Richard Sherman Seattle Seahawks


Well-Known Member
What a classy dude. Did anyone see his post game interview on fox. I think the correspondent was actually scared of him. He was screaming and continuing his trash talking about Crabtree. Couldn't even shut up to enjoy the win.
What a classy dude. Did anyone see his post game interview on fox. I think the correspondent was actually scared of him. He was screaming and continuing his trash talking about Crabtree. Couldn't even shut up to enjoy the win.

i was watching from a distance so couldn't hear him, but i was walking toward the tv trying to hear, then the camera pulled away while he was still 'talking'.......obvious the coverage intentionally pulled from him. what was he yelling? just gibberish about crabtree?
He's a ******* who's just 'misunderstood' He should be embarrassed that millions saw that.....but wont. Cant believe they interviewed him for a 2nd time. #america#1
Ya beat me to op. How 'bout that beats by dre commercial earlier where he says "not everyone from the hood is a thug"...that statement is absolutely true.

But HE is a classless thug.

Homie can seriously play some ball tho.
I thought it was a eloquent yet brash soliloquy on the personal nature of competitive teams sports and the need to hold one's place in the system down.
Hard to believe he has a degree from Stanford and is working towards a Masters

Its very hard to believe. But being driven and motivated...and being a jacka$$ aren't mutually exclusive.

In the financial industry there are a bunch of very smart guys who are world class doooshes.
to the above poster - i think the broncos win the super bowl. i am not impressed with either of the nfc qbs. i think when it matters, pocket style passers ala the afc qbs today win. and i am an nfc guy, who always pulls for the nfc. but given the team that is representing the nfc, and the fact that i think manning is pure class and hope that he wins, i will be pulling for them. that all being said, i think the broncos will win.
I found their interviews with Terry and the boyz funny after the game. You've got humble wilson on the right and REAL humble and down to earth Richard Sherman on the left
I found their interviews with Terry and the boyz funny after the game. You've got humble wilson on the right and REAL humble and down to earth Richard Sherman on the left

I got the feel that. Bradshaw has a bit of a man crush on Sherman. Anyone else get that weird vibe?
to the above poster - i think the broncos win the super bowl. i am not impressed with either of the nfc qbs. i think when it matters, pocket style passers ala the afc qbs today win. and i am an nfc guy, who always pulls for the nfc. but given the team that is representing the nfc, and the fact that i think manning is pure class and hope that he wins, i will be pulling for them. that all being said, i think the broncos will win.

Agreed. Actually, i'm with you on this entire statement.
In one of the post game interviews he stated that he doesn't like it when guys run their doucher
The NFL is full of rapists, drug addicts, wife beaters, animal abusers, and murderers and this is the type of thing that people get upset about. It's nuts.