Rank the Big Ten


Well-Known Member
What do you think....based on how it HAS BEEN, what the teams have shown.... rather than what we think could unfold.

1. Michigan St.- Dont think anyone is really very close
2. Nebraska- Leader to win the west at this point in time.
3. Ohio St- Pass D is pretty bad but overall the best players
4. Wisconsin- Jury is still out IMO
5. Maryland- Lots of good athletes
6. Minnesota- May be a bit high but Kill seems to have the Gopher moving up.
7. Rutgers- Washington St win looking pretty good right now.
8. Indiana-Can really score but cannot stop anyone
9. Iowa- Solid D and will be in most games
10. Northwestern- Maybe starting to turn it around
11. Penn St.- Oline quality and depth is lacking
12. Illinois- Not much quality anywhere for the Illini
13. Michigan- The Wolverines have quit on Hoke
14. Purdue- Just plain stink
I think you have the top three and bottom three right. As for the rest, who knows at this point. Iowa will somehow need to find more offense if it's to avoid the fate you have assigned to it.
I forgot to say I just grabbed that list from somewhere else.

If Iowa played Rutgers, MD, NE, Wisconsin right now it would look like the bowl vs LSU or the 82 rose bowl. An otherwise solid defensive effort...that would have been enough if only they had some offense. That isn't based on my bias, but based on what I've seen so far.
1. Michigan State
2. Nebraska
3. Wisconsin
4. Ohio State
5. Minnesota
6. Maryland
7. Iowa
8. Rutgers
9. Indiana
10. Penn State
11. Northwestern
12. Illinois (probably could put them higher)
13. Purdue
14. Michigan aka dumpster fire
I think we can finally stop hearing from the media that the East is far superior to the West. I think its actually a pretty even split
You're probably not too far off based on this point in the season ... this is my END OF SEASON projection.

1. MSU (will lose 1 B1G game)
2. Wisconsin (I hope I'm wrong)
3. OSU (too many good athletes to finish worse than 2nd in West)
4. Iowa (will go 6-2 in B1G)
5. Nebby (will lose 3 on the road @MSU, @ Wiscy, @Iowa)
6. Maryland (too many injuries)
7. Minny (Jekyl and Hyde)
8. Rutgers
9. PSU
10. Indiana
11. Michigan
12. Illinois
13. NW
14. Purdue
1. Michigan State
2. Nebraska
3. Ohio State
4. Wisconsin
5. Maryland
6. Iowa
8. Northwestern
9. Indiana
10. Rutgers
11. Penn State
12. Michigan
13. Illinois
14. Purdue
I wish someone would outlaw tattoo shops in the state of Ohio so that what has happened to Michigan could happen to Ohio State. :)
From another forum I post on...sorry for the formatting issues. Something is breaking...

Overall, the B1G had another promising week as the league's top teams continue to separate themselves from the rest of the pack, while the bottom of the B1G is also showing signs of improvement. Baby steps, sure, but this league might only be mediocre this year, instead of outright terrible, especially when you start to look across the entire CFB landscape; there are a lot of really teams beating "good" teams this year. The biggest black eye this week is without a doubt Michigan, namely Brady Hoke's decision to not pull his barely conscious QB. I will discuss that more at length during the HHI thread this week so there's no need to here...

1. Michigan State: No Change [ 3-1 (1-0) ]
The clear favorite in the B1G crushed Wyoming the way a conference favorite should. Fun game next week against Nebraska...night game in Lansing.

2. Ohio State: No Change [3-1 (0-0) ]
The pass defense was dreadful, but the offense is a world different from its first two games. 710 yards of offense, 50 points...this offense + Braxton would have been stupid. As it is, Ohio State will have a chance to win the East on November 8th.

3. Nebraska: No Change [ 5-0 (1-0) ]
Like Ohio State, Nebraska is figuring some things out, and looks to be the current favorite to win the West. Good start to the B1G season with a thorough beating of Illinois.

4. Wisconsin: +1 [ 3-1 (0-0) ]
Very slow start against USF, but still managed to run for nearly 300 yards. Defense gave up only 8 first downs and 245 yards…basically, the pieces are coming together for Wisconsin to run over a lot of inferior teams, and get blown out by the OSU’s and Michigan State’s of the world. Oh wait, they play neither team this year, unless they reach the Championship Game.

5. Maryland: +1 [ 4-1 (1-0) ]
Good opening act against Indiana. Gave up 200 yards on the ground but kept Indiana out of the endzone. Played 2 QB’s due to injury without much impact.

6. Iowa: +1 [ 4-1 (1-0) ]
Spotted Turdue 10 points before scoring 24 straight. Defense is starting to hit its stride (Purdue only had 9 first downs and 150 yards of offense), and the offense is developing its identity as well. If the offense continues to improve, Iowa has a chance to have a very “Iowa-like†season.

7. Rutgers +1 [ 4-1 (0-1) ]
Tulane is trash, but Rutgers apparently played pretty well. Still not sold on them as it relates to the B1G, but at least they will be bowl eligible, and they have more working pieces than the teams below them. Nova is an enigma at QB.

8. Penn State -4 [ 4-1 (0-1) ]
Penn State has lived on the edge all season. On Saturday they unraveled at home against a barely functioning Northwestern team. Penn State goes as Hackenberg goes, and on Saturday, he sputtered. Abandon the hype train, Penn State’s lack of a steady rushing attack will plague them this season.

9. Minnesota +1 [ 4-1 (1-0) ]
Sure, this Michigan team might be the worst in the history of the program, but Minnesota did what you have to do against inferior teams, and that is dominate both LoS. Great boost for a Minnesota team that looked really pedestrian earlier this season. Their QB situation prevents me from moving them past Penn State at this point, but if the defense keeps playing well, I might be inclined to bump them up another spot or two.

10. Indiana -1 [ 2-2 (0-1) ]
Indiana took a step back against Maryland. Ground game was good enough, except for the fact that they couldn’t punch it into the endzone. Pass Defense looked…real bad. Outclassed. Still, Indiana is a dangerous team.

11. Northwestern +3 [ 2-2 (1-0) ]
Big confidence boost for Northwestern. Still think it is an aberration, but for now, congrats on taking 1 step out of the bottom of the B1G basement.

12. Illinois +1 [ 3-2 (0-1) ]
I didn’t hear about Lunt’s injury…that is a huge loss for Illinois. I don’t think they rise any higher than 12[SUP]th[/SUP] if Lunt is out for any extended period of time. O’Toole looked…like a back-up QB on a doormat B1G team.

13. Purdue -1 [ 2-3 (0-1) ]
Purdue is one QB away from having a team good enough to win 2-3 Big Ten games. Defense looks a lot better than last year’s team, and they have some talent at RB. I think if Purdue played Michigan yesterday, they would have beaten Michigan, so they get the nod at #13 this week.

14. Michigan -3

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1) Iowa, after our back 7 on d gels and we resolve our offensive woes during the bye week
2) MSU
3) OSU
4) Wisconsin
5) Nebraska

Rest don't matter.

Sorry guys, but this Iowa team is eerily similar to 2003. 4-1 at the end of September. Very good d-line, young, but decent LBs, a couple of playmakers in the secondary, QB situation that makes you sort of cringe, solid TEs, decent WRs but no one who really scares the defense, one All-American on the o-line with some question marks on the rest of the line. Kicker and RB are weaker than the 2003 team, plus Davis is no O'Keefe so we haven't seen those big offensive games yet. That offense didn't scare a lot of people early on, but after the early October bye we only lost two games, including one in C-bus where the defense came to play but we got smothered on O by like 9 NFL caliber defensive players.

I think the bye is coming at just the right time and I'm expecting some substantial Ferentz magic in two weeks. Oh, and if we lose to Indiana 49-3, I am committing seppuku.
1. Michigan State

2. Nebraska
2. Ohio State
2. Wisconsin

3. Maryland
3 Iowa
3. Rutgers

4 everyone else
Not sure if this is good or not??

I think he means one of those seasons where we squeak out 9 regular season wins and then win a January 1 bowl game to get to 10-3 and then everyone is liek "whoa, where did Iowa come from?" as opposed to one of those seasons where Iowa goes 6-6 or 7-5 and then gets dismantled by an opponent that is a total mismatch for us who is angry to be playing a December 27 bowl game.
I think he means one of those seasons where we squeak out 9 regular season wins and then win a January 1 bowl game to get to 10-3 and then everyone is liek "whoa, where did Iowa come from?" as opposed to one of those seasons where Iowa goes 6-6 or 7-5 and then gets dismantled by an opponent that is a total mismatch for us who is angry to be playing a December 27 bowl game.


Lots of 24-20 type games that go in our favor, a couple that don't. Get to 9 wins.
next week will help sort out both the top and bottom. Neb plays MSU. Purdue plays ILL.

NW's blowout win against PSU and Indy's upset of Mizzou makes it hard to figure out what to do with PSU, Rutgers, NW and Indy. Oh well, here are the correct rankings

1. MSU
2. Neb
3. Wisc
4. OSU
5. Md
6. Iowa
7. Minny
8. Rutgers
9. PSU
10. Nw
11. Indy
12. ILL
13. Mich
14. Purdue
1. Michigan State

2. Nebraska
2. Ohio State
2. Wisconsin

3. Maryland
3 Iowa
3. Rutgers

4 everyone else
This is pretty accurate in the grouping. Nebraska looks good now but depth is an issue. Their depth on the D-line is suspect. The O looks potent. Can a team have two years in row where you loose entire lines? We'll find out by November if the coach K effect is in force. Win or loose, I expect significant attrition in East Lansing.

#3 will should be a bit clearer in three weeks

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