Rob Howe explains his side of the DJK deal

Rob was not looking to be the center of attention, sort of like Derrell only blames Derrell for his problems.
While I believe the circumstances and thought process and "story" about why he asked I have trouble believing an intelligent person, especially a member of the media, would not realize the type of reaction he would get by asking the question, both from KF and other members of the media.

The "I didn't think it would cause this much trouble" is either dishonest or extremely naive.
I don't see anything wrong with asking the questions. Some of you should listen to a New York press conference sometime. Rob is a media member trying to write a story.
Howe said this started over a month ago, but he thought it would be appropriate to bring this up at the PC after Iowa just lost to Iowa State?? BS he wasnt looking for attention.
By Howe's logic he is going to have to ask Ferentz about any and all former player gripes which otherwise can't be substantiated by anyone. I'm not a journalist, but my reaction to this is that if Cokelianos came to me with that allegation I'd want to know his "sources" and I would want to confirm that allegation with those sources before making a story of it. The fact that the agent didn't bother to return the call should have been the first red flag. If this guy truly wants to play football, he'd be on a CFL or UFL roster right now. Serious question: does DJ-Coke have some sort of multiple personality disorder? He tells WHO-Tv he is getting blackballed, then tweets he is not in the league solely because of his own decisions?
Howe said this started over a month ago, but he thought it would be appropriate to bring this up at the PC after Iowa just lost to Iowa State?? BS he wasnt looking for attention.

agree with all of the comments like this one. this was a dumb question and especially dumb timing.

BTW, there is a great interview of DJK in the Hawkeye Insider Recruiting Yearbook (april 2011) by Brian Vakulskas. If you haven't read, very good read. The title of the article is "Exclusive Conversation with DJK".
It was a hugely stupid thing to ask Ferentz in public. What did he expect KF to say, "yes, I was enormously hurt by DJK's actions and decided that I was going to actively try to ruin his life post college?" Even if there was truth to it, (which I do not believe) there was only one outcome of asking that question and he got it.

If Rob really wanted answers, he would have done what KF suggested and talk to NFL scouts himself, talk to DJK's agent, talk to NFL GM's, write a story and ask KF if he cared to respond before it was published.
So DJK came to him about a month ago which would be around the middle of August. There have been several press conferences and a press session at the end of Kids Day that has gone on since then.

Is Rob Howe a bigger attention whore than DJK? Maybe so.
Howe has the right to ask any question he wants...

While I believe the circumstances and thought process and "story" about why he asked I have trouble believing an intelligent person, especially a member of the media, would not realize the type of reaction he would get by asking the question, both from KF and other members of the media.

The "I didn't think it would cause this much trouble" is either dishonest or extremely naive.

and also shouldn't be surprised if he gets a reaction that he doesn't like. RH is claiming he had one side of a story and was trying to get the other side. Problem is he didn't even had one side. He had a guy (DJK) making claims that KF had blackballed him in the NFL. Except exactly zero other people are corroborating this. Not even DJK's agent will return his calls on the subject b/c he knows it's a non-starter. DJK's version of the "truth" is probably much different than what the truth actually is.

By lobbing that question out there to KF that he has bad-mouthed DJK to the NFL, without any shred of evidence (other than DJK's own belief that he did), it casts aspersions on Ferentz somewhat unfairly. How hard is it to imagine that if KF was asked about DJK that he just said "watch the tape" and nothing more? Should KF sully his reputation with the NFL types by stating things that aren't true? Or should he take the only road he can and just direct the NFL people to "watch the tape."?
This is what happens when the only source for a "story" is a guy with the credibility of....well, nothing. And now DJK is back-tracking that he ever said such a thing to Howe in the first place. There is no reason to believe that Howe is making up what DJK said to him.

I guess I don't understand why the media would be surprised if a subject of a tough line of questioning is upset when it is implied/stated that the person being questioned did something wrong/showed poor character, especially if the person being questioned thinks/knows they did nothing wrong. It's not fun being accused of "blackballing" someone, especially if you didn't do any such thing.
I don't see anything wrong with asking the questions. Some of you should listen to a New York press conference sometime. Rob is a media member trying to write a story.

So by that logic you'd be okay with KF giving Howe the New York/Rex Ryan response? If we are applying the "New York" media standard, Howe gets an expletive tongue lashing and maybe a request to step outside for a beating. This is Iowa, not New York. Not everything they do in New York is better than the way we do it here.
Probably should have done a bit more investigating before making himself look like an ***

Unless he has the stones to get Ferentz to say one thing then hang him buy his comment based on investigative reporting, there is nothing to be gained by this question.

DJK was kicked off the team, destroyed his coaches trust. What is Rob expecting Ferentz to do give a glowing recommendation to the NFL?

Like I said unless Rob was willing to go all in on this topic he should have not asked the question.
So KF singled him out after the main presser? My guess is that this piece is sort of an apology to KF and the athletic department so Rob doesn't lose whatever access or credentials he does get for games and other things that the general public doesn't get.

If his site lost access to the football team for "inside" stories it will become a dead site.
at this point about the only reasoning i can think of is that Rob was trying to get KF on record saying one thing and he will turn around and produce a corroborated story that contradicts it. like hes trying to paint KF into a corner or something.
I have no problem with asking Kirk tough questions which, in most cases, are never asked because the media can't afford to challenge the Kirk for fear of being blacklisted. Why even bother paying any attention to Kirk's pressers because you don't get squat from him other rhan his patented answers. I wonder what Kirk would do if nobody showed up for his pc's and there was no coverage of Iowa football other than game recaps. Maybe then he would come back down to earth.
I have no problem with asking Kirk tough questions which, in most cases, are never asked because the media can't afford to challenge the Kirk for fear of being blacklisted. Why even bother paying any attention to Kirk's pressers because you don't get squat from him other rhan his patented answers. I wonder what Kirk would do if nobody showed up for his pc's and there was no coverage of Iowa football other than game recaps. Maybe then he would come back down to earth.

LOL at this. You are so naive. Trust me, 99% of the coaches would prefer a format that wouldn't subject them to any criticism whatsoever. Also, if Rob chose DJK as the subject to grill Ferentz with when there was already a cardinal colored elephant in the room then he deserves to be blacklisted by the A.D.
Rob had right to ask that question and his job as jurnalist is to ask questions like that. It is a different story that our HC is spoiled by weak media suckups and does not like to be put on spot. Well, comes with
$3M salary and deal with that, Kirk. Kirk's press conferences and his way of putting down Iowa program just to remaind us how good he is when he can be so successful in this bad program, and his attempts in sarcastic jokes are pathetic.
>Also, if Rob chose DJK as the subject to grill Ferentz with when there was already a >cardinal colored elephant in the room then he deserves to be blacklisted by the A.D.

I hope that Freshman under your name also means you are a freshman in a College and 18 year old.

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