Remember The Excitement When We Were Moving Forward Like This:

I'd like to hit the jackpot once before I die but probably will go to the grave not having fulfilled that one.
Since I have now added to my ignore list, I know I will be much happier and reading threads will take a lot less time! Thanks to Scorpio, FreedComanche, and my new "ignore" the great, the all knowing, all seeing (drum roll here), MythofFerentz!!
Glaciers move forward faster than Iowa State's football program. Unfortunately for Hawkeye fans, Iowa went in reverse this year, giving the impression that ISU was actually moving faster than they were. It was just an optical illusion.
Ghost is on target here. Why would you think ISU, which has 7 winning seasons in the last 32 years, would all of a sudden start having 8-10 wins a year every few years.


And why would he think that Rhoads can win 8-9-10 games every couple of years when he's only finished above .500 once in four years. Clown logic, so funny it's tragic.
Since I have now added to my ignore list, I know I will be much happier and reading threads will take a lot less time! Thanks to Scorpio, FreedComanche, and my new "ignore" the great, the all knowing, all seeing (drum roll here), MythofFerentz!!

I only ignore one person but it was from a use of offensive language and material stand point. I like arguing with Freed and Myth. I personally like Scorpio so I wouldn't ignore them.

But you are right if I ignored them the annoying, whiney threads or posts about KF and staff wouldn't be there.
And why would he think that Rhoads can win 8-9-10 games every couple of years when he's only finished above .500 once in four years. Clown logic, so funny it's tragic.

A lot of clowns I know say Rhodes was "dealt a bad hand" or some crap like that. Excuses excuses-if he was such a great coach he could overcome that just like Rich Rod did at Arizona or Snyder did at Kansas State. Hell, I would bet that if you swapped Rhodes for Ferentz that Ferentz would have a 9-3 team with Iowa State's talent and schedule. He probably would have played that QB all year and won at least 2 more games.

Similalry, I bet Rhodes only goes 2-10 at Iowa.
A lot of clowns I know say Rhodes was "dealt a bad hand" or some crap like that. Excuses excuses-if he was such a great coach he could overcome that just like Rich Rod did at Arizona or Snyder did at Kansas State. Hell, I would bet that if you swapped Rhodes for Ferentz that Ferentz would have a 9-3 team with Iowa State's talent and schedule. He probably would have played that QB all year and won at least 2 more games.

Similalry, I bet Rhodes only goes 2-10 at Iowa.

Like Brady Hoke did at Michigan?
New thread....two girls at one time. And do a thread for ghost too while you are at it, two guys at one time.

AH HA! It's funny because the Ghost likes guys instead of girls!

As much as I hate the clowns, I have to admit that it's easier to win at Michigan than Ames, so not sure this helps my point.

It was just your point of Rich-Rod overcoming issues at Arizona, he left Michigan pretty low considering their tradition of winning.

I don't debate your point about Ames. I just don't want to think what Paul Rhoads would do at Iowa or KF would do at Iowa State. I like Paul Rhoads, he seems to do well for ISU right NOW. If he never gets them past 7 wins then he is still a good fit but he won't be considered a great college coach just merely a great coach for ISU.
You gotta keep in mind that the only reason clown fans are so delighted with the fourth .500ish season in a row from Rhodes is because Iowa tanked this season. If they finished with the same record, but one of their losses was to an Iowa team that finished with 8+ wins they'd be in the depths of depression and already talking about finding a new coach to take them to the mythical 'next level' of 8 wins (which ISU has only reached 4 times in the past 100+ years).

Everything emotion felt by an ISU fan about the Cyclones is colored by what is happening to the Hawkeye football program. That is just the way it is for them.
You gotta keep in mind that the only reason clown fans are so delighted with the fourth .500ish season in a row from Rhodes is because Iowa tanked this season. If they finished with the same record, but one of their losses was to an Iowa team that finished with 8+ wins they'd be in the depths of depression and already talking about finding a new coach to take them to the mythical 'next level' of 8 wins (which ISU has only reached 4 times in the past 100+ years).

Everything emotion felt by an ISU fan about the Cyclones is colored by what is happening to the Hawkeye football program. That is just the way it is for them.

So true, they try to ignore Iowa but they just can't. That's a fierce rivalry tho, they are happy when we are down and vise versea and when one is bad and the other is good both sides see the other as gloating.
Everything emotion felt by an ISU fan about the Cyclones is colored by what is happening to the Hawkeye football program. That is just the way it is for them.

I think this is true for many of the friends I have that are ISU alumni/fans but it stems from the harrassment that they took from Iowa fans. They want to beat Iowa and for Iowa to have less wins so that it is a form of payback to the "homer hawkeye" or tavern hawk fans that give them B.S all the time. So as long as they beat Iowa they are happy with their season but I do believe that this mentality is slowly changing within their fan base as long as they are winning against Iowa but once they lose they will go back to worrying about Iowa.
Give it a @@@@@@@@ rest. The repetitive negative thread starting garbage is old. Iowa had a bad year. Nobody is happy about it.

C'mon Jon. This is a message board where people can share their opinions and because some don't share the same opinion as yours isn't reason for you to say what you did here. Would you be saying the same if all posts/threads were wonderfully glowing?

You have clearly put your stake in the ground that all will be well again in Iowa City under Ferentz..that there likely is no coach Iowa could ever hire that would be better here (your article about Wisconsin's hire, which by the way, will likely end up making you look silly in time). You are clearly a "In Kirk We Always Trust" card carrying member. That's fine. It's your opinion.

Not everyone else shares the same one. As long as profanity is not used, what's the issue? You created a message board for people to air their opinions. If you want to put restraints on that, then go post that among your forum policies.
C'mon Jon. This is a message board where people can share their opinions and because some don't share the same opinion as yours isn't reason for you to say what you did here. Would you be saying the same if all posts/threads were wonderfully glowing?

You have clearly put your stake in the ground that all will be well again in Iowa City under Ferentz..that there likely is no coach Iowa could ever hire that would be better here (your article about Wisconsin's hire, which by the way, will likely end up making you look silly in time). You are clearly a "In Kirk We Always Trust" card carrying member. That's fine. It's your opinion.

Not everyone else shares the same one. As long as profanity is not used, what's the issue? You created a message board for people to air their opinions. If you want to put restraints on that, then go post that among your forum policies.

It isn't having a difference of opinion, it is the extreme negativity of the program and it's effect on people and how people treat other people on here and talk about players as if they are worthless pieces of crap.

I don't believe Ferentz can turn it around, but I don't demand he be fired every 5 seconds either.

Difference of opinion is ok, if it is respected. Most of the "negative nancy's" on this board aren't very respectful of the others who remain positive.

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