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Well-Known Member
Jon - You have NOT been too hard on the Hawkeyes!!! I listened to everyone of your podcasts in 2014, and you never crossed any line or acted immature....what you may have said, or what intro you played would/is considered tame compared to what we would be hearing in Columbus, Auston, Knoxville, etc when things go bad. And bad for a MUCH shorter period, where coaches do not get decade long were NOT snarky, and EVERYTHING that Barta has and should be getting thrown his direction right now he deserves. NOTHING was cringe worthy....I do not believe that anyone listening to your podcasts has cringed at anything you gave said. If we had our own podcasts, I'm sure that 2014 and the current asinine extension would be cause for your podcasts to seem like Sesame Street in comparison. I come on here to hear you speak the truth....NOT to hear what I can read from 99.9% of the sportswriters who cover Iowa athletics. Why can the national media write dead on columns about KF's TWO ridiculous extensions, but our sportswriters won't touch it??? And if they do, it's with kid gloves. Unlike you, my love of Iowa athletics does not excuse what Barta just did to our football program....we are in DEEP TROUBLE!!! If 7-5 is acceptable, then pay KF accordingly....I could care less how much someone makes in life, but it really irks me that the other coaches being paid his salary actually DO aspire for National Championships. KF does not....he is content with his 2 star recruits that no major schools are pining over....those type of recruits will never get you to reach the next get exposed. Which we do in every Rose Bowl and big game (2002 USC). Last year was built on bubble gum, smoke machines, and fun house mirrors....the 12-0 run was fun, but not worth the extension that followed and what we are going to be forced to endure for who knows long again. This really sucks....we were SOOOO close to being rid of KF after 2014, and now this...ZERO promise, again. THAT is what has fans going off the rails so quickly this season....again, what 2 stars would KF not been able to land had he not been given another 10 years??? Having no hope is what is killing me as a Hawk fan...the thought of KF for another 5-6 years has feeling TOTALLY gutted.....yuck,,,,pfffffttt. Thank you for the time....keep up the good work.

BTW, please do not blame poor recruiting on what we are saying on twitter or message boards,,,,KF is being paid like those coaches who recruit their asses off and place a premium on that....he doesn't....and that is why we are in the mess that we are in.

BTW Part Deux, I do have a lovely life, lovely wife, and a great dog.....please do not pigeon hole me as one that must be living a miserable existence....I am not. But I am miserable in having zero hope in the football program on a national scale.
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In many ways, this season is already a missed opportunity to capitalize on 12-2. Maybe this team can recover from 3-2, with 2 home losses, and win 9 games, but nationally, we can't recover. This season is why we didn't get national respect, last season. Does this program have the sense of urgency to become a national product?

Edit: To be clear, I am saying we cannot recover, nationally, this season. If we win 9 or even 10 this season, we can follow up next season to try and capitalize nationally. Reputations are based on actions and accomplishments.
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Unsure how you could provide commentary on any football program without evaluating those in charge. Part of any evaluation is looking at what the expectations are and whether they have been met. Certainly salary is a large factor in formulating expectations for any job. KF gets paid in the upper echelon of coaches. So, he should be evaluated accordingly. Hard to argue the associated expectations are even being sniffed when your last 3 wins are Miami (OH), ISU and Rutgers--3 awful teams; and have also lost to an FCS (I don't care who they are) and NW (Who has also lost to 2 FCS teams). As frosting on that cake, since ISU, Iowa looks like they'd rather be doing anything other than playing a FB game. I personally put all that on the coach b/c I am not going to criticize college kids.

As for Barta, there is a reason he is subject to criticism. What I don't get is where Kirk's leverage came from to get this recent agreement? Was he going to quit at 62 years old? Got no problem with an extension for recruiting. However, the terms given the circumstances are not beneficial to the University to put it mildly. Let's also not forget Kirk demanded these terms, the money, the plane, the guaranteed years. Did not have to be so aggressive and I don't begrudge him for it one bit.

In short, these guys make their own proverbial beds.
I love his podcasts but his constantly apologizing for getting upset is growing tiresome and old really quick. If he thinks what he said in 2014 was bad then Jon really doesn't have a grasp on big time college football and their fanbase's expectations. Sometimes telling the truth comes out rude. Don't apologize for seeing things as they really are as opposed to what you want the athletic department to hear. That'll turn me off from listening before telling like it is ever will.
I agree with Jon on fans tweeting at recruits.

It's just sad how Eno and all the other Hawk recruits have to make a tweet every weekend explaining how they are a Hawk forever. They only do that because they have "fans" tweeting at them asking if they are staying and getting up in there business. And I'm not saying it will happen but if I were in their postion I would get sick and tired of sending the "I'm staying tweet" every weekend and it could cause them to change their thoughts on Iowa.

It's different to follow the recruits to keep up with the recruiting process and watching highlights from their games on friday nights, but when the games isn't going how you would like it just don't @ them on twitter.
I agree with Jon on fans tweeting at recruits.

It's just sad how Eno and all the other Hawk recruits have to make a tweet every weekend explaining how they are a Hawk forever. They only do that because they have "fans" tweeting at them asking if they are staying and getting up in there business. And I'm not saying it will happen but if I were in their postion I would get sick and tired of sending the "I'm staying tweet" every weekend and it could cause them to change their thoughts on Iowa.

It's different to follow the recruits to keep up with the recruiting process and watching highlights from their games on friday nights, but when the games isn't going how you would like it just don't @ them on twitter.

This really is unfortunate, but it's a public domain. You want people to act polite, reasonable, and with class. Social Media is anything but that as we've seen (and watch the current season of South Park as they're playing off of that)

The recruits could make their accounts private, or remove themselves off SM until their decision is made (which they'll have to do anyway if they come to Iowa). Not excusing the fan behavior, but there really isn't much they or we can do to stop people from being idiots.

As for apologizing for being somewhat harsh back in 2014, no need. This staff basically was giving the big middle finger to the fan base. The team was ultra conservative, running the same plays out of the same formations and expecting success. We were losing to teams like ISU who had one of the worst teams in their history that year....and this was following four straight seasons of meh football. Frustrations were coming out, and as someone else said, KF has it pretty easy here in Iowa in regards to the media and the fanbase.

Any other school, and these results since 2010 would have gotten him fired. What is so frustrating again is how we seemed to regain a little bit of fire in our play last year (even with old tendencies still existing), and actually win games we were supposed to.

It gave us all hope that this year could have been another good one. None of us were really expecting another 12-0, but we didn't expect this dumpster fire
Just win Saturday and everyone will shut up for a time. I've never seen such a bunch of whining crybabies after one conference loss. You would think the world came to an end. Ferentz knows what he is doing

Pls impart on me the wisdom that I am missing given the results of the last 6 games which includes 3 wins over teams that have combined to win 3 games as to how KF knows what he is doing. What is the standard?
Last Saturday's game really underscored how insignificant football games (or any sporting event, for that matter) are in the grand scheme of things:

Sitting next to me were a father with his young son. It was the son's first Hawkeye game (he was in the age 6-8 range). Dad was so excited...telling his son about "Back in Black", Herky's entrance, how the crowd will be fired up, how they were the "O" in the I-O-W-A chant, etc. He made sure his son could always see the action on the field. He even made it a point to tell his son the people who threw things on the field should be thrown out (explaining about sportsmanship).

The boy was as excited as Dad about the game. Dad was obviously disappointed in the outcome, but I don't think the boy cared....he was having too much fun. Several times Dad gave his son a big hug and told him he loved him. It was so obvious that this was an important event for Dad: passing his love for the Hawkeyes on to his son.

A lifelong Hawkeye fan was born that day.
Last Saturday's game really underscored how insignificant football games (or any sporting event, for that matter) are in the grand scheme of things:

Sitting next to me were a father with his young son. It was the son's first Hawkeye game (he was in the age 6-8 range). Dad was so excited...telling his son about "Back in Black", Herky's entrance, how the crowd will be fired up, how they were the "O" in the I-O-W-A chant, etc. He made sure his son could always see the action on the field. He even made it a point to tell his son the people who threw things on the field should be thrown out (explaining about sportsmanship).

The boy was as excited as Dad about the game. Dad was obviously disappointed in the outcome, but I don't think the boy cared....he was having too much fun. Several times Dad gave his son a big hug and told him he loved him. It was so obvious that this was an important event for Dad: passing his love for the Hawkeyes on to his son.

A lifelong Hawkeye fan was born that day.
A fan born in the same manner as myself and and many of us. And I totally get your point, that brought back memories and that is what this is really all about. Sports and fandom contain many valuable life lessons to be learned. Hopefully that fan grows up to have the same love for the Hawkeyes, but also the same expectations as all of us. Being a fan doesn't mean you have to accept the situation and that you shouldn't expect to build on previous success.
I hope that young boys dad also told him not to worry or be concerned if Iowa loses, because the coach isn't.
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Jon - You have NOT been too hard on the Hawkeyes!!! I listened to everyone of your podcasts in 2014, and you never crossed any line or acted immature....what you may have said, or what intro you played would/is considered tame compared to what we would be hearing in Columbus, Auston, Knoxville, etc when things go bad. And bad for a MUCH shorter period, where coaches do not get decade long were NOT snarky, and EVERYTHING that Barta has and should be getting thrown his direction right now he deserves. NOTHING was cringe worthy....I do not believe that anyone listening to your podcasts has cringed at anything you gave said. If we had our own podcasts, I'm sure that 2014 and the current asinine extension would be cause for your podcasts to seem like Sesame Street in comparison. I come on here to hear you speak the truth....NOT to hear what I can read from 99.9% of the sportswriters who cover Iowa athletics. Why can the national media write dead on columns about KF's TWO ridiculous extensions, but our sportswriters won't touch it??? And if they do, it's with kid gloves. Unlike you, my love of Iowa athletics does not excuse what Barta just did to our football program....we are in DEEP TROUBLE!!! If 7-5 is acceptable, then pay KF accordingly....I could care less how much someone makes in life, but it really irks me that the other coaches being paid his salary actually DO aspire for National Championships. KF does not....he is content with his 2 star recruits that no major schools are pining over....those type of recruits will never get you to reach the next get exposed. Which we do in every Rose Bowl and big game (2002 USC). Last year was built on bubble gum, smoke machines, and fun house mirrors....the 12-0 run was fun, but not worth the extension that followed and what we are going to be forced to endure for who knows long again. This really sucks....we were SOOOO close to being rid of KF after 2014, and now this...ZERO promise, again. THAT is what has fans going off the rails so quickly this season....again, what 2 stars would KF not been able to land had he not been given another 10 years??? Having no hope is what is killing me as a Hawk fan...the thought of KF for another 5-6 years has feeling TOTALLY gutted.....yuck,,,,pfffffttt. Thank you for the time....keep up the good work.

BTW, please do not blame poor recruiting on what we are saying on twitter or message boards,,,,KF is being paid like those coaches who recruit their asses off and place a premium on that....he doesn't....and that is why we are in the mess that we are in.

BTW Part Deux, I do have a lovely life, lovely wife, and a great dog.....please do not pigeon hole me as one that must be living a miserable existence....I am not. But I am miserable in having zero hope in the football program on a national scale.

Agree with everything you said . . . but . . . last year was not smoke and mirrors. The OOC was respectable and beating 10 win teams on the road is pretty cool. The reason last year was special is because KF felt some heat and knew he could still be fired if Barta ever grew some balls. And his number 1 priority since arriving is making sure that firing him isn't even an option for the A.D. And now he has achieved that goal. He will retire on his terms and no one elses.

2015 was special, but like you, I, and many other have said: One special year outa 5 isn't getting the job done. We all thought 02-04 was the norm under KF. In fact it was the exception. And now that everyone knows it, people are making their voices heard.
Last Saturday's game really underscored how insignificant football games (or any sporting event, for that matter) are in the grand scheme of things:

Sitting next to me were a father with his young son. It was the son's first Hawkeye game (he was in the age 6-8 range). Dad was so excited...telling his son about "Back in Black", Herky's entrance, how the crowd will be fired up, how they were the "O" in the I-O-W-A chant, etc. He made sure his son could always see the action on the field. He even made it a point to tell his son the people who threw things on the field should be thrown out (explaining about sportsmanship).

The boy was as excited as Dad about the game. Dad was obviously disappointed in the outcome, but I don't think the boy cared....he was having too much fun. Several times Dad gave his son a big hug and told him he loved him. It was so obvious that this was an important event for Dad: passing his love for the Hawkeyes on to his son.

A lifelong Hawkeye fan was born that day.

What a fantastic, heart warming story.. I shed a tear reading it..
I didn't hear much, if any, of "be calm, it's only a game/keep life in perspective" when we ran the table last year. Sorry, but it sounds like verbal salve for the butt hurt when we're struggling.
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Last Saturday's game really underscored how insignificant football games (or any sporting event, for that matter) are in the grand scheme of things:

Sitting next to me were a father with his young son. It was the son's first Hawkeye game (he was in the age 6-8 range). Dad was so excited...telling his son about "Back in Black", Herky's entrance, how the crowd will be fired up, how they were the "O" in the I-O-W-A chant, etc. He made sure his son could always see the action on the field. He even made it a point to tell his son the people who threw things on the field should be thrown out (explaining about sportsmanship).

The boy was as excited as Dad about the game. Dad was obviously disappointed in the outcome, but I don't think the boy cared....he was having too much fun. Several times Dad gave his son a big hug and told him he loved him. It was so obvious that this was an important event for Dad: passing his love for the Hawkeyes on to his son.

A lifelong Hawkeye fan was born that day.
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Nice story and reminds me of my dad. However, I am sure the same thing goes on at Alabama, Ohio State, Michigan, USC, etc. The difference is their fathers get to talk about national championships and what it means to be a winner and being the best you can be.
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Nice story and reminds me of my dad. However, I am sure the same thing goes on at Alabama, Ohio State, Michigan, USC, etc. The difference is their fathers get to talk about national championships and what it means to be a winner and being the best you can be.

Honestly there is more life lessons with a team like Iowa than a team like Alabama. You can teach your kid how to lose with dignity. You can point out the hard working kids who defied all odds and became a D1 starter. At Alabama, kids are just handed a national championship because the team would have gotter it whether they were there or not. There are no life lessons to be learned there.

Also,I don't want my kid to be the one who likes a team just because they never lose. And I sure don't want my kid to be the kind who always wants to jump on the best team regardless of previous allegence.
Honestly there is more life lessons with a team like Iowa than a team like Alabama. You can teach your kid how to lose with dignity. You can point out the hard working kids who defied all odds and became a D1 starter. At Alabama, kids are just handed a national championship because the team would have gotter it whether they were there or not. There are no life lessons to be learned there.

Also,I don't want my kid to be the one who likes a team just because they never lose. And I sure don't want my kid to be the kind who always wants to jump on the best team regardless of previous allegence.

This is a good thought. a glaring weakness though is it would be obvious to an astute kid watching the games that there is a lot of effort being left on the table at the end of the game. As well as if you can't do well, why try in re to recruiting.

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