist in their midst; they're used to guys like Kakert and others, who are nothing more than whipping boys and PR gophers for the university. Well coached teams overcome officiating, no matter how bad it is; yeah, the officiating was horrendus---don't feed it, overcome it. He's taking a page from Kirk when he makes a possible 6-3, a 5-4, for whatever the reason. Time to stay focused on how to win the game in spite of circumstance, rather than cave to bad officiating. Too bad Howe was the only media man with the stones to call Mac out on it.
The losing team's fans almost always blame officiating as the primary reason they lost, in about every sport.

There were many more factors involved as to why we lost that game. Fans typically ignore many of those factors.

What if Basabe was playing better than he did last year? How would that change this Iowa team.
What if Gatens could make his own shot and be consistent with his scoring? How would that have changed things?
What if Iowa was a better quicker defensive team and could have put pressure on UNI's outside shooters? How would that have changed things?
What if Iowa had a better and another good point guard who could penetrate efficiently? How would that change things.
What if Iowa had a bigger front line and could control the boards and get Iowa into their style of ball? How would that change things?

There are just so many factors involved. To blame the refs is foolish. Iowa just does not have the tools or weapons this year to achieve what Fran wants them to.

Gatens was 75% when the Ts were thrown. 3 D Reb, 1 Steal, 2 Assists
Basabee was 67% when the Ts were thrown. 6 D Reb, 1 Steal, 1 Assist

You can't guard players when they are shooting Free Throws

I can't really put stats about the PG situation.

23 to 17 rebound up until the 1st T

Iowa's shooting
13-22 (started 6-10) (9 fouls on Iowa after that point)
9-15 (before)
1-6 (after double) (5 minutes)
5-12 (after last T) (5 minutes)


-fouls against UNI
7 fouls (0-3 FT (2 front end misses and 1 miss off made shot))
1 foul
1 foul (0-1 FT (made shot) after double)
6 fouls (3-5 FT after last T (both misses off of made shots)) (less then 5 minutes)

-fouls against Iowa
11 fouls((5-9) 4 missed, 2 +1s, 1 missed 1-1, 1 missed 2nd FT.)
4 fouls (before T)
4 fouls (between)
5 fouls (after (3 after score on inbound)
4 Ts
Damage 24-24 (8 from Ts) 16 from PF.

Looks to me Iowa was pretty much dominating the game outside of Free throw.
If you disagree w/ Rob, fine. But let's not be taking personal pot shots at him.
I doubt those that are flaming him know him personally.
NewMexHawk is right. We are the same team bad team we were last year. McCaffrey is who he is and will get T'd up when he deserves it / feels the need. Unlikely we beat UNI and if we did, it would be the difference between a 9 or 10 win season at the end of the year.

We are so bad that keeping it close is where the bar is set against freaking UNI. I believe in McCaffrey and will continue to support the team- even if from a padded room- but McCaffrey gets an C- for getting any semblance of help for this season. Year 2 is shaping up to be worse than Year 1.
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If you disagree w/ Rob, fine. But let's not be taking personal pot shots at him.
I doubt those that are flaming him know him personally.
I don't need to know the village idiot personally to know he's an idiot. Just seeing him standing on the corner throwing his own dung and shouting at everyone yoda-ish is enough to convince me to not break bread with the guy.Rob Howe is headed in that direction, he's only in the begining stages of his affliction.
The main problem with Howe is that he hasn't decided if he's a reporter or a columnist. It's hard to do on an internet site like that.

Some guys (the Rivals guys) are clearly trying to be the former. Some (like Jon here) clearly the latter. Howe tries to do both, and it hurts his credibility at both.

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