Honestly there is more life lessons with a team like Iowa than a team like Alabama. You can teach your kid how to lose with dignity. You can point out the hard working kids who defied all odds and became a D1 starter. At Alabama, kids are just handed a national championship because the team would have gotter it whether they were there or not. There are no life lessons to be learned there.
Also,I don't want my kid to be the one who likes a team just because they never lose. And I sure don't want my kid to be the kind who always wants to jump on the best team regardless of previous allegence.
Your thinking is flawed. How do you know what goes on over at Alabama? How do you know that their coach isn't going the extra mile in pushing those kids to their outer limits in practice? Case in point, why was Alabama down for over a decade even when they were getting great recruits? The current couch is doing something right in preparations and play calling. This isn't just a star thing. Iowa one year had some of the SO CALLED top recruits in the nation sign up and announce on national TV they were going to Iowa. Despite their four star ratings they never amounted to much as team or individually during their time at Iowa.
Michigan and Notre Dame have more than their share of the nations top recruits yet they have struggled over the recent past. So to say that Alabama is only successful because they get the best players and those players don't have to try or bust their ass in practice but just show up every Saturday and play the game, is just an unsustainable claim with no evidence or fact to back it up.
Now I will say this that what might be learned from losing and staying with a team is loyalty through tough times. You can apply that to work and marriage and friendships. It a great lesson. However you can also apply the lessons of marriage to your expectations of your allegiance to teams.
Some marriages are just terrible and should end. Especially when one party or both are overly selfish, abusive, and thinking only of themselves. There is no hope and the best thing to do is move on and try to find someone better. It's risky, as often a person can get into a relationship that is just as bad or worse. Then again just the opposite is true. They find a person who brings into their life a totally better environment. The sun comes out from behind the clouds and they find joy in life. However, it takes courage to step out from a known situation to the unknown.
Most people don't like change even if their their situation totally sucks, it's still a known quantity and comfort zone. A true leader knows that life's journey should never be a camp ground. That we should take on challenges and get out of comfort zones. That way a person can grow and learn and better themselves. Most Iowa fans are in a campground right now. They need to break camp as one side of this marriage is refusing to change and the battered (Bartaed) spouse is happy with being kicked around and even sanctions it.
There are lessons that can be learned even in the sports teams we follow. However, just as a child should never be spoiled and have given everything to them, still once in awhile they should be treated to a nice restaurant or having treats from Dairy Queen. What some want to do is trick themselves and their children into believing that Taco Bell is authentic Mexican food and a top notch restaurant just because................... "you fill in the blank."
I will give Jon this. It is very true that we get tied into an entity ( sports teams, political parties, religion) because of the memories and experiences that have shaped our lives as we grew up. That can be a great thing but then again it can be a disaster if we don't have the will to try to change terrible circumstances and try to improve our lives and do better. What can happen when we don't want to face the truth, well just ask the Jim Jones and David Karesh(?) followers how that worked out for them? Maybe they should have gotten together for a barbecue and free drinks party. Kinda like Iowa and Iowa State playing each other in football. I know that one hurt. Sorry, but sometimes you have to get people's attention and get them to thinking about things.
OK, I exaggerate to make a point and I agree it is just a game and in fact I have posted several times that it's just entertainment......... so I get that.
Something that Jon said that we have to remember is that Iowa just doesn't get to the glory land very often, but Jon don't you get it? Because it is so rare to have a shot at it, we get a chance for a once in a lifetime to actually dream about playing in the B1G game. It appeared that all the stars were finally aligning as most of the players from a 12-0 team were returning. The schedule was still extremely friendly. These are events that just don't happen at IOWA. So hopes were very high. So high in fact that it made the crashing to the ground that much more painful. Some of us may NEVER see the stars aligned like this again before we die. It would have been beyond nice to have beverage and warm hamburger after the playoff game and just suck it all in and say "Yes, it's just a game, but damn this feels awesome!!!!"
Unfortunate for me my teams that I am locked into with memories and experiences from growing up are the Hawkeyes, the Cubs, and the Bears. Can there be anymore of a self inflicted pain??? Lol. I know, I know, the Cubs are having a great year so far but please keep it to a whisper and maybe the forces of darkness will be on vacation and miss the playoffs and the Cubs will finally do it........... maybe.