Request to Jon...

Apparently, Jon's garbage truck is not working anymore because it's full of trolls and Jon needs a new truck such as this

and hire new waste management to do a better job of cleaning the board. Let's find Jack
and invite him back. Jon needs to pitch that Jerk into Jon's new truck! Let's go Hawks!

Why can't we work out our differences? Why can't we work things out? Little people, why can't we all just get along?
Do you like dots? I haven't seen a lot of talk about Ben getting attention for national coach of the year so thanks for researching that for us. He doesn't really care for the attention. There are three D1 coaches in this state that don't really care about attention and their names don't rhyme can. Wes is good you are right. More than likely we won't play in the first round of the MVC Tournament so we can't lose. And my meatloaf is awesome. Check me out on Pintrest I have a lot of recipes.

Conversational enough?

I try to like UNI and appreciate what they accomplish with mostly Iowa BB cast offs that no one else wanted. Then an A hole like you shows up and wants to puff their chest and scream look at me!!!!! Don't you have a UNI board where you can discuss stuff that someone else give a s h i t about.
I like Jack. He's a good guy. But he crossed a pretty firm line with Jon even if he was being sarcastic at the time. I hope Jon can see fit to bring him back.

As for Farifax......the entire tone of this board has changed since he began his vitriolic rants. We all know he's a clone troll masquerading as a panther. His schtick is worn out and he needs to be dealt with.
I will admit that I always enjoyed reading Jack's posts. I most often agreed with him, so I guess we all like to hear things we agree with. I do not understand why he was banned, if in fact this is what happened. If he got banned for a rant and name calling and sarcasm, explain to me why this is not applied across the board on Hawkeye Nation. Serious question by one who does not approve of name calling and personal attacks. Just my style.
I will admit that I always enjoyed reading Jack's posts. I most often agreed with him, so I guess we all like to hear things we agree with. I do not understand why he was banned, if in fact this is what happened. If he got banned for a rant and name calling and sarcasm, explain to me why this is not applied across the board on Hawkeye Nation. Serious question by one who does not approve of name calling and personal attacks. Just my style.

I did not see it, so this is just hearsay. But I guess in battling isu trolls, of which there are many on this site lately, he began using some racial slurs and insults. I could be wrong about that, but that's the story I was told.
I did not see it, so this is just hearsay. But I guess in battling isu trolls, of which there are many on this site lately, he began using some racial slurs and insults. I could be wrong about that, but that's the story I was told.

He did hop over the line, I was on the thread, that since was deleted. Jack was a great poster, one of the most liked on the whole sight, who went too far in one thread, maybe a lapse of judgement.

I think he deserves another chance, cause he made this board fun.

I see an awful lot of folks breaking rules constantly, who are still here. repeatedly bashing players, incessant negative posting...

this is Jon's call of course, I am just requesting...Bring Jack back :cool:
The only thing I'll point out vis a vis Jack:

I always thought he was a good, solid poster - I think I vaguely recall having had one run in with him regarding his belief in ghosts, which I remember thinking was a little strange for a grown man, but it's entirely possible that was a completely different poster (my memory ain't what it used to be). At any rate, he's a good guy to have around and I think I would be in support of his reinstatement but for one thing:

I don't know exactly what he said other than that it was racial in nature and directed at ISU's bball team. Although I don't specifically know what he said, I am afraid it may have been pretty nasty given this site is essentially run by a middle-aged white guy FOR middle-aged white guys (mostly). I guess my point here is, as middle-aged white guys, we're not exactly known for our racial sensitivity, so my fear is whatever Jack said might have crossed well over the "ehh, that's a little iffy, not sure I'm comfortable with that" line and been really abhorrent.
I'd like to see Jack back but we have to think. 1) Does Jack want to come back? or 2) How do we know that Jack might be back already under some new identity?
The only thing I'll point out vis a vis Jack:

I always thought he was a good, solid poster - I think I vaguely recall having had one run in with him regarding his belief in ghosts, which I remember thinking was a little strange for a grown man, but it's entirely possible that was a completely different poster (my memory ain't what it used to be). At any rate, he's a good guy to have around and I think I would be in support of his reinstatement but for one thing:

I don't know exactly what he said other than that it was racial in nature and directed at ISU's bball team. Although I don't specifically know what he said, I am afraid it may have been pretty nasty given this site is essentially run by a middle-aged white guy FOR middle-aged white guys (mostly). I guess my point here is, as middle-aged white guys, we're not exactly known for our racial sensitivity, so my fear is whatever Jack said might have crossed well over the "ehh, that's a little iffy, not sure I'm comfortable with that" line and been really abhorrent.

As I said, I was on the thread. Yes, JN made a racial comment, and it went over the line, and he has been banned for it.... but he was 1)baited by isu trolls 2) not making a sweeping generalized slur against a specific race, it was being very pointed toward a perceived image of certain isu transfers.

Let me be clear, I do not condone nor support Any racial comments, and if JN stepped over the line again, let him go for good. I also don't believe JN is racist, I think he responded to isu trolls without thinking, made inappropriate comments, and got banned.

maybe I'm wrong here, it's Happened on here many times.

I'd like to hear Jon's thoughts on this, and I'll let it go.
As I said, I was on the thread. Yes, JN made a racial comment, and it went over the line, and he has been banned for it.... but he was 1)baited by isu trolls 2) not making a sweeping generalized slur against a specific race, it was being very pointed toward a perceived image of certain isu transfers.

Let me be clear, I do not condone nor support Any racial comments, and if JN stepped over the line again, let him go for good. I also don't believe JN is racist, I think he responded to isu trolls without thinking, made inappropriate comments, and got banned.

maybe I'm wrong here, it's Happened on here many times.

I'd like to hear Jon's thoughts on this, and I'll let it go.

You seem like a good person. You don't truly believe that either of those two points you made are acceptable reasons for lifting his ban, do you? His post was over the top racist and completely unacceptable.
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As I said, I was on the thread. Yes, JN made a racial comment, and it went over the line, and he has been banned for it.... but he was 1)baited by isu trolls 2) not making a sweeping generalized slur against a specific race, it was being very pointed toward a perceived image of certain isu transfers.

Let me be clear, I do not condone nor support Any racial comments, and if JN stepped over the line again, let him go for good. I also don't believe JN is racist, I think he responded to isu trolls without thinking, made inappropriate comments, and got banned.

maybe I'm wrong here, it's Happened on here many times.

I'd like to hear Jon's thoughts on this, and I'll let it go.

I agree with you #2. Not many people think things through enough to underatand the difference.
You seem like a good person. You don't truly believe that either of those two points you made are acceptable reasons for lifting his ban, do you? His post was over the top racist and completely unacceptable.

Thank you, I try to be reasonable and see the big picture. Again, maybe im off base here, All I know is Jack had like 5000 posts, and to my knowledge was extremely positive and complimentary to all players of all races in about 4998 of them. Jack loves the Hawkeyes.

Again, ultimately this is Jon's call. And by his lack of response(as I would be shocked if he hasn't read a thread he's named in the title), I am assuming he agrees with you.