Rob Howe picks AZ

This is a game that Iowa could lose, and its not a stretch.


Iowa possibly could lose this game. But when you run a Hawkeye website and you feel that the teams are pretty evenly matched or in this case Rob thinks that Iowa has more talent, I can't understand why Rob Howe would pick against the Hawkeyes.

I say Iowa wins this game and I believe Jon will also pick the Hawkeyes to win:)
I am not a fan of the who won against who comparison. It really doesn't hold water, especially in college football. However, the rest of it is pretty spot on. I do think the home field will be more of a factor than we fans estimate it to be. I will be there and I am looking forward to see how Iowa does in their first road test of the season. I personally think they will pass with flying colors simply due to the fact that this team is a veteran squad. That trumps other factors that would normally favor Arizona in this game. Go Hawks!

Iowa possibly could lose this game. But when you run a Hawkeye website and you feel that the teams are pretty evenly matched or in this case Rob thinks that Iowa has more talent, I can't understand why Rob Howe would pick against the Hawkeyes.

I say Iowa wins this game and I believe Jon will also pick the Hawkeyes to win:)

Well no kidding, Jon picked Iowa to go 12-0
No. Our veteran and incredible D-line will be the difference, and in a very big way. No way AZ can neutralize our D-line for 60 minutes. This game will not be close.

Our veterans will not allow it on the field. Our coaches will not allow it off the field.

Hawks 30-3.
This is a game that Iowa could lose, and its not a stretch.

Actually, I think that is just a bit of a stretch. We played better teams in tougher environments last year with many of the same players and with many more injuries and we damn near went undefeated. This game is ours to lose, and that just ain't gonna happen. The Ferentz will not be a merciful Ferentz on Saturday. Iowa 31 - Arizona 10. GO HAWKS!!!

Iowa possibly could lose this game. But when you run a Hawkeye website and you feel that the teams are pretty evenly matched or in this case Rob thinks that Iowa has more talent, I can't understand why Rob Howe would pick against the Hawkeyes.

I say Iowa wins this game and I believe Jon will also pick the Hawkeyes to win:)

It's called a time-change, F-up'd start time to the game & home field advantage. Maybe one doesn't take a team down, but the accumulation of them all could. Iowa will have to be focussed.
I think this game will be a challenged hard fought game, but I have confidence that our players can pull this one out.
Iowa is whithout question a better team, but the most talented team does not always win. I agree that this will be a close game that Iowa could lose if they are not sharp. Anyone picking a two touchdown win is insane.
Add this to the long list of reasons why I don't frequent "the old site" any more.
Well no kidding, Jon picked Iowa to go 12-0

You are correct. Jon picked us to got 12-0 at the beginning of the year but he also makes a weekly pick during the season and he can change his pick anytime he wants just like he changed his pick from 11-1 to 12-0 from May to Sept.
Howe is comical, and not in a good way. There is a reason I dropped HawkeyeInsider in favor of this site and Rivals. It's for stuff like "this will be a defensive battle" but then predicting that Iowa gives up 23 points. Iowa may not win (I think they will) but if we give up 23 points, it's not a defensive battle on our part. Howe probably doesn't even know how many times we've given up 23 points in the last couple seasons.
It's called a time-change, F-up'd start time to the game & home field advantage. Maybe one doesn't take a team down, but the accumulation of them all could. Iowa will have to be focussed.

I can understand the home field advantage. But people that make a big deal about the time change heading out west and the late start time drive me nuts. We played at Penn State in a time zone change last year and and bowl game in a time zone change and they were both night games. Those 2 things are NOT excuses for losing. College kids don't go to bed at 9:30! We have no excuses. If Iowa is as good as we all hope we are, then we should find a way to win this football game. Period.
He was wrong on Norm Parker's retirment, what was the other big one?

How do you know that Norm Parker isn't going to retire? How do you know that AJ Derby isn't going to change positions\?

Kirk Ferentz also said that Jewel Hampton was ready to go come the UNI game last year after multiple rumors of him tearing his ACL. How did that go again?
I agree with Rob Howe in the sense that it will be a closely fought game. However, I believe that Iowa will come out on top. The only thing I take exception to is the logic behind the betting line. True, Las Vegas doesn't get it wrong very often. That being said, they got it wrong quite often last year when it came to Iowa. In particular the Ohio State game. Iowa was something along the lines of a 17 or 21 point underdog. If I am not mistaken, Iowa was a 4.5 point underdog to Georgia Tech in the Orange Bowl. We all know how those games turned out.

Every week Las Vegas gets a few games wrong. I think Las Vegas is playing off the fact that Iowa flies under the radar and the betting public may think Iowa is overrated and this game will be close. As Rob mentioned, Vegas puts the lines where they can get equal amounts of bets on both sides, not necessarily where they think the final score will come out. They probably succeeded this week. I know I am going to put a nice piece of change down on the Hawks. If they lose it will feel like I lost money anyway. If they win then it will be twice as good.

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