"Rick Stanzi is better than Brad Banks" - Jon Miller

I said I think Stanzi has had a better career than Banks. You are cutting up the discussion to fit your emotions.

Of my best Iowa QB list:

1. Long
2. Stanzi
3. Hartlieb
4/5 Tate/Rogers

Banks had a great season...and if we are going to talk about the greatest seasons by an Iowa QB, Banks' 2002 is in the Top Three for sure.
FALSE...Nathan Chandler>Ricky Stanzi...when did Jon say this?

Several weeks ago he said that Stanzi is the 2nd best qb in Iowa history. At first I assumed he meant stats wise, but I was mistaken. He said Banks benefitted from having a much better line.
True or False?

Close call, but I will say false. Brad led Iowa to a Big Ten Championship. Ricky never quite got the job done.

That said, Ricky may have better stats than Brad, but Brad did what Ricky couldn't do.

Edit: I will add Brad only started one year.
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Ricky "Close but no cigar" Stanzi
Ricky "I pee my pants when the game is on the line" Stanzi
Ricky "I don't want to hurt my QB rating so I throw 3 yard pass on 3rd and 15" Stanzi
Ricky "Deer in the headlights" Stanzi
I said I think Stanzi has had a better career than Banks. You are cutting up the discussion to fit your emotions.

Of my best Iowa QB list:

1. Long
2. Stanzi
3. Hartlieb
4/5 Tate/Rogers

Banks had a great season...and if we are going to talk about the greatest seasons by an Iowa QB, Banks' 2002 is in the Top Three for sure.

Not true...you said specifically Stanzi was a better QB and cited Banks benefitting from a better O-line. You are editing history.
Stanzi will play in the NFL and even if he never starts he will collect a check for several years. He even after losing 5 games this season he is still among the career leader for wins for an Iowa QB. Arm strength isn't the only thing that defines a QB. His best football is in front of him. He is better than banks. One thing he has in common with Banks is that he received inferior QB coaching.
Not true...you said specifically Stanzi was a better QB and cited Banks benefitting from a better O-line. You are editing history.

OK then, unqualified, I think Stanzi is the second best I have seen at Iowa. You have your opinion, I have mine. We disagree.

What's next?
Iowa needs another Brad Banks. A running QB adds another dimension to the offense. Look at how many teams in the Big Ten are going this way. I know Iowa will never change, but when you have to watch out for a great RB, WR, or QB that scrambles......just another thing the defense has to key on.
Stanzi will not play in the NFL.

You're correct about arm strength. But, being able to see the field and read the open receiver is pretty important.

Being accurate is pretty important.

Being able to consistently make long throws to wide open receivers is pretty important.

Being able to elude the rush scramble and make the play is pretty important.

Why is it again you think Stanzi will play in the NFL?
Stanzi will play in the NFL and even if he never starts he will collect a check for several years. He even after losing 5 games this season he is still among the career leader for wins for an Iowa QB. Arm strength isn't the only thing that defines a QB. His best football is in front of him. He is better than banks. One thing he has in common with Banks is that he received inferior QB coaching.

His best football is in front of him? Are you out of your mind? Stanzi will never play at the next level.
Iowa needs another Brad Banks. A running QB adds another dimension to the offense. Look at how many teams in the Big Ten are going this way. I know Iowa will never change, but when you have to watch out for a great RB, WR, or QB that scrambles......just another thing the defense has to key on.

It has to be a part of our offense. We can't neuter the offense by coaching guys to never pull it down and run. A QB that is a running threat is huge! We have always coached this instinct out of our QBs... see Drew Tate.

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