Rate The Hire 1 to 10

A 7 so far:

The jury is out. Right now I'm more impressed than I originally was when first hearing his name mentioned. The more I read and the more I see of him talk, the more I like. But, that is easy to do right now considering he has not put his official staff in place or coached a game as of yet.

It appears to be a fairly decent hire, but I need to see more before adjusting that score either up or down.
9. I grew up on Davis basketball, and everyone here loved it at least for a while. It sounds like his style is at least similar. I'm excited!
Pearl = 10
Drew = 9
Pastner = 8
McCaffery = 7
Keno = 6
Forbes = 5
Gregory, Wojcik = 4
10. I had the knee jerk disappointment based on articles i read but after digging in more and hearing all of the things I hoped to hear I think this was a fantastic hire.
Yesterday afternoon when I first saw the reports, I would have given it a 2 or 3 just because I hadn't really heard of him and I was pulling for Forbes. Last night after doing some reading up on him it was about a 6-6.5, and after the presser this morning I'm up to a solid 8, with the potential to go even higher based on his staff. I e-mailed Barta a few minutes ago and suggested that Coach at least take a look at Greg Stokes, who is currently an assistant at Kirkwood. Don't know much about his recruiting connections, but I feel like he's at least worth looking at and seeing what he can offer.
8 is my rating. Good coach....solid results...recruiting might be an issue...we will see. Overall considering the situation I think the hawks did a good job here.
8! After reading this presser, this man is hungry for success at a different level. Love his confidence. Oh and hey Don Doxie! You are such trash for writing what you did in the QC Times! I hope our new man is rocket fueled by your horrific comparison to Lick. Hope you are ashamed.... I am all in with you Fran McCaffery!!
Post this in two years and see how everyone did. I give him a 4.5 but only time will tell.

To score any higher Barta would have had to do the impossible: get Pearl or Dixon

I really like this hire

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