

Well-Known Member
It was depressing to notice the student section knotting its yellow towels and firing them at the team as it entered the tunnel before halftime.

It wouldn't be as bad if around thirty recruits weren't watching from the sideline, the look in their eye changing from the amazement caused by the electric atmosphere at the beginning of the game to a look that could only be read as a disappointed "how could a fan base treat their team so badly? why would I play here?"

The yellow towels and the incessant booing highlighted the sheer negativity of the fans and its damaging effect on the program. As the classic line goes, this is why we can't have nice things.
Not a great day for recruiting. Watching the fan's turn on the team after the team gets humiliated on the field.
Frankly, it was a great game if you were a recruit. You look at Iowa's lack of talent on the field, and you are saying to yourself that you can play right away as a freshman!!!!
Frankly, it was a great game if you were a recruit. You look at Iowa's lack of talent on the field, and you are saying to yourself that you can play right away as a freshman!!!!
These recruits have been playing (and probably been the stars) their whole lives. They don't want to just get playing time, they want to win.
The team deserved it....that was just pathetic. If I could talk to any recruits that were considering Iowa I would tell them to have their head examined....I grew up an Iowa fan but if I was a stud HS football player right now...I wouldn't come here.
Last night's dismal performance couldn't have come at a worse time for recruiting. With kids these days it is all about appearance, and how they look to their peers.
I can hear their buddies saying, "you might go to Iowa? Are you serious? They suck. They can't score. Boring offense."
These young kids want their friends to think they are cool. Cool is Michigan, Ohio State, Florida, Notre Dame, etc

Alot of the hard work by the recruiters was nullified last night, We should be expecting maybe 5 out of the 30 who visited to commit.
It was depressing to notice the student section knotting its yellow towels and firing them at the team as it entered the tunnel before halftime.

It wouldn't be as bad if around thirty recruits weren't watching from the sideline, the look in their eye changing from the amazement caused by the electric atmosphere at the beginning of the game to a look that could only be read as a disappointed "how could a fan base treat their team so badly? why would I play here?"

The yellow towels and the incessant booing highlighted the sheer negativity of the fans and its damaging effect on the program. As the classic line goes, this is why we can't have nice things.

I miss you.
A lot of us get frustrated with the hawks, mainly because we can't control whats going on on the field...we can control throwing knotted towels at them though...a very productive idea...jack *****...
IMO the booing by the crowd didn't have as much a negative affect as the site of the performance on the field and the fact the crowd had seen enough after 3 quarters.
IMO the booing by the crowd didn't have as much a negative affect as the site of the performance on the field and the fact the crowd had seen enough after 3 quarters.
Actually after two quarters and about 48 seconds of the third is when I decided I couldn't take it anymore.
IMO the booing by the crowd didn't have as much a negative affect as the site of the performance on the field and the fact the crowd had seen enough after 3 quarters.

Most of the towel throwing was by the student section
who doesn't give a s*** because 1) they had been drinking all day, and 2) the view these players differently than us "adults". To them they are just other students, who they might share a class with or sit next to on the cambus. They don't think about the big picture.
Most of the towel throwing was by the student section
who doesn't give a s*** because 1) they had been drinking all day, and 2) the view these players differently than us "adults". To them they are just other students, who they might share a class with or sit next to on the cambus. They don't think about the big picture.

Which is something they share with Kurt.
Just curious but I wonder how many of those recruits had PSU offers. With little effort, BOB may have helped his recruiting class greatly after last night. How could you not want to play that style of offense.