Reputation Comments


Well-Known Member
I received a comment under my reputation but can't identify who it came from or from what thread they were commenting.

Is there anyway to identify these two things?

Though it would be would be nice to know whose telling me to "blow it out my ***". :)
These "reputation comments" take anonymous douchebaggery to the next level. I've only made a couple comments, both postive.

I had someone say "you're outing yourself more every day." Nice job, QWERTY commando! It really crushed me. I can barely function now...
Perhaps the whole reputation function should be disabled until it is properly functioning.
Yeah what the heck are these? Someone told me "don't reproduce", I would like to confront the Dbag that said that. I know for a fact I have NEVER said anything that would warrant a comment like that.

I can handle those if I were on the Illannoy or New Mexico board but from a Hawk fan that makes me upset.

Jon you really need to do something about this!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah what the heck are these? Someone told me "don't reproduce", I would like to confront the Dbag that said that. I know for a fact I have NEVER said anything that would warrant a comment like that.

I can handle those if I were on the Illannoy or New Mexico board but from a Hawk fan that makes me upset.

Jon you really need to do something about this!!!!!!!!!!

Don't let reputation comments ruin your day
yea i'd be interested i just received one too kind of made me laugh people are hurt by some posts and by giving you bad feedback makes them feel better
Yeah what the heck are these? Someone told me "don't reproduce", I would like to confront the Dbag that said that. I know for a fact I have NEVER said anything that would warrant a comment like that.

I can handle those if I were on the Illannoy or New Mexico board but from a Hawk fan that makes me upset.

Jon you really need to do something about this!!!!!!!!!!

If you can't laugh at that, something is wrong. I just choked on water reading that comment...
I got one from Busabus upset over leaking his name in the coaching search... Oops I did it again!!! Rat Farts!!!!
LOL. You get points for these things too. I got 9 points for being called a "butthole" by some anonymus person. Thanks for the points whoever you are, and right back atcha!!!
I don't have a problem with the concept behind them. I think it is dumb that someone can leave one without being held "Accountable" (if that is even possible on the internet).

The way these reputation comments are set up is an easy way for someone to be a coward times 2! First, they talk trash on the internet, and then Second, they don't even have to associate their fake screen name with it!! Lol
Perhaps the whole reputation function should be disabled until it is properly functioning.

I'd say remove it altogether. It serves no purpose but to allow somebody who needs to get out of their mother's basement to continue posting such stuff as:

What an exciting day of... 06-12-2010 07:24 PM soccer sux, you alien. go get a new green card.
Yeah, real constructive. Real mature. :rolleyes:
This is my latest and greatest, and I have alot:

"typical crap from a piece of sh-t"

Like I'm going to get offended if the repper would have put the "i" in ****...

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