Rhoads is oversignimg

Re: Convicted felon on team?

If you think the situations are the same you are bigger fool then your posts in this thread make you seem.

What don't I know about this as you say? Gary plead guilty to a felony and was ordered into the states custody, a halfway house for said felony. If what falsemirage said was correct that he is on scholarship and playing football at ISU while still in custody for his crime if that doesn't raise a red flag I don't know what would.

What I said may not be accurate as I'm now receiving information that he is no longer attending practice through. the work release program
He made a video of himself making love to your wife and you thought it was the most beautiful thing you ever saw?

It's pretty much how clown fan thinks of whodes. They act like he's some sort of mythical superhero.
19-20 overall, but somehow he is the second coming of Bo Schembechler.
You guys are sheep to the OP. Iowa State and Rhoads brought in 21 recruits this past year and you guys think he over signed by 6. Think for yourself fellas.

21 kids signed, all 21 showed up on campus, and no kids where booted to make room for the kids. Does anyone know what the definition of oversigning is?
I heard Rhoads shot his own grandma in the leg when she tried to skim some profits from their multi-state drug trafficking operations the depths this scoundrel will go knows no fathoms.

Okay, this got me to laugh.

And I agree with 17 - Rhoads has never oversigned. That website if flat out wrong. I don't know where they got the numbers but they don't provide any references and aren't correct.

Now, that being said, I'd like to hear the other side of the story on Anthony Young and Albert Gary should have been immediately kicked off the team. Just my opinion.
They question it's veracity. Clowns are never on friendly terms with reality. Facts are their lying little enemy, truth is heresy to their ears.

Look guy, it's taken 118 years, but teh clown is an up & coming program. Why can't you just accept the awesomeness that is whirling around Story County?
Look guy, it's taken 118 years, but teh clown is an up & coming program. Why can't you just accept the awesomeness that is whirling around Story County?

I know, right? Their AD is awesome! And such a classy guy. Love the Pee Wee comparison, it's so right on many different levels.
Now those are some very interesting numbers indeed.:cool:
'Clones? What say you?

It's been said multiple times. The numbers are wrong.

Edit: They got the info from Rivals, I was wrong. Let's check out the 2010 class, where they say ISU signed 28 guys. But we still didn't oversign, because 3 of the guys were spring enrollees from JUCOs, thus they were able to use those 3 scholarships as sort of 2009 schollys. Nobody was kicked off and everybody got a scholarship.

In 2009 (Rhoads' first year) it lists ISU as having 26 signees in Rivals - but this is wrong in several ways. Rivals has Lattimer and Tau'fo'ou (and some guy named Jon Watts who never got on campus) as spring signees, but it's the same as the previous year - they enrolled early and took scholarships in the spring, thus never signed LOI's, and were never really part of the class getting new scholarships in the fall of '09. ISU actually signed a guy named Josh Bellamy not in the Rivals database but they were still under the 25.

Basically, this oversigning.com site sucks, because it's way, way oversimplified.

They question it's veracity. Clowns are never on friendly terms with reality. Facts are their lying little enemy, truth is heresy to their ears.

With obvious good reason. Facts are in fact just fine in this situation.
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It's been said multiple times. The numbers are wrong. They don't reference where they got them. Apparently everything on the internet isn't true. Shocking, I know.

Pls prove your assertion, B-ryce. We're not just going to take your clown word for it.
HAHA clown17 has been banned.

Iowa knows all about that.

There are guys that Iowa has had that haven't made it to campus but it happens more often at ISU in the past just because of the fact they have to take risks on some guys. I don't know why you are getting so defensive about it.

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