Rank your Iowa QB's


Well-Known Member
Jake C.
Jake C.

See what I did there?
You all hate on JVB too much. This system is not a good system for JVB. GDavis isn't putting the offense in a position to win with the players we have. We have gone from conservative to ultra-conservative, E/W passing isn't a way to move the ball against good defenses. Having it in your arsenal is fine but it shouldn't be your main passing plays.
I'll rank the ones I've actually seen play.


And really, from a "true" QB angle, I'd put Tate at the top. He got kind of a bad rap, but he was a damn good QB.
You all hate on JVB too much. This system is not a good system for JVB. GDavis isn't putting the offense in a position to win with the players we have. We have gone from conservative to ultra-conservative, E/W passing isn't a way to move the ball against good defenses. Having it in your arsenal is fine but it shouldn't be your main passing plays.

If by not a good system for JVB, you mean that he has to throw the ball accurately to his receivers then it appears you are right. I don't disagree that the system has not looked good, but after watching JVB fail at executing the ultra-conservative as you put it, why would you trust him with more? He should have had 2-3 more INT's in each of the last 3 games. He's locking onto targets and not able to progress through his reads because he is thinking too much. You want to put some of this on Davis - there is room for that, but any defense of JVB's play will not be supported by any on field evidence.
If by not a good system for JVB, you mean that he has to throw the ball accurately to his receivers then it appears you are right. I don't disagree that the system has not looked good, but after watching JVB fail at executing the ultra-conservative as you put it, why would you trust him with more? He should have had 2-3 more INT's in each of the last 3 games. He's locking onto targets and not able to progress through his reads because he is thinking too much. You want to put some of this on Davis - there is room for that, but any defense of JVB's play will not be supported by any on field evidence.

I think all you have to do is look at last year, and his RS freshman year. His RS he was raw but had a cannon was pretty accurate for not having any field time yet, was decisive and it was pretty clear he had a very high ceiling if developed. Last year he had shown he had more touch, was pretty accurate at home but struggled on the road. Everyone and there mother felt that perhaps he would not struggle on the road as much this year, and knew if the o-line was decent the o could be fun to watch. Oline is decent, offense is horrible to watch.

There is only 1 reason for JVB to suddenly be worse at everything then he was as a RS Freshman. The new system isn't a good fit for him. You don't suddenly regress more then 5 years and just start to suck at something that you were pretty good at. To me it is clear, this passing system is a square peg in a round hole.
I think all you have to do is look at last year, and his RS freshman year. His RS he was raw but had a cannon was pretty accurate for not having any field time yet, was decisive and it was pretty clear he had a very high ceiling if developed. Last year he had shown he had more touch, was pretty accurate at home but struggled on the road. Everyone and there mother felt that perhaps he would not struggle on the road as much this year, and knew if the o-line was decent the o could be fun to watch. Oline is decent, offense is horrible to watch.

There is only 1 reason for JVB to suddenly be worse at everything then he was as a RS Freshman. The new system isn't a good fit for him. You don't suddenly regress more then 5 years and just start to suck at something that you were pretty good at. To me it is clear, this passing system is a square peg in a round hole.

I would ask you what about the system isn't a good fit? What specific schemes or skills is GDavis requiring of JVB that aren't a good fit? He is not requiring JVB to be too mobile, or call all the plays on the field. He needs to make pre-snap reads and be accurate with this throws. What makes this passing offense go are accuracy of the passer and the athleticism of the skill positions. We are not outstanding at the skill positions, but I don't think that you would look at the full course of the season and say there has been a great shortage of open receivers. The system is different, and he is thinking too much about the system and not about his fundamentals. For example his footwork has been below average to awful this year and his eye control is nearly non-existent. Footwork impacts accuracy, eye control impacts throwing lanes and windows. I despise the GDavis offense as we have seen it so far, but I would have a hard time opening up the play book if I had seen from my quarterback what GDavis has seen from his.
I think all you have to do is look at last year, and his RS freshman year. His RS he was raw but had a cannon was pretty accurate for not having any field time yet, was decisive and it was pretty clear he had a very high ceiling if developed. Last year he had shown he had more touch, was pretty accurate at home but struggled on the road. Everyone and there mother felt that perhaps he would not struggle on the road as much this year, and knew if the o-line was decent the o could be fun to watch. Oline is decent, offense is horrible to watch.

There is only 1 reason for JVB to suddenly be worse at everything then he was as a RS Freshman. The new system isn't a good fit for him. You don't suddenly regress more then 5 years and just start to suck at something that you were pretty good at. To me it is clear, this passing system is a square peg in a round hole.

Vandy has never been more then an average BIG qb outside that game in the shoe, he's still living off that legend today...a game in which they lost.
You all hate on JVB too much. This system is not a good system for JVB. GDavis isn't putting the offense in a position to win with the players we have. We have gone from conservative to ultra-conservative, E/W passing isn't a way to move the ball against good defenses. Having it in your arsenal is fine but it shouldn't be your main passing plays.

GD, give it a rest. At this point there isn't an offensive scheme in the world to help this guy.
1. Mark Vlasic
2. Brad Banks
3. Chuck Long
4. Bohanon
4. Hartleib
4. Matt Rodgers
7. Pete Gales

Gales is a tough one to analyze. He did have a professional career in Canada.

Vlasic was probably the better qb than Long. HF was not the gambler all think he was and Chuck was much more conservative than Vlasic. Long rarely actually threw down field.

Will never rate Stanzi high.

Personally think Wienke is the better Iowa qb at Iowa now.
1. Mark Vlasic
2. Brad Banks
3. Chuck Long
4. Bohanon
4. Hartleib
4. Matt Rodgers
7. Pete Gales

Gales is a tough one to analyze. He did have a professional career in Canada.

Vlasic was probably the better qb than Long. HF was not the gambler all think he was and Chuck was much more conservative than Vlasic. Long rarely actually threw down field.

Will never rate Stanzi high.

Personally think Wienke is the better Iowa qb at Iowa now.

1. Long could slice and dice a defense with surgical precision, whether he went downfield or not.
2. How on earth can you say Wienke as the best QB on the roster? He doesn't have a single snap to his name at the college level.
1. Long could slice and dice a defense with surgical precision, whether he went downfield or not.
2. How on earth can you say Wienke as the best QB on the roster? He doesn't have a single snap to his name at the college level.

About Long. Both Long and Banks played for 2 of the most talented Hawkeye teams ever. Being around talent makes everyone better. Long did not have a strong arm. There was some degree of controversy at that time. HF in his comments would allude to Vlasic being quite the talent, but he said something like: I don't like Vlasic's propensity to complete passes to the other team. The trademark for success of HF's teams was turnover ratios. Both Long and Vlasic had about equal NFL careers. Ranking Long a close #3 is not a bad thing.

As a side note, I remember HF saying at the B 10 PC before the 10-1-1 Rodgers team that no one really expected to be good....the normally long winded Fry simply said, "We're going to have a fine football team."

About Wienke, I watched his high school career. The guy has a cannon. He knows how to change plays at the line of scrimmage. His dad is perhaps the best high school football coach ever in IL and taught his son well. His brother will end up in the MAC. John was a much better qb than his brother. Being a MAC qb probably means Judd could play for Iowa. The conference Wienke played in is better than what JVB played in. Lloyd Carr was very high on Wienke and that probably also means he's pretty good given Michigan historically in general has better qb's than Iowa. Great athletes can often do a multiplicity of roles. To walk in and do what Wienke has done at punter (it takes games savvy) and knowing his actual skill set...that's how I make the assessment. If you remember, JW and JVB were ranked equal on the depth chart when JVB got the OSU nod. Wouldn't be the first time KF started the wrong qb.
IlHawk as long as your extolling the virtues of Tuscola Illinois you should have included that Smiley Burnette is from there. BTW does anyone recall that after Weinke came to Iowa his dad coached a year at Waterloo West?
No one is extolling the virtues of Tuscola, except for the fact that his dad has done an amazing job. He's not at Tuscola anymore and has resurrected one of the worst programs in recent history where he is at now.

Bottom line is that KF does some mysterious stuff and if the issue is a lack of talent at back up, then who is at fault? Been saying for years that Iowa's lack of getting back ups at any position has been a problem. That is in part due to not putting away the powder puffs.

That JVB is not cutting is obvious to all. Throwing away a season is silly. How many times do we see a qb go backwards under KF? If Iowa fans are patient, yes, we may have another orange bowl team. Iowa will likely lose to Indiana and NW a couple of times before that happens.

As far as NFL players, KF puts a lot in. But how many of them play and not on special teams? Not a lot.