Remember when? You too Jon...


Well-Known Member
Remember back in October when we were having issues with the numbers 1,3, and 4 defenses in the nation? Remember how many of you, including Jon, said the sky as falling, as the the rest of us level headed posters were TRYING to point out the obvious? Remember how we said "how about we just let the season play out", and we were called Koolaid drinkers, ect? Even if we lose this week, I say the season was much better than most of you predicted. 8-4 would be considered an outstanding season this year, and 7-5 would be pretty darn good, considering almost everyone except those inside the walls of Kinnick said we'd be lucky to hit 5-7....Time to eat your crow Jon. Id call out all the negative posters, but theres so darn many of you, that I quit caring...
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And you're ducking.....Just admit you were wrong, thats a man about it. If we would have impoded, you would be also saying the same thing, just to the other end of the spectrum.
The people that want KF are not going to be happy any way. Some just got caught up in the negativeness. I know a number of people like that myself. Some of them were predicting 2-4 wins. They owe me a dinner now
Remember back in October when we were having issues with the numbers 1,3, and 4 defenses in the nation? Remember how many of you, including Jon, said the sky as falling, as the the rest of us level headed posters were TRYING to point out the obvious? Remember how we said "how about we just let the season play out", and we were called Koolaid drinkers, ect? Even if we lose this week, I say the season was much better than most of you predicted. 8-4 would be considered an outstanding season this year, and 7-5 would be pretty darn good, considering almost everyone except those inside the walls of Kinnick said we'd be lucky to hit 5-7....Time to eat your crow Jon. Id call out all the negative posters, but theres so darn many of you, that I quit caring...

You are a major tool.

Frankly we don't know anything about this team in my opinion. There is no parity in the teams we have faced this year. Sure we beat jNW and Michigan, but they ended up being much worse than anyone expected. We played the teams we lost to close, for the most part. If we had any semblance of half time adjustments we might have won a few of those games.

Again the same in game problems and decisions that have plagued this staff since 1999 are still there. Questionable adjustments or lack thereof and bad clock management.

I feel this game against Nebraska will be the most telling sign of where we are headed in to 2014. Anything less than 9-10 wins next year would be average.
Tool? Why you mad bro? Already resulting to name calling in the 1st post? I win already, that was EASY!
This team is 7-5 and really close to being 5-7 and you come in here pumping your chest and calling out others?

You're cool.
This team is 7-5 and really close to being 5-7 and you come in here pumping your chest and calling out others?

You're cool.

If's and but's don't count. We were 4-8 last year, not "close to being 9-3". This year we are 7-5 so far, not "close to being 5-7"
You are a major tool.

Frankly we don't know anything about this team in my opinion. There is no parity in the teams we have faced this year. Sure we beat jNW and Michigan, but they ended up being much worse than anyone expected. We played the teams we lost to close, for the most part. If we had any semblance of half time adjustments we might have won a few of those games.

Again the same in game problems and decisions that have plagued this staff since 1999 are still there. Questionable adjustments or lack thereof and bad clock management.

I feel this game against Nebraska will be the most telling sign of where we are headed in to 2014. Anything less than 9-10 wins next year would be average.

This was probably the least informative post I have ever read. I just don't undersand what thought you provided that made you want to share. So, basically you claim we don't know anything about the team. Then you go on to provide your insight regarding the team. Brilliant. To strengthen this strong showing you then claim that one single game may provide more insight than the previous eleven. I can't wait to see what you share next.
This is the first year I think that IA has beat every team it was supposed to, we didn't have our traditional lose to a sub par team this year, and steal a victory against a superior team.

the defense is better than expected. While we don't get pressure with our DL, we switched to the Raider defense after OSU and that seemed to really spark this team. I think we still struggle against good offenses, and that's where our own offense hurts us (putting D on the field too much).

The offense is still a mess. We show some potential, but we still do so many maddening things (as Jon said, we zig when we should zag, vice versa). We've also had some luck with NW and MI both having miserable seasons, and it still took fumbles on the last drive of the game for us to seal it.

There has been some improvement, on both sides of the ball. How much will that carry over to next year? I agree that this NE game will go a long ways to building confidence towards 2014. If we come out and lay a stinker, yes we get the bowl game (and practices) but it'll leave quite a sour taste in the mouth of a lot of fans.

I hope we continue to build on. I wish KF would just let the offense be, but it's obvious he wants things run a certain way, and with that style we will continue to be in close games.....
This is the first year I think that IA has beat every team it was supposed to, we didn't have our traditional lose to a sub par team this year, and steal a victory against a superior team.

the defense is better than expected. While we don't get pressure with our DL, we switched to the Raider defense after OSU and that seemed to really spark this team. I think we still struggle against good offenses, and that's where our own offense hurts us (putting D on the field too much).

The offense is still a mess. We show some potential, but we still do so many maddening things (as Jon said, we zig when we should zag, vice versa). We've also had some luck with NW and MI both having miserable seasons, and it still took fumbles on the last drive of the game for us to seal it.

There has been some improvement, on both sides of the ball. How much will that carry over to next year? I agree that this NE game will go a long ways to building confidence towards 2014. If we come out and lay a stinker, yes we get the bowl game (and practices) but it'll leave quite a sour taste in the mouth of a lot of fans.

I hope we continue to build on. I wish KF would just let the offense be, but it's obvious he wants things run a certain way, and with that style we will continue to be in close games.....

We had no reason to lose to NIU, brah. We needed to lean on their d-line and wear them out. It was so hot that day that we could have had 200 yards rushing in the 4th quarter if we had a competent o-coordinator.
This team is 7-5 and really close to being 5-7 and you come in here pumping your chest and calling out others?

You're cool.
Actually we are 7-4 as of now, just sayin...Also as close as we are to 5-6, we are qually as close to 8-3 or 9-2. So theres that...
This was probably the least informative post I have ever read. I just don't undersand what thought you provided that made you want to share. So, basically you claim we don't know anything about the team. Then you go on to provide your insight regarding the team. Brilliant. To strengthen this strong showing you then claim that one single game may provide more insight than the previous eleven. I can't wait to see what you share next.

Apparently there are some CO fumes making their way in to the duct work of your mobile home. Let me simplify this.

All the teams we beat are garbage.

All the teams we lost to are not.
I, Tubahawk, lowly doubter of the great one, Kirk Ferentz humbly approach the throne of rj to kiss his ring and beg forgivness for my unexcusable tresspasses. I voiced doubt about getting to 6-6 this season and also voiced doubt over the defensive unit being as quality of a unit as thier stats percieved them to be prior to the OSU game.

I was wrong and I ask for mercy and the ability to still be considered a fan of the Hawkeyes.

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