Request to Leave Hawkeyenation


Well-Known Member
I would like to have my name and all personal information removed from the HN website. I no longer wish to be associated with this message board. Please let me know what I need to do in order to delete my sign in name, my password, as well as the personal information I have submitted. Thank you.
I know you want to be a drama queen, if you don't want to be here just go away and don't come back. I thought this was a bad day but if I don't have to read any more of your mean spirited hateful posts again that is a ray of sunshine. Goodbye.
I would like to have my name and all personal information removed from the HN website. I no longer wish to be associated with this message board. Please let me know what I need to do in order to delete my sign in name, my password, as well as the personal information I have submitted. Thank you.

Jon has put me in charge of that. Just PM me your password and personal information and I'll take care of that for you ASAP.
For starters, doc, I wouldn't put the request on the message board you are trying to leave. Instead, I think I would have PM'd the founder and publisher of this site and made your request. He runs the joint, he should be able to help you.
For starters, doc, I wouldn't put the request on the message board you are trying to leave. Instead, I think I would have PM'd the founder and publisher of this site and made your request. He runs the joint, he should be able to help you.

I did not know how to accomplish this request. How do I PM Jon? I am pretty slow when it comes to technology. Would appreciate your help.
You don't need Jon's help to leave the site.. Just leave, if that's your wish. No need to announce it to the world.
I did not know how to accomplish this request. How do I PM Jon? I am pretty slow when it comes to technology. Would appreciate your help.

Doclee you sound like you are a great Hawkeye fan. You go to like every game. Sounds also like you know kirk so I try not to respond to you too often because we both have opposite views and it doesnt look like either of are changing. However you went through the board last night doing all the things that you dont want people doing to kirk.

This thread was dramatic and you wanted it to be known how above this site you really are. I dont believe for one moment that you thought this was the best way to rid yourself from this site. I also highly doubt that you will leave for good. If kirk wins 8 games next year you will be back to soak in the glory of that amazing season. Maybe in that case Ill have to eat some crow. Going from the 1999 season to 8 wins is nothing short of amazing.

Doc dont let the interwebs get to you too much there are some different views out there. You may think its crazy to want a coach fired that has a winning percentage north of 56. But out there somewhere there is a dude just crazy enough to think the opposite. If things do get bad though it might just be you, me and hawkeyenick in the stands so we got to stick together even if our views dont always align. Happy trails and good health.
I did not know how to accomplish this request. How do I PM Jon? I am pretty slow when it comes to technology. Would appreciate your help.

Couple ways:

Find a post from Jon Miller and click his name and send him Private Message. Or top Right across from What's new is your name to the right an envelope drop down bar has send message click..

FYI we don't see eye to eye, but still sorry to see you go..
I was checking to see if he had been on the site recently and saw that he left you a visitors message. You might want to take it down.

I guess I didn't know that others could see messages that people sent. And I'll have to admit that I was pretty shocked that he sent it to me, if it is actually legit.