really suck, Gesell just dropped intheir ranking for the 2nd time after committing to Iowa, dropped from 74 to 87, now has dropped to 96 overall, with the team ranking coming in at 19th the worst of all services
either way, they show their bias against Iowa
Woodbury didn't drop after the latest rankings.
Keep the conspiracy theories coming though.
from what i heard he was a big Creighton fan, and his parents wanted him to go to Stanford, when a kid has his sights set on somebody, the other schools back away, he was not interested in Iowa until Fran made it a point to go to all his AAU games,as for offers Macon had very few offers and yet is a top 50 prospect on ESPN, Gesell is #73 and rated the 11 best pt on ESPN and is still at those spots after he committed, rival continues to drop players be it FB or BB players, i am expecting Woodbury to be dropped in their rankings
stop looking at the lack of stars, White was out last summer due to injury and missed the evaluation, Olaseni came from Europe and never got evaluated to get ranked, Fran has evaluated them both, Fran and his staff know talent, they are not wet behind the ears in doing their job, they are not going after2-3 year projects they are going after players that can play now
just goes to show that stars doesn't matter to Fran, 2* on rivals, scout and espn, he is a very good looking kid, strong defender, good handles, is a very good compliment to Gesselllooks like he could be a starter if Gesell gets hurt, otherwise would be a solid backup to spell him
i guess i will have to face facts that you will skirt the issue and ignore the question, and that the star gazers will put him down because of that, so much for not looking at stars stormin, you proved that by your comment on Woodbury, it is very clear that those that have the star are clearly better than those that don't, we shall see how this season progresses as to how he does
from what i heard he was a big Creighton fan, and his parents wanted him to go to Stanford, when a kid has his sights set on somebody, the other schools back away, he was not interested in Iowa until Fran made it a point to go to all his AAU games,as for offers Macon had very few offers and yet is a top 50 prospect on ESPN, Gesell is #73 and rated the 11 best pt on ESPN and is still at those spots after he committed, rival continues to drop players be it FB or BB players, i am expecting Woodbury to be dropped in their rankings
Fran had told him he would attend all of his AAU games and the fact that he did, really impressed him and was the primary reason he chose Iowa
If you want pretty accurate evaluations of FB recruits; Rivals is good source. BB, not so much.