Reason for the outrage?


Well-Known Member
Here are some of the reasons that I have come up with:

1) It took too long to announce the DC. If you are promoting from in-house then just come out and say it early on. Show support for the guy from the beginning, make it sound like he is the man and he is the best available.

Instead we got some long drawn-out search process that appears on the surface to be a fall-back option.

2) A lot of fans are fed up with the 'system'. We're not a sexy team to watch. We've fallen on hard times as of late. And this hire has the appearance that we should expect the same old stuff.

The funny part is that the D has been the best area of our entire team. Its why we have won so many games and has kept us from losing many more. The goal line stands, the bend but don't break, the vicious hits. Its why we were winning and we should be thrilled to watch it continue.

I think a lot of fans are projecting their offensive frustrations on the defense and it is unfair to Phil Parker.
Here are some of the reasons that I have come up with:

1) It took too long to announce the DC. If you are promoting from in-house then just come out and say it early on. Show support for the guy from the beginning, make it sound like he is the man and he is the best available.

Instead we got some long drawn-out search process that appears on the surface to be a fall-back option.

2) A lot of fans are fed up with the 'system'. We're not a sexy team to watch. We've fallen on hard times as of late. And this hire has the appearance that we should expect the same old stuff.

The funny part is that the D has been the best area of our entire team. Its why we have won so many games and has kept us from losing many more. The goal line stands, the bend but don't break, the vicious hits. Its why we were winning and we should be thrilled to watch it continue.

I think a lot of fans are projecting their offensive frustrations on the defense and it is unfair to Phil Parker.

I agree about the defense being the best. What is the argument going to be though when he promotes Soup to the offensive coordnater?
Here are some of the reasons that I have come up with:1) It took too long to announce the DC. If you are promoting from in-house then just come out and say it early on. Show support for the guy from the beginning, make it sound like he is the man and he is the best available. Instead we got some long drawn-out search process that appears on the surface to be a fall-back option.2) A lot of fans are fed up with the 'system'. We're not a sexy team to watch. We've fallen on hard times as of late. And this hire has the appearance that we should expect the same old stuff. The funny part is that the D has been the best area of our entire team. Its why we have won so many games and has kept us from losing many more. The goal line stands, the bend but don't break, the vicious hits. Its why we were winning and we should be thrilled to watch it continue.I think a lot of fans are projecting their offensive frustrations on the defense and it is unfair to Phil Parker.

we are taking our offensive frustrations out on defense. Phil parker is a great hire
I agree about the defense being the best. What is the argument going to be though when he promotes Soup to the offensive coordnater?

There should be no argument. In my mind, Soup is the perfect candidate for the OC job. And as it turns out, Phil was the perfect candidate for the DC job. Both tenured coaches, both ready to take a step up. Both loyal, deserving coaches. Think about how many assistants under Hayden became successful.
We all act like since we watch 3 hours of football 12 times a year we know better than people in the program 24/7. I don’t agree with every play call or every clock management issue but I have the benefit of hindsight.
We could hire Knute Rockne and half the people on HN would be "outraged."
KF will never win no matter who it is.
My reaction to Parker's selection and the other staff changes was not outrage but more a sense of disappointment that Ferentz didn't use the opportunity of hiring one of two key coordinators to shake up his staff and the program, which I've said in several threads currently feels stale.

If you know anything about leadership and organizational strength, there is a cycle that requires the organization -- whether a business, a non-profit, a university, an athletic program -- to reinvent itself in order to continue to thrive, grow, prosper. Iowa football right now feels like it is on the downward side of the curve, and KF is missing the cutoff that will put the program back on an upward trajectory with new energy and fresh thinking.

If you haven't noticed, the B1G is changing. Urban Meyer looks like he will have tOSU back on top very quickly and difficult to knock off; Biels has Wisconsin rolling year in and year out; Brady Hoke will get it done in Ann Arbor; Nebraska will be an annual dog-fight for Iowa; Iowa still can't beat Iowa State on a consistent basis and WTH is up with the Gophers -- they were always supposed to be a guaranteed 'W'?

Is KF up to the job of meeting those new challenges? I sincerely hope so. Phil Parker may move into the DC job and get things fired up again, and that would be great. But I am dubious that the status quo of Iowa football is going to be enough.
My reaction to Parker's selection and the other staff changes was not outrage but more a sense of disappointment that Ferentz didn't use the opportunity of hiring one of two key coordinators to shake up his staff and the program, which I've said in several threads currently feels stale.

If you know anything about leadership and organizational strength, there is a cycle that requires the organization -- whether a business, a non-profit, a university, an athletic program -- to reinvent itself in order to continue to thrive, grow, prosper. Iowa football right now feels like it is on the downward side of the curve, and KF is missing the cutoff that will put the program back on an upward trajectory with new energy and fresh thinking.

If you haven't noticed, the B1G is changing. Urban Meyer looks like he will have tOSU back on top very quickly and difficult to knock off; Biels has Wisconsin rolling year in and year out; Brady Hoke will get it done in Ann Arbor; Nebraska will be an annual dog-fight for Iowa; Iowa still can't beat Iowa State on a consistent basis and WTH is up with the Gophers -- they were always supposed to be a guaranteed 'W'?

Is KF up to the job of meeting those new challenges? I sincerely hope so. Phil Parker may move into the DC job and get things fired up again, and that would be great. But I am dubious that the status quo of Iowa football is going to be enough.

+1 Great post! I couldn't have spoken it better!
Ferentz needs a PR person, and someone to explain to him what "timing" is...both on and off the field. That's the problem...and captured very well above.

If Parker is your choice, GREAT! Announce it early and with confidence. Make the "our program is stable and strong" statement early enough to help recruiting. Nothing wrong with that.

Instead, we get 2 months of uncertainty and no "payoff". Kirk Ferentz is a great "developmental" (as in assistant) coach. He's a weak Head Coach and CEO. Limited sense of timing and impact.
Ferentz needs a PR person, and someone to explain to him what "timing" is...both on and off the field. That's the problem.

If Parker is your choice, GREAT! Announce it early and with confidence. Make the "our program is stable and strong" statement early enough to help recruiting. Nothing wrong with that.

Instead, we get 2 months of uncertainty and no "payoff".

Great point. You are absolutely right. KF needed to sell this, and so far he hasn't.
Ferentz needs a PR person, and someone to explain to him what "timing" is...both on and off the field. That's the problem...and captured very well above.

If Parker is your choice, GREAT! Announce it early and with confidence. Make the "our program is stable and strong" statement early enough to help recruiting. Nothing wrong with that.

Instead, we get 2 months of uncertainty and no "payoff". Kirk Ferentz is a great "developmental" (as in assistant) coach. He's a weak Head Coach and CEO. Limited sense of timing and impact.

I'm pretty sure he realizes (and this is preached by many on this board constantly) that this program is one bad hire away from sub-par mediocrity. I'm sure he interviewed people outside the program. Everyone thinks he and the AD were dragging their feet. What about just making sure they were making the right hire? I bet it takes just as long before we hear who the new OC is going to be.
Maybe just maybe he opened the DC position up to anybody on the staff as well as outside. Then he interviews PP and Wilson along with outside choices, maybe does some second round of interviews. And finally comes to the conclusion that PP is the man he wants running the show. This all being that at the beginning he wasnt not sure it was PP.
so you want fresh ideas, but you want KF to immediately promote Parker?

does not compute.

to me, the delay shows that KF considered all of his options and made the decision he thought was best. i have no problem with that.
Maybe - JUST MAYBE - there are REASONS KF didn't just promote PP IMMEDIATELY to satisfy all you wet diapered babes. My gawd, I am embarrassed for all you sassy little foot stompers. Grow the hell up and check back in after you've done a few adult things - like hire and fire professionals - in your life. I dare say your perspective will change.
If you know anything about leadership and organizational strength, there is a cycle that requires the organization -- whether a business, a non-profit, a university, an athletic program -- to reinvent itself in order to continue to thrive, grow, prosper. Iowa football right now feels like it is on the downward side of the curve, and KF is missing the cutoff that will put the program back on an upward trajectory with new energy and fresh thinking.

You mean like Duke, Michigan State or Syracuse basketball, or Penn State football? Though PSU may be a bad example about now. Many programs have tried to retool (see Iowa basketball) and failed miserably. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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