Rob Howe picks AZ

How do you know that Norm Parker isn't going to retire? How do you know that AJ Derby isn't going to change positions\?

Kirk Ferentz also said that Jewel Hampton was ready to go come the UNI game last year after multiple rumors of him tearing his ACL. How did that go again?

If the Norm thing happens it was just a freak accident, because no one really expected the whole hospital thing to happen last week, but I think if he would have gotten away with a clean bill of health this year, then he would have been around next year. As far as Derby, since we havent really had a QB commit the past couple of years, he just may stay for the season at least, or until we see how good Rudock is.
I can understand the home field advantage. But people that make a big deal about the time change heading out west and the late start time drive me nuts. We played at Penn State in a time zone change last year and and bowl game in a time zone change and they were both night games. Those 2 things are NOT excuses for losing. College kids don't go to bed at 9:30! We have no excuses. If Iowa is as good as we all hope we are, then we should find a way to win this football game. Period.

Traveling east & moving one's schedule up one hr is not as nearly as tough as going out west & making everything later 1-2 hrs. Apparently, you have never traveled out west & adjusted to the time change. I have & it can have an effect. Experts say it takes a day to adjust & get on track. People tend to get mentally exhausted & bodies can get sluggish. Hopefully they can overcome this & their toughness will show.

There is a reason KF has mentioned many times he does not like the west coast games & it is not because he is afraid of the competition. I agree with your logic that it is not a reason not to take thouse games, though.
Actually, I think that is just a bit of a stretch. We played better teams in tougher environments last year with many of the same players and with many more injuries and we damn near went undefeated. This game is ours to lose, and that just ain't gonna happen. The Ferentz will not be a merciful Ferentz on Saturday. Iowa 31 - Arizona 10. GO HAWKS!!!

So you think its a stretch to say Iowa could lose this game? Whoa.
So you think its a stretch to say Iowa could lose this game? Whoa.

When do you tape The Pulse, Jon? I know it isn't a live program, but here you are 30 min before air time, posting on your site. Just wondering.
Melrose is correct. Not only is the time change of two hours take some adjustment, epecially when you have a schedule to keep. Also, the climate change also takes a little while to get used to. There is a bit of a change between traveling to Pennslyvania and traveling to Arizona. It is not just the heat, but also the lack of humidty (a climate condition Iowa almost never has, ever), as well as the fine particulates in the air from the arid landscape, which makes the atmosphere different. And any problems a normal traveler will have, you can multiply by 10 for an athlete.
Melrose is correct. Not only is the time change of two hours take some adjustment, epecially when you have a schedule to keep. Also, the climate change also takes a little while to get used to. There is a bit of a change between traveling to Pennslyvania and traveling to Arizona. It is not just the heat, but also the lack of humidty (a climate condition Iowa almost never has, ever), as well as the fine particulates in the air from the arid landscape, which makes the atmosphere different. And any problems a normal traveler will have, you can multiply by 10 for an athlete.

I'm pretty sure "fine particulates" has never been used on this forum. Ever.
Nice work, IFG. :D
Traveling east & moving one's schedule up one hr is not as nearly as tough as going out west & making everything later 1-2 hrs. Apparently, you have never traveled out west & adjusted to the time change. I have & it can have an effect. Experts say it takes a day to adjust & get on track. People tend to get mentally exhausted & bodies can get sluggish. Hopefully they can overcome this & their toughness will show.

There is a reason KF has mentioned many times he does not like the west coast games & it is not because he is afraid of the competition. I agree with your logic that it is not a reason not to take thouse games, though.

Actually, I have a brother that lives in California and I have visited him about 8 different times and I feel the time change is VERY easy to adapt to. It is when I have to fly back to Iowa after spending a week in Pacific Coast time that I think is VERY difficult to get used to. Trying to get up 2 hours earlier is a whole lot harder for me than getting to sleep in another 2 hours. I have always thought adapting to the time change in the west coast is a lot easier than the east coast and I have been out east on a few occasions also.

One of the biggest reasons why KF doesn't like to travel west is because we don't recruit out west so it makes absolutely no sense at all to play games out west. KF was not a part of scheduling this game.

A quote from Tyler Sash, "I have no idea why so many people are making a big deal playing out West. It is just the opposite direction of east. Go out there and play the game."

People look back on 1 football game 6 years ago that we got smoked out west and now some people are freaking out about it. If we lose this game, it has NOTHING to do with the time change or the start of the game but everything to do with the team that we are playing and our own execution.
This is a total example of a dude out-thinking himself. Doesn't matter anyway, his sight is a shell of it's former self.
Iowa is whithout question a better team, but the most talented team does not always win. I agree that this will be a close game that Iowa could lose if they are not sharp. Anyone picking a two touchdown win is insane.

So Ghost,
Are you saying that if whichever team wins does so by a 14 point spread that the poster is not insane?.....or will you just go away and pretend to be someone else?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't agree with it, fine.
Most adults counterpoint a differing opinion with reasoning as to why they disagree with someone else's opinion. Children and lacking adults just call people names.
Im amazed how few people on this board actually think this will be a close game

We should start a new prediction thread tomorrow and my guess is that 75% of the predictions will be Iowa by 10+ points

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