Revoke Xavier and Cade's Scholarships

Dude was the safety who stood there while a touchdown was scored on him. Didn’t play a snap after. He’s been a complete disappointment.
Was that the 75 yard TD? Didn’t see it but i heard he didn’t play the much in 2nd half.
In fact the big bad D totally crapped the bed in the 2nd half.
ISU last drive with like 40 seconds left.
They had no timeouts and were on their own 20. In 2 plays they were in field goal range. What the hell was up with that?
What's really disappointing is, on the 30 yard pass on their last drive, Castro bit on a double move and Schulte just stood there and watched. Becht stared Noel down the whole way.
Also, for the people that complain about the prevent defense, we were in cover 2 man on the 30 yard pass. Definitely not prevent. 50 yards to go in 30 seconds is that time you're going to play prevent if there's ever a time. I would never question Phil though. Just throwing that out there to the couch coaches that I've been seeing complaining about that on that last drive.
Defense failed when we needed them but held a good team to 20 points. 6 points in second half and failed first and goal drives, terrible passing and one dimensional offense is the cause. Rinse and repeat.
Also, for the people that complain about the prevent defense, we were in cover 2 man on the 30 yard pass. Definitely not prevent. 50 yards to go in 30 seconds is that time you're going to play prevent if there's ever a time. I would never question Phil though. Just throwing that out there to the couch coaches that I've been seeing complaining about that on that last drive.
Harris tried to undercut the route and got burned. Schutte doubled the inside guy and should've been outside help. It wasn't on Phil, unless he called a play for Harhis to be aggressive with no help.
I thought X had a pedestrian season last year and some of you agreed, some didn't.

He almost looked like he thought he had a safety behind him to help on the long TD.

Oops! He was the safety.
What's really disappointing is, on the 30 yard pass on their last drive, Castro bit on a double move and Schulte just stood there and watched. Becht stared Noel down the whole way.

Post game interview Castro said he knew what they were running and somehow he still fell for the double move.
Harris tried to undercut the route and got burned. Schutte doubled the inside guy and should've been outside help. It wasn't on Phil, unless he called a play for Harhis to be aggressive with no help.
Correct. No part of this was on film. If my message was misunderstood, my bad. I certainly didn't intend it that way.

Not sure what you saw though. Harris was man up on the post. There was no one for Schulte to double. He just sat. Took a couple of steps as Becht went into his throwing motion, then sat, then was way too late to do anything at all. It really doesn't matter though. It was a terribly defended play.

I’m not sure X is 100% healthy, but that isn’t an excuse, he was waaay out of position. Higgins(or was it Noel I can’t remember) ran a great route and lSU was clearly setting that up for the right moment and I am not sure X was the specific target or not.

There was talk that X could make the jump to the NFL this year with a good season. Now he is in a battle with Entringer for playing time.
Sometimes you just have to give credit where credit is due.

Becht was easily the best QB on the field in the second half, and (as usual) ISU had the better WRs.

That 30-yard play was perfectly executed. Yes, Becht was staring down Noel, but on an out-and-up that's the whole point. The play was designed to isolate Noel on a safety and get the safety to bite on the out-route, knowing that the defense is anticipating a quick pass to the sideline to get out of bounds to stop the clock.

The other receivers cleared out that zone, and Becht's pass and Noel's route were both perfect. Kudos to the ISU coaching staff for a great scheme in that situation and perfect execution.

To me, this game is all about being inside the 3-yard line on two occasions and coming away with 6 points. That's unacceptable, and those kinds of missed opportunities will come back to bite you in the ass every time.

Also, did anyone else notice that, despite our TE-U reputation, our TEs were repeatedly manhandled at the LOS yesterday (I'm not including Large here, who had some nice blocks at the H-back position)? And, yes, that includes Lachey. He and Pascuzzi in particular were really bad at the point of attack on some key pass and run blocks. Neither even remotely comes close to Kittle, Hockenson, Cook, etc., in that regard, at least not yet.
Sometimes you just have to give credit where credit is due.

Becht was easily the best QB on the field in the second half, and (as usual) ISU had the better WRs.

That 30-yard play was perfectly executed. Yes, Becht was staring down Noel, but on an out-and-up that's the whole point. The play was designed to isolate Noel on a safety and get the safety to bite on the out-route, knowing that the defense is anticipating a quick pass to the sideline to get out of bounds to stop the clock.

The other receivers cleared out that zone, and Becht's pass and Noel's route were both perfect. Kudos to the ISU coaching staff for a great scheme in that situation and perfect execution.

To me, this game is all about being inside the 3-yard line on two occasions and coming away with 6 points. That's unacceptable, and those kinds of missed opportunities will come back to bite you in the ass every time.

Also, did anyone else notice that, despite our TE-U reputation, our TEs were repeatedly manhandled at the LOS yesterday (I'm not including Large here, who had some nice blocks at the H-back position)? And, yes, that includes Lachey. He and Pascuzzi in particular were really bad at the point of attack on some key pass and run blocks. Neither even remotely comes close to Kittle, Hockenson, Cook, etc., in that regard, at least not yet.

To me, this game is all about being inside the 3-yard line on two occasions and coming away with 6 points. That's unacceptable, and those kinds of missed opportunities will come back to bite you in the ass every time.
The depth chart is out for this week. Xavier is listed as starter over Koen. I don't have a problem with it either way because as we know, the depth chart means nothing. Having said that, I'll leave the decision up to our DB coach/DC. I've heard he knows a think or two.

To me, this game is all about being inside the 3-yard line on two occasions and coming away with 6 points. That's unacceptable, and those kinds of missed opportunities will come back to bite you in the ass every time.
Thats why I can't stand the whole "take the points" mentality. You get inside the 5 yard line and you need a td. The backup plan is your defense having them backed up inside the 5.
Nwankpa had a mental screw up. Sometimes it happens the second play of the game, sometimes it happens when you're up 30 or down 30, and sometimes it happens when it's the most important play of the season. That happened to be the most important play of the season.

Is XN living up to the hype going on when he was a recruit? No. I was at the game he visited right before committing and it was worse than the Beatles first appearance on Ed Sullivan.

Is he probably the best player we have at that spot? Phil Parker thinks so. I don't have the football acumen Phil has nor his resume, so I have no choice but to agree with him. If Brian was making the decision I still don't have that acumen, but I'd be more inclined to question it.
We don't even get to that point (the defense giving up 40 yards to allow ISU into FG position) if we get a first down on offense. We ran 3 times into a stacked box. With ZERO threat of a pass, ISU sold out to the run and we had to punt it back to ISU instead of taking a victory knee. The D could have been better on those last few downs, but they should never have had to take the field.

Yes, we had success running the ball earlier in the game (Johnson had a great day) - but ISU wasn't stacking the box the rest of the game. Adjust to what the defense is giving.
We don't even get to that point (the defense giving up 40 yards to allow ISU into FG position) if we get a first down on offense.
Running 3 times into that stacked box was the right move. 38 seconds left to hold ISU to what should've been 45 yards or less with no timeouts (taking a TO instead of giving a delay of game would've added 5 yards to the punt), and running that ball 3 times didn't allow for an interception or sack. Smart move. If you can't count on your defense to hold a team under 35 yards with 38 seconds to go all bets are off anyways. XN effed up and thems the breaks.

What lost that game was a moronic 2PT attempt early in the game with the lead and momentum, and gifting 5 precious yards with an unnecessary delay of game penalty with 3 time outs. This loss is on KF, plain and simple. Yes, XN failed when it was imperative that he not fail, but two huge game management flubs (which rest on KF's shoulders) put Iowa in that compromising position.
Running 3 times into that stacked box was the right move. 38 seconds left to hold ISU to what should've been 45 yards or less with no timeouts (taking a TO instead of giving a delay of game would've added 5 yards to the punt), and running that ball 3 times didn't allow for an interception or sack. Smart move. If you can't count on your defense to hold a team under 35 yards with 38 seconds to go all bets are off anyways. XN effed up and thems the breaks.

What lost that game was a moronic 2PT attempt early in the game with the lead and momentum, and gifting 5 precious yards with an unnecessary delay of game penalty with 3 time outs. This loss is on KF, plain and simple. Yes, XN failed when it was imperative that he not fail, but two huge game management flubs (which rest on KF's shoulders) put Iowa in that compromising position.
Completely agree. I especially was miffed about taking the delay of game penalty. That would make sense if they were at ISU's 40-yard line, but giving up 5 yards of field position to save literally one second on the clock is poor coaching.

I felt that the 2-point conversion attempt was way too early, but I get it. If they had converted all of this discussion would be a moot point. The other issue with that is you have to take your opponent into consideration. With the kind of defense ISU runs, you basically have five DBs and two athletic linebackers confined to a smaller space inside of the 2-yard line. The chance of converting is minimal under the best of circumstances, but even worse with that defense.

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