Recent rumblings

I have absolutely no doubt that KF called every recruit/commit and talked to them about the Rhabdo incident. No way he lets them read what the media was saying without giving them the inside scoop.
Not sure how it will effect the guys who aren't already committed, but anyone else thinking all of the KF bashing could actually go the other way and rally everyone (team and recruits) behind coach?

Shane, I was thinking the same. Especially if all is cleared up. I for one think it came at the best time, because it's too late for most recruits to find a new home and we were pretty well locked up with the guys we had in the fold. Wright could have been a loss, but we will likely never know.

Hopefully, like I said this mess gets cleaned up heading into 2012 recruiting and we have another solid season in 11...
It's a shame that Remound Wright decided not to come, but I also can't blame him for sticking with Stanford. Great school with a beautiful campus.

On the plus side, if Jordan Canzeri enjoys his visit and decides to come to Iowa I think it would be great. He looks pretty good on film, and could absolutely be another Hawkeye "hidden gem".
I won't be shocked at all to see Cooper end up at Michigan, which is a shame because we're looking a bit thin at D-Line over the next year or two.

From the tweets people have posted on message boards (I don't actually read them firsthand) he seems to be most interested in the biggest school recruiting him at that moment in time.
I won't be shocked at all to see Cooper end up at Michigan, which is a shame because we're looking a bit thin at D-Line over the next year or two.

From the tweets people have posted on message boards (I don't actually read them firsthand) he seems to be most interested in the biggest school recruiting him at that moment in time.


My sarcasm meter must be operating on low ....
from the way his tweets sound its not looking good for us!

You must really read into things...he has said nothing about his visit to Michigan beyond his meeting with Hoke and two comments about their three strike policy. Otherwise, his other post even remotely related was his landing back in either you exagerate or you are a troll.
You must really read into things...he has said nothing about his visit to Michigan beyond his meeting with Hoke and two comments about their three strike policy. Otherwise, his other post even remotely related was his landing back in either you exagerate or you are a troll.

Post count. Trollish activity.
