Regarding expansion, does the NYC media market...

...even care about college football?

Would expansion to Syracuse or Rutgers really generate an increased media following for the B10? It seems to me that NYC is much more of a pro sports city than college sports. A few years back I did a "study" on the number of D1 college football commitments coming from the state of New York. I don't remember exactly but it was by far the lowest per-capita producer of D1 talent.

There are a ton more D1 prospect coming out of states like CA, TX, FL, OH, MI, PA than NY. I know that comparing the number of football prospects doesn't mean that there is no interest in college fb in NY but it seems like it may be an indicator.

Los Angeles has USC and UCLA with huge fan bases. Chicago has Notre Dame, NW, Illinois, Iowa, etc. Both of those cities develop a ton of D1 talent. I know there is a huge population of people in NY but do they give a crap about Rutgers? Is it really such an added benefit to the B10?

I know it sounds good to say yeah, we are going to add the NY media market to the B10, but I think it sounds better than it really is.
Answer: the NYC market does not care much about college sports at all--it is very much a pro sports town. My wife's family lives in NJ and I have spent the past 15 years spending holidays there and reading the local papers. After growing up in the Midwest, the difference in media coverage is night and day. Yankees, Mets, Jets, and Giants get most of the print and even in NJ papers Rutgers sports coverage is moderate. I don't think the NYC media market carries much water here.
Answer: the NYC market does not care much about college sports at all--it is very much a pro sports town. My wife's family lives in NJ and I have spent the past 15 years spending holidays there and reading the local papers. After growing up in the Midwest, the difference in media coverage is night and day. Yankees, Mets, Jets, and Giants get most of the print and even in NJ papers Rutgers sports coverage is moderate. I don't think the NYC media market carries much water here.

Disagree. A ton of alumni of the Big Ten reside in the NYC area. For the most part the waters haven't been tested. Lived in Rutherford NJ, 25 years ago when they had the college football classics. Miami, Penn St., Nebraska. People showed up. ND would pack the house. A ton of people here. Obviously. I think they'd eat the Big Ten up. Especially with the new stadium. If six nights of Springsteen can pack them in then a Ohio State or a Michigan in town will fill the seats. The tailgates at Gints Stadium were awesome. These folks don't need much of a reason to party. A lot of Iowa alum in NYC. Just taking a quick pulse of folks in Iowa City, they'd LOVE a Road Trip out east. In the shadow of Manhattan? Are you kiddin' me?
Nothing against Syracuse and Rutgers but I feel the B10 is a Midwest conference not an East Coast conference and should stay that way.
I wish I could explain Penn State. If we didn't add them in 1993 we aren't in this situation of trying to find a 12th team.
I certainly don't feel we should add another eastern team so they have a team close by. They knew the geography of the B10 when they joined. If they want to play Rutgers and Syrcuse maybe they should have joined the Big East not the B10.
I wish I could explain Penn State. If we didn't add them in 1993 we aren't in this situation of trying to find a 12th team.

Well, I'll do my best in filling you in, josh. I hate to be cynical in this magical season, but it comes down to one thing...and, so, will the twelfth member of the Big Ten. Who can bring the most mistletoe ($$$$$) to the coffers. Without a doubt, it's an eastern team. Penn State brought a lot of green to the whole deal. This is a major corporation. The decision will reflect that.
If $$$$$$$$ is the biggest factor then it definetly willl not be any east coast team cuz there aren't any out there that are par with the B10 and our level of competition. None of them draw enough attention from big tv markets cuz they are all in saturated pro markets. Ask any of the millions of Yankees fans in NY how Rutgers was doing this year during the Yanks playoff run and see what kind of response you get.
Explain Penn State then.

You know I respectfully disagree with you regarding Rutgers as the 12th team and the east coast in general. This also goes for Penn State. Geographically, it goes without saying you are correct- Penn State is more "east coast" than "midwest." However, have you ever heard it said that Pennsylvania is Philly and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between? State College really is almost as far removed from the east coast as Iowa City. True, there are tons of PSU alum living in the east coast area. However, as an institution, as a town, and as a team, I wouldn't classify Penn State or State College as an "east coast" school.

On the other hand, you could make one very good point- why do so many east coasters go there and love it? Maybe they just need the exposure.

Still, I don't think RU is the team to sell the NYC area on college sports.
Well, I'll do my best in filling you in, josh. I hate to be cynical in this magical season, but it comes down to one thing...and, so, will the twelfth member of the Big Ten. Who can bring the most mistletoe ($$$$$) to the coffers. Without a doubt, it's an eastern team. Penn State brought a lot of green to the whole deal. This is a major corporation. The decision will reflect that.

I also agree with you that in the end it is and will be about money, not geography. I just feel that in the long run, RU and the east coast would not be as profitable as Mizzou (or ND, of course).
You know I respectfully disagree with you regarding Rutgers as the 12th team and the east coast in general. This also goes for Penn State. Geographically, it goes without saying you are correct- Penn State is more "east coast" than "midwest." However, have you ever heard it said that Pennsylvania is Philly and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between? State College really is almost as far removed from the east coast as Iowa City. True, there are tons of PSU alum living in the east coast area. However, as an institution, as a town, and as a team, I wouldn't classify Penn State or State College as an "east coast" school.

On the other hand, you could make one very good point- why do so many east coasters go there and love it? Maybe they just need the exposure.

Still, I don't think RU is the team to sell the NYC area on college sports.

It won't be Rutgers selling college football to the NYC area, arch. It will be the long standing tradition of the Big Ten. The idea of an Ohio State or Michigan coming to town
will be something totally different. Eventually, Rutgers will become an eastern power-in the Big Ten. Oh, people will come, arch. People will definately come.
It won't be Rutgers selling college football to the NYC area, arch. It will be the long standing tradition of the Big Ten. The idea of an Ohio State or Michigan coming to town
will be something totally different. Eventually, Rutgers will become an eastern power-in the Big Ten. Oh, people will come, arch. People will definately come.

I understand what you are saying Penn, but it really is speculation on your part. No offense, but I think the Big10 might want some more definite hard evidence in addition to PENNHWK saying they will come. :D
It won't be Rutgers selling college football to the NYC area, arch. It will be the long standing tradition of the Big Ten. The idea of an Ohio State or Michigan coming to town
will be something totally different. Eventually, Rutgers will become an eastern power-in the Big Ten. Oh, people will come, arch. People will definately come.

That is exactly the problem- long standing tradition. Is the east coast tradition-heavy? For example, in the 70's NY was about the Yankees. Then when the Mets were good in the mid-80's, all of a sudden everybody became a Mets fan. Then the Mets stunk again and the Yankees rose back to prominence. Everybody was a Yankees fan again. Now, maybe they're all Phillies fans (I don't know as I haven't lived there for a while).

Are people in Iowa swinging back and forth on Iowa and ISU or on the Cubs, Cards, and the Sox based on a few good seasons?

I just don't think tradition means that much on the East coast. Especially, tradition that did not originate in NYC.
I could not be less excited to add a team to the Big 10 than I am about Rutgers. They bring nothing to the conference. Adding Rutgers smacks of desperation. NY/NJ is saturated with pro teams so most tv viewers in that area could care less about watching college ball.
Syracuse at least has some history, but they haven't had a decent team since the Donovan McNabb era, and I don't know if they are even open to leaving the Big East.
ND makes the most sense, but they will never join, so screw em. Mizzou has at least showed some interest, and opens up the St. Louis market, but I don't think they bring a rich history of college football with them either. Of the teams being discussed I am most in favor of adding Mizzou.
I understand what you are saying Penn, but it really is speculation on your part. No offense, but I think the Big10 might want some more definite hard evidence in addition to PENNHWK saying they will come. :D

Pure speculation, deanvogs. I have NO concrete facts or figures. What I am looking at is where the Big Ten's main population base is....and, it's alot east of here. Taking into the consideration the whole states of Ohio and PA (not considering Chicago-that's a Pro town)
I think the Big Ten will move east...not farther west. Hell, it might be Pitt. I don't think it will be Mizzou or Nebraska (have they even been mentioned?)
That is exactly the problem- long standing tradition. Is the east coast tradition-heavy? For example, in the 70's NY was about the Yankees. Then when the Mets were good in the mid-80's, all of a sudden everybody became a Mets fan. Then the Mets stunk again and the Yankees rose back to prominence. Everybody was a Yankees fan again. Now, maybe they're all Phillies fans (I don't know as I haven't lived there for a while).

Are people in Iowa swinging back and forth on Iowa and ISU or on the Cubs, Cards, and the Sox based on a few good seasons?

I just don't think tradition means that much on the East coast. Especially, tradition that did not originate in NYC.

I would love to get an idea of what kind of alumni bases of the Big Ten are out east, arch. Not just NYC. Boston Phillly and DC, also. This will be a major factor in the decision. Also, I think the argument that NYC is a Pro town holds no water. I lived out there. They're sports NUTS. All sports. They came in droves for the US Open on LI. Just one example.
There are over 50 million people within 250 miles of Rutgers. Game. Set. Match.
There are over 50 million people within 250 miles of Rutgers. Game. Set. Match.


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