Really good win for Iowa

I thought it was a great win too! And I just want to say, I see no reason why White and Ogelsby shouldn't be starting. They at least need to be getting more minutes than May and McCabe. Although Zach had did have a good game last night. Ogelsby is the only guy on the team that when he shoots I think there's a legitimate chance it goes in. And White just has a knack for being in the right place at the right time.

At this point, no way do I start White over McCabe. Zach has been one of the Iowa's better bigs this season, if not the best.
Storm did you see the game in person?

if so, would you agree that when Cartwright is healthy and playing well we are different team, he is definately our floor leader and Gessel will run the team next yr.

Baasbe has a lot of potential but tends to be inconsistent with his motor. Brommer is limited but seems to play really hard when he is in there.

Oglesby has a ton of potential, also can do much more than just shoot, I see Josh actually being a factor in conference play this yr. Next yr he will get Gaten's minutes.

Gatens really stepped up last night and gave the Hawkeyes great leadership.

If Woodbury can give them a legit low post threat Josh and others will get a lot of open looks over the next few yrs.

Anybody that complains about this win is nuts, this team needs to take any wins they can find, the conference season could be brutal.

I would agree with all your points.

I will add that I really like Bryce at point with Devyn at the 3, they work well together.
Spank, that was one bad play that he compounded by making a frustration foul....with the way multiple other players have played this year I don't get it. Cartwright was terrible again last night...he can't control his dribble at all. Marble had 5 assists to only 2 turnovers. Cartwright was 3 to 3.
Spank, that was one bad play that he compounded by making a frustration foul....with the way multiple other players have played this year I don't get it. Cartwright was terrible again last night...he can't control his dribble at all. Marble had 5 assists to only 2 turnovers. Cartwright was 3 to 3.

Gotta be harder on the ones you love.
In order to make such an idiotic post, you have to assume that GhostofBTT didn't actually see the game. Has to be the only excuse unless he has some sort of agenda...

Hey Ghost, now it's 56-10.
If there is a gripe to be made about the officiating, it isn't that is slanted one way or the other, it's that they called 15 fouls in the first 5 minutes of the 2nd half after calling 12 for the ENTIRE first half.

Also, the soft-serve at CHA is awesome. Hadn't had it before last night.
If there is a gripe to be made about the officiating, it isn't that is slanted one way or the other, it's that they called 15 fouls in the first 5 minutes of the 2nd half after calling 12 for the ENTIRE first half.

Also, the soft-serve at CHA is awesome. Hadn't had it before last night.

Officials are just terrible all-around. Hate refs. Thankless job gets no thanks.
Geez, the negativity is overwhelming. That was our best game of the year. The team is going in the right direction--
UNI: played well.
ISU: overwhelmed, but saw glimpses
Drake: played better defensively and show a ton of patience offensively.

There are a lot more positives:

Cartwright got a little mojo going. Very much needed.
Marble will slide over to the 2 soon. May will offer some punch off of the bench. This is a scenario of "when" not "if."
Gatens played inspired. It was great to see his game go in some other places like rebounding last nigh.
Basabe is getting too much negativity right now. He was solid last night and has been solid for 4 straight games. Let go of the bad start. He's playing no different than last year now.
Zach is a charge machine, stretches the D a bit on O, and makes plays despite limitations.
White had his best game (yes, better than Chi. State)
Josh is fun to watch
May got two early fouls so I only had to watch him about 1 minute the first half
Brommer dives for balls he has no chance of getting
Archie is'nt playing (which might be number 1 on the list)

Personally, I see the exact same improvement arc from last year's team. There will be some painful B1G games, but there will be excitement. I see some upsets in the future (along with a few 20 point blowouts).
Very nice post, Golden.....

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