Recruit Visit?

It people want to be upset about something, they should be upset at guys like SmartHawk who takes premium information from TOS and posts it over here in a matter of minutes. Just because both sites use different business models to produce revenue, doesn't mean all of us shouldn't respect their right to do so.

It's guy's like Rob who is trying to earn a living for his family that is being cheated because of guys like SmartHawk who devalue TOS. But, I imagine it makes him feel important to be "the guy" who can bring over breaking news....must be an ego trip.

I'd prefer everyone just respect that Rob doesn't want the information spread and leave it at that. If you want to know what Rob has to say, then pay for it. If you don't want to pay, then you shouldn't care what Rob has to say.
HawkeyeShane....a little reading comprehension please....I said if Rob wanted it on a "free" site, he would have posted it on his own. I'm pretty sure that's why Jon link's Rob's site is because it is information Rob provided on his own "free" site and not in the paid area, which means ANYONE can have the info.

Is it really that difficult to figure this out? If Rob wants the info shared, he posts it on his "free" site. If not, he posts it on his "paid" site. Get it now?

Really??? Jon only posts links to the free content and not the premium stuff??? Whoa...I really DO get it now 2boys...thanks for showing me the light or I never would have! All this time I thought I was getting links to the premium stuff!

All I said was Jon also links Rob's free stuff because they're friends and...holy crap, nevermind...I'm not so sure I'm the one who needs the reading comprehension and this is going nowhere...
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I learned some first hand info about three different visits Fran made a week ago that still haven't been posted on any of the pay sites. I would share, but then I would have to share with all of the elite morons on the premium sites too. More fun just to see how long it takes for old news to finally be reported on the pay sites.

I don't have anything against the premium sites, casinos, etc. If that's your only fun in life, spend your money there.

If you don't spend your money there, how do you know it hasn't been posted. I've seen a lot of information about Coach Fran's recruiting...
I'll politely decline the thoughts of those who think it's improper to re-post a snip of premium content.

If you give a site credit for posting it first, that is acceptable. It's not a monumental crime against someone's business model to re-post a brief of information from another paid site just because it is labeled "premium" content. It actually lends credibility to that model because the paid site is giving the hottest information "first" through their premium registration. In addition, that positions said site as a known leader in providing the best content ahead of competitors.

It seems to sound like a bigger issue is that when someone re-posts, people who PAY for the premium information feel more slighted than the actual site/pub IMO. Can't control social media- Not meant as an attack on anyone's view of the situation.
I learned some first hand info about three different visits Fran made a week ago that still haven't been posted on any of the pay sites. I would share, but then I would have to share with all of the elite morons on the premium sites too. More fun just to see how long it takes for old news to finally be reported on the pay sites.

I don't have anything against the premium sites, casinos, etc. If that's your only fun in life, spend your money there.

Why don't you tell us then? That would be fun too. why come on here and say you know somethign and not tell anyone at all. It's like in elementary school when you told someone you had a secret, but couldn't tell them (because really you had no secret but just wanted to be the center of attention and feel special).
Why don't you tell us then? That would be fun too. why come on here and say you know somethign and not tell anyone at all. It's like in elementary school when you told someone you had a secret, but couldn't tell them (because really you had no secret but just wanted to be the center of attention and feel special).

I couldn't have said it better myself .. ..

Is it really that difficult to figure this out? If Rob wants the info shared, he posts it on his "free" site. If not, he posts it on his "paid" site. Get it now?

Doesn't matter if he wants it shared or not- if you put content out there, people can and will re-post. Copying the whole "premium" article and pasting it a message board chat, sure that's wrong. Posting a visit date from a "premium" article nothing wrong with that.
Didnt it say in the Albany times article that he was visiting Wednsday 4/21?

EDIT: Nevermind I re-read the article and it just said soon.
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I've never understood the "pay for information first" model. These guys don't know anything I won't in a matter of a few days or weeks. Why would anyone spend money to be the "first to know" is beyond me.
I've never understood the "pay for information first" model. These guys don't know anything I won't in a matter of a few days or weeks. Why would anyone spend money to be the "first to know" is beyond me.
Me either, just wait for the leaks, there is always one guy that wants to say "hey i know secret stuff here it is..."
Didnt it say in the Albany times article that he was visiting Wednsday 4/21?

EDIT: Nevermind I re-read the article and it just said soon.

I think they changed that because I could swear I saw the same thing yesterday on a "FREE" site that he would be here Wednesday as well.
If you type say "Melsahn Basabe Iowa Visit" in google then read the preview of the top result I think you'll find what he's talking about. Google doesn't know you don't have a subscription to the site so it still gives you a preview of the article with part you want to know...
Me either, just wait for the leaks, there is always one guy that wants to say "hey i know secret stuff here it is..."


Posted it earlier that I think most of these "i have the sercrets- you heard it here first" guys are just offended that they pay money to know the information an hour before someone reposts the same info.
So, if you run a business, you wouldn't mind if I walked in today and took your products and went out and gave it away for free on the street today? Rob makes his living on paid customers and his product is the articles and information he provides. If others are going to give that information out for free, then it is no different than me walking into your business, stealing your inventory and giving it difference.
So, if you run a business, you wouldn't mind if I walked in today and took your products and went out and gave it away for free on the street today? Rob makes his living on paid customers and his product is the articles and information he provides. If others are going to give that information out for free, then it is no different than me walking into your business, stealing your inventory and giving it difference.
He's selling something that is readily available for free elsewhere. If I were selling air in my store, I wouldn't be upset if you stole that and gave it away, I'd be upset that someone figured out my scam.
So, if you run a business, you wouldn't mind if I walked in today and took your products and went out and gave it away for free on the street today? Rob makes his living on paid customers and his product is the articles and information he provides. If others are going to give that information out for free, then it is no different than me walking into your business, stealing your inventory and giving it difference.

Let me ask you this. Have you ever told any of your friends or co-workers any of the information that you read on the pay site?

If you haven't, good for you. At least you're consistent. If you have, then that would be no different than telling us some info that you read.
He's selling something that is readily available for free elsewhere. If I were selling air in my store, I wouldn't be upset if you stole that and gave it away, I'd be upset that someone figured out my scam.

He's paying for the right to breathe before you do...