Rasing or Telford?


Well-Known Member
Anyone heard? I know Telford beat out Rasing but, Telford has three more years to go and, I have more confidence in Rasing right now.:confused::confused:
read my preview of iowa vs minnesota i think rasing should get the nod vs minnesota with a win over him and if he does win he is our guy because the confidence factor is so big in DI wrestling
If Bobby is healthy we should wrestle him the rest of the year. Big Tens and NCAA's are a learning experience and next year we can look for even bigger things from him. Rasing had his shots and also lost every match to Telford. Bobby should be our guy.
I agree. Go with the experienced Raising. This will only light a fire under Telford as well. He didn't look too happy to not be wrestling at PSU.
Rasing is 3-0 against Nelson, not just one win. I'd go with Blake unless the dual is wrapped up.
Telford. I wouldn't have wasted mat experience in big duals on Rasing last weekend either.
Will Rasing ever be an AA for us? No.
Will Telford be an AA for us? Yes.
Which has a better chance to do it this year? Telford.
I think you wrestle Telford with the caveat that if he doesn’t come out aggressive and win or at least show he can have major success against Nelson, Rasing will assume the starting position for the rest of the season. Rasing has wrestled and won all three times against Nelson so he’s already shown he can be successful against him. If Telford wants the spot, he needs to finally step up and win a big match against a top level competitor and solidify his position as the starter. I think both guys chance of success suffers at nationals if you keep dragging this on much longer. My hope is that Telford seizes the chance if he’s given the opportunity to wrestle and creates some results with all that talent and make perfectly clear who our guy is going to be from here on out at Heavyweight.
Brands wrestled Rasing not only because of Telford's losses but also because of something he saw in the room. Only Brands and his inner circle know exactly what's going on here, but there's more at work than just teaching Telford a lesson. I'm not going to stress over it and I look forward to seeing who gets the nod on Sunday.
Well against Minny you have to go with Rasing. He has wrestled the guy 3 times. Brands has a tough choice
I thought Rasing would come back with a fire under his butt. However scoring 0 points against Wade doesnt sit well with anyone. But Telford lost what 4 in a row?

Tough choice. Go with experience. Rasing is a Big ten champ!
My feelings- Go with Telford.
If Telford is the guy to go to the B10 and Nationals, then give him the experience against Nelson. W or L.

I thought Raising may have been given a chance to retake the spot last weekend, but the big 0 against Wade bothers me.
Who ever is our guy is at Hwt. needs to start getting the matches.
Returning B10 champ sounds good, but when he does NOT shoot it doesn't mean much.
Pulling the switch-a-roo definitely lowered my confidence at heavy. Both our guys are better than showing. B10 Champ or stud Freshmen who battled some tough competitors. Heavy is pretty unpredictable this year imo. Saying that, I would not trade BT or BR for any other heavy out there. I believe BT and BR are undefeated against MN starting heavies.
Go Hawks!!!
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I'd go with Telford. See what happens. If the results are not very promising then I would go with Rasing the rest of the year. Hey Doc. Was you maybe feeling a little off balanced when you said you wouldn't trade our HWTS for any other HWT?
To me it's not even a choice. you go w/ Telford for several reasons.
A. A lot of you point out that Rasing has beaten Nelson before which gives us a better shot to beat Minn. Which is true. But the last time i checked, this is Iowa wrestling. We're not in the business of winning meaningless duals in Jan. We win national titles and nothing else matters.
B. Keeping Telford out any longer slows his development. I'm fine with him coming off the mat for a couple duals, building his confidence back and coaching him up. But at a certain point (now) he needs to get back to wrestling.
C. To me it's becoming painfully obvious that unless something special starts happening now, this team will not win the national title. So when March comes, we're gonna need guys to get a on a roll in St. Louis and wrestle above their seeds. And i don't think it's even debatable that Telford has a much, much higher ceiling than Raising. So i could care less what happens in this dual as long as it gives us a better chance to win a title in March.
"Hey Doc. Was you maybe feeling a little off balanced when you said you wouldn't trade our HWTS for any other HWT?"

Not at all Castille our guys are coached by the best and if they like uhm than we do too. Seen both these two wrestle for a long time so ya our favorite wrestlers are Hawkeyes.
a lot of good posts remarks ty.
CRLightweight nailed it.
Imagine if Jansen or Kerr was a year younger, we would've been in the same situation last year when DSJ hit his mid-season slump (remember his Midlands). It would have been the exact same situation. DSJ wrestled his way out of the slump just Telford needs to.

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