Remember The Excitement When We Were Moving Forward Like This:

This time next week, Rhodes will have a losing bowl, conference, and overall record. Bet you their recruits and JUCOs are all flops too. I'm a businessman, and as we say in the industry, put something on the table if you want to convince me.
This time next week, Rhodes will have a losing bowl, conference, and overall record. Bet you their recruits and JUCOs are all flops too. I'm a businessman, and as we say in the industry, put something on the table if you want to convince me.

^nothing would make me happier.
It's basketball season. Let's focus on that. It is an exciting young team.

Iowa football will be back. Iowa under Fry and Ferentz always has down years, followed by good, sometimes great seasons.

Iowa will be bowling again next year. Bank on it.
Give it a @@@@@@@@ rest. The repetitive negative thread starting garbage is old. Iowa had a bad year. Nobody is happy about it.

come on Jon, just one more of these threads. I especially like the drunken anger spewing out about "how much more can we take of Ferentz and that he's driven the program into the ground and our University refuses to do anything about it."

It's really as simple as attrition in recruiting classes (the bill came due) and injuries we couldn't overcome. I have no doubt that if Scherff and Donnal don't go down, this team wins at Indiana and wins the Purdue game. They most likely would have beaten Nebraska also. Would people be calling for his head if that would have happened? I get that our offensive passing scheme was suspect and really difficult to watch...considering it was executed so poorly, but I believe the brass thought a high percentage, ball control passing game gave us the best chance to move the chains and keep our defense off the field. I'm not sure why, but JVB just couldn't target the right guys and it was consistently that way the whole year. That is the mystery that has no answer.

If you look at next year, and if they can just keep guys healthy, they are going to be pretty solid in the trenches...where games are won. If we get any play at all from the new QB...the 2013 team is 7-5 next year. You are going to have to load up to stop the running game. We lost that advantage when those two went down and it was all down hill from there.
Name an Iowa State coach that has done that in their first 4 years. Iowa State is never going to be a world beater, but 8-4, 9-3 seasons every couple of years isn't out of the question. And maybe the odd year of a run similar to K-State.

I get your logic CWooD4, but it is a huge uphill battle for ISU to make that leap to 8-9 wins. I thought ISU could have done it this year IF they had more QB consistency. Three different starting QBs in one year with no injuries to the QB isn't going to get you there. The defense was great but you have to have all three phases of the game (Offense, defense and special teams) going well to do that especially when the big 12 isn't a horrible league.

The problem is that Iowa struggles and they have consistently better recruiting classes than ISU. I agree it appears that maybe Paul Rhoads has his staff and his players playing inspired ball but that only gets you so far.

Maybe Paul Rhoads will either continue to get more out of his players or maybe he will prove to be a better coach than Ferentz in the long run but until then ISU has a long ways to go before 8-9 wins every couple of years is truly achievable.
Just to be clear, I was mocking your assertion that you would win 8 or 9 occasionally.

Ghost is on target here. Why would you think ISU, which has 7 winning seasons in the last 32 years, would all of a sudden start having 8-10 wins a year every few years.

And Cwood4's argument about losing a few close games, heck Iowa is the master at losing a few close games. They led the country this year in losing close games. A few good bounces and they are 8-4. That logic is easy and it is only good for showing what your potential might be
Ghost is on target here. Why would you think ISU, which has 7 winning seasons in the last 32 years, would all of a sudden start having 8-10 wins a year every few years.

And Cwood4's argument about losing a few close games, heck Iowa is the master at losing a few close games. They led the country this year in losing close games. A few good bounces and they are 8-4. That logic is easy and it is only good for showing what your potential might be

And they would be the worst 8-4 team in the country, unlike in '08 when they were considered the best 8-4 team in the country.
Ghost is on target here. Why would you think ISU, which has 7 winning seasons in the last 32 years, would all of a sudden start having 8-10 wins a year every few years.

And Cwood4's argument about losing a few close games, heck Iowa is the master at losing a few close games. They led the country this year in losing close games. A few good bounces and they are 8-4. That logic is easy and it is only good for showing what your potential might be

This. If one play turns out differently, Iowa beats Iowa State, Central Michigan, Indiana, Purdue, and Nebraska, and is sitting at 9-3 instead of 4-8. But they didn't win those games because they aren't good. Just like Iowa State went 6-6 instead of 9-3....because they aren't good.
This. If one play turns out differently, Iowa beats Iowa State, Central Michigan, Indiana, Purdue, and Nebraska, and is sitting at 9-3 instead of 4-8. But they didn't win those games because they aren't good. Just like Iowa State went 6-6 instead of 9-3....because they aren't good.

I agree, you have to live in reality, that is the only thing that truly matters. But honestly ISU was the better team this year. ISU has some key positions on defense to replace as well as figure things out at QB. Sam Richardson (Sp?) has only made 1 start, he could be like Jantz and Barnett he could play well, then suck, then get benched, then play well and then suck again.

Either way is next year, Iowa and ISU are both going to be a toss up of who is better. ISU has a slight advantage right now in my mind but who knows 9 months from now could be completely different.
This time next week, Rhodes will have a losing bowl, conference, and overall record. Bet you their recruits and JUCOs are all flops too. I'm a businessman, and as we say in the industry, put something on the table if you want to convince me.

And I will bet you dimes to donuts Iowa State beats Iowa for the third year in a row in 2013.
Originally posted by JonDMillerGive it a @@@@@@@@ rest. The repetitive negative thread starting garbage is old. Iowa had a bad year. Nobody is happy about it.
The sky is falling, Jon. Remember?

Originally posted by MythofFerentzI thought it was a fair compare/contrast topic which has been engaged by those who are capable of doing so. If it's too much for your cranium, try an aspirin...325 mg.
It's the non-stop, repetitive BS where people state Ferentz has forgotten how to coach and assume he doesn't care since he's making an income properly proportionate to Iowa retaining a good coach who, by all accounts, was highly sough after when the deal was signed.

People need to get past 2012. We knew it was going to be bad. I didn't talk to a Hawkeye fan in August who didn't think there was at least a chance for failure.

It happened to be the perfect storm of a weak, highly inexperienced defense and an offense that undoubtedly struggled to make a transition to a new offensive system.

We expected 2012 wasn't going to be good. It's like knowing work is going to suck tomorrow then *****ing about it non-stop during and afterwards. Makes no sense.
^nothing would make me happier.

I can think of a lot of things that would make me happier.

Winning the lotto
Cure for cancer
Catching that trophy fish
A few more years with family members that are no longer around
A beach house in Hawaii
An Iowa bowl game
World peace
Two girls at one time
A third xfiles movie
Clean, self sufficient, renewable, and cheap energy sources
My favorite cat from my childhood not getting eaten by a coyote
Good health to all my friends and family
The sky is falling, Jon. Remember?

It's the non-stop, repetitive BS where people state Ferentz has forgotten how to coach and assume he doesn't care since he's making an income properly proportionate to Iowa retaining a good coach who, by all accounts, was highly sough after when the deal was signed.

People need to get past 2012.
We knew it was going to be bad. I didn't talk to a Hawkeye fan in August who didn't think there was at least a chance for failure.

It happened to be the perfect storm of a weak, highly inexperienced defense and an offense that undoubtedly struggled to make a transition to a new offensive system.

We expected 2012 wasn't going to be good. It's like knowing work is going to suck tomorrow then *****ing about it non-stop during and afterwards. Makes no sense.

20F'ing12? You think this about 2012? lol It's about 2005 through 2012, and don't give me that orange bowl BS as that was probably the most unexcusable FUp of a season of the entire sample!!
Looks like a new crop of trolls have been harvested since I last really paid attention to HN. Should be fun the next few days.
I'm not sure how this is an article about "excitement" and "moving forward" when it talks about how ISU lost a bowl game vs Georgia Tech.

Wait, in the ISU world, I guess there is plenty to get excited about in this article.
20F'ing12? You think this about 2012? lol It's about 2005 through 2012, and don't give me that orange bowl BS as that was probably the most unexcusable FUp of a season of the entire sample!!

Every time someone posts something like this is makes me more glad that I'm me.
I can think of a lot of things that would make me happier.

Winning the lotto
Cure for cancer
Catching that trophy fish
A few more years with family members that are no longer around
A beach house in Hawaii
An Iowa bowl game
World peace
Two girls at one time
A third xfiles movie
Clean, self sufficient, renewable, and cheap energy sources
My favorite cat from my childhood not getting eaten by a coyote
Good health to all my friends and family

New thread....two girls at one time. And do a thread for ghost too while you are at it, two guys at one time.
Every time someone posts something like this is makes me more glad that I'm me.

Duff, whenever Iowa loses I am always a little sad and even upset to a point. Then I turn on Sound Off to listen to Ed and Jon. Listening to people call in and go off and make absolutely no sense, I remember that I have a good life. Wins and loses shouldn't affect people's happiness to the point that one would make a complete joke out of themselves on the radio or a message board.

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