Revoke Xavier and Cade's Scholarships

Completely agree. I especially was miffed about taking the delay of game penalty. That would make sense if they were at ISU's 40-yard line, but giving up 5 yards of field position to save literally one second on the clock is poor coaching.

I felt that the 2-point conversion attempt was way too early, but I get it. If they had converted all of this discussion would be a moot point. The other issue with that is you have to take your opponent into consideration. With the kind of defense ISU runs, you basically have five DBs and two athletic linebackers confined to a smaller space inside of the 2-yard line. The chance of converting is minimal under the best of circumstances, but even worse with that defense.
I'm a huge opponent of going for 2 unless you need it to tie with the clock running out or you're down by 8 late in the game (still not a no-brainier since it's WAY below 50% probability), and even then it has to be considered a last-ditch effort. Statistically there's no scenario in a football game where the expected value of a 2PT conversion is higher than a PAT unless you have a terrible kicker which isn't Iowa's case. Essentially you only do that when there are absolutely no other options on the table. At that point you have 4 green marbles and 6 red marbles in a jar and you're grabbing one blindfolded hoping to get a green. Not odds I'd ever take unless I had a gun to my head. And like you said, with ISU's defense playing the way they were that's probably more like 2 or 3 green marbles out of 10.

The delay of game thing is just inexplicable, especially with Kirk always saying he doesn't see the point in taking TO's home with you. That extra 5 yards would've probably made Campbell waste a play as well instead of going over the top right away like he did.

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