Questionable Call

Not sure how you can say that. We had first down at the 46 and needed just twenty yards to be in range for a field goal. We didn’t get it done. Our offense seldom gets it done. Defense and special teams has rescued us many times.

As far as I am concerned it was a beautiful play that won the game, once again by special teams. The refs did t blow their whistle’s to stop the play. Since when is a play reversed except for an out of bounds call. I have never seen a live play reversed. Bogus call and if you saw Kirk’s post game he called the booth refs out and said screw it, fine me, and donate the money to children’s hospital.

Still the problem is the offense WE ALL KNOW IT. I think there is a feeling that as long as we kept winning this 25 point average with Brian doesn’t matter. The loss squashes that thinking and re-directs all attention at a pathetic offense and the written contract that most following Iowa know about.

I still think a 10-2 record and a West title could still save Brian’s even if he falls short of the requirement. One more loss and he is toast.

Kirk is smart and has to know this. Brian in my opinion is now walking an extremely thin line and I am guessing his Dad knows it. As a father of three I can relate to this type of concern. Think about it, most of all college football followers probably know what’s going on at Iowa. Do you think it’s not going to greatly and adversely affect Brian’s chances of ever getting a head coaching position in any power five program if Iowa lets him go? If it was your son how would you feel?

Kirk was right in his post game comments. You can’t quit because if you do then you are done. He said you have to keep moving forward. Can you imagine the thought process in all of this. The players love their coach and respect him. They aren’t blind and can see the same thing we all see. How long can this go on and at the very least serious questions not creep up in the minds of the players. Seriously, chants at home calling for the firing of Brian just a few games ago.

Yet we won a couple in a row and minds were beginning to hope. A screwed up officials call from some damn review team changed that momentum. Still 10-2 and a West title isn’t bad and may calm some nerves. Move on, and win the rest and do the best you can in the title game.
Does anyone really think Brian will lose his job or even get demoted at seasons end. I truly believe Iowa can average 12 points the rest of the season and Brian will get a slap on the wrist. Kirk will pay his fine and he will be the OC next season. Until the AD or President have the stones to stand up to Kirk, us fans will be stuck with this national embarrassment of an offense
Kirk was right in his post game comments. The on field officials made a call, let the play, play out and signaled TD!!!!!! The rubes in the booth over ruled the TD. Kirk said the officials on the filed should make the call.
You all are losing focus.

127 total yards.
11 yards rushing.

The one touchdown we had took 3 penalties and 5 attempts from within the 1 yard line.

Only one of the above statements is hyperbole.

And the worst part will have to think for a second to figure out the statement that is infactual
Does anyone really think Brian will lose his job or even get demoted at seasons end. I truly believe Iowa can average 12 points the rest of the season and Brian will get a slap on the wrist. Kirk will pay his fine and he will be the OC next season. Until the AD or President have the stones to stand up to Kirk, us fans will be stuck with this national embarrassment of an offense
You can't win without a QB, period. Right now Iowa does not have one. Better to not win the West and admit changes need to be made than squeak out wins against bad teams and think we are a "good" team. Another brutal blood bath in Indy is coming unless we find some answers. I used to be optimistic, hell I've gone to 4 games this year, one a game at Wisconsin, but I'm done now. This is not a coaching staff serious about being great. Saving all my money now for woman's basketball.
Does anyone really think Brian will lose his job or even get demoted at seasons end. I truly believe Iowa can average 12 points the rest of the season and Brian will get a slap on the wrist. Kirk will pay his fine and he will be the OC next season. Until the AD or President have the stones to stand up to Kirk, us fans will be stuck with this national embarrassment of an offense
Call me crazy but I think he's gotta be done after this year. These numbers are just way too bad for way too long to not do something. The iowa offense is a national story. Brian has turned us into a nation joke. Memes about our offense will take years to go away.

The crazy thing is, you would think Kirk would do whatever it takes to make sure his son keeps his job. Bring in the qb who only looked bad on offense in his one start to replace an absolute atrocious qb. We've got the best playmaker in the stadium with the ball in his hands sitting on the sidelines while the guys we trot out there gain 2 yards in the 2nd half.

Brian sucks way too bad at his job to average 25 points a game with Georgia's players. But getting the ball in Cooper's hands a few times a game and pulling the guy with an 11 qb rating could have won us the West and gave Brain one more pity year with the injury excuse. It blows me away that they won't do it with so much on the line. Maybe with the bye week they will make the moves....
Call me crazy but I think he's gotta be done after this year. These numbers are just way too bad for way too long to not do something. The iowa offense is a national story. Brian has turned us into a nation joke. Memes about our offense will take years to go away.

The crazy thing is, you would think Kirk would do whatever it takes to make sure his son keeps his job. Bring in the qb who only looked bad on offense in his one start to replace an absolute atrocious qb. We've got the best playmaker in the stadium with the ball in his hands sitting on the sidelines while the guys we trot out there gain 2 yards in the 2nd half.

Brian sucks way too bad at his job to average 25 points a game with Georgia's players. But getting the ball in Cooper's hands a few times a game and pulling the guy with an 11 qb rating could have won us the West and gave Brain one more pity year with the injury excuse. It blows me away that they won't do it with so much on the line. Maybe with the bye week they will make the moves....
The only way Brian will go is if Kirk goes and that is highly unlikely to happen
The word on the twitter from people who know what they are talking about is that this is the correct call by the letter of the law, but that it is NEVER actually called.
**EDIT** Read this article with an explanation straight from the horse's mouth.

The catch here is that most of the time it doesn't need to be called. There is rarely a situation like this where it can be called or needs to be ruled upon because most of the time the receiving team doesn't attempt to advance the ball after an invalid fair catch signal has occurred.

The vast majority of people misunderstood the ruling. They simply think the refs ruled that Cooper called a fair catch, but that's not what happened. What happened was Cooper's body language met the official definition of an invalid fair catch signal. While this is clearly different than a valid fair catch signal, when it occurs the receiving team still can't legally advance the ball and the play is to be whistled dead when the ball is recovered, stops moving, goes out of bounds, or is touched by the kicking team. The ball should have been whistled dead as soon as Cooper picked up the ball.

I'm pissed as hell that such an amazing play that likely would've changed the outcome of the game was negated. Regardless, I don't think anyone can argue that our incompetent offense ultimately lost us the game.
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However, some media outlets are claiming this wasn't a reviewable foul, and that Iowa got screwed because the play should've stood all along.

This is the source of a lot of the confusion. It wasn't a foul. At all.

It was a change in the state of gameplay. The ball became immediately dead. It's not a *penalty* it's just a dead ball by rule. Same as if he had been standing on the out-of-bounds line when he fielded the ball. No foul, play dead.

The refs just missed the call at the time and it was caught during replay.
The catch here is that most of the time it doesn't need to be called. There is rarely a situation like this where it can be called or needs to be ruled upon because most of the time the receiving team doesn't attempt to advance the ball after an invalid fair catch signal has occurred.

The vast majority of people misunderstood the ruling. They simply think the refs ruled that Cooper called a fair catch, but that's not what happened. What happened was Cooper's body language met the official definition of an invalid fair catch signal. While this is clearly different than a valid fair catch signal, when it occurs the receiving team still can't legally advance the ball and the play is to be whistled dead when the ball stops moving, goes out of bounds, or is touched by the kicking team.

This would've been the correct call on the field. The ball should have been whistled dead as soon as Cooper gained possession of it. However, some media outlets are claiming this wasn't a reviewable foul, and that Iowa got screwed because the play should've stood all along. foul. If that is true, I'm pissed as hell that such an amazing play that likely would've changed the outcome of the game was negated. Regardless, I don't think anyone can argue that our incompetent offense ultimately lost us the game.

Apparently it is a reviewable event, I saw someone correct their original statement that it wasn't with a rule-book snippet.

I agree that most people seem to be accidentally or willfully misunderstanding the language of the actual rule. But I come back to the point that it is usually not called. I doubt that there has ever, in the history of college football, been an instance where it was not called on the field, and then it was retroactively applied upon review.

The spirit of the law is to eliminate situations where the kicking team might be confused by signals the returner is making, and hence not try to tackle him because they thought he signaled fair catch, and hence the returner gains an advantage. It was very clear that no one on the field, either teams' players or coaches, thought he was signaling fair catch. Hence, no violation by the spirit of the rule.

By the letter of the rule, his hand did waive in a clear "get away" motion, and hence it should have been dead. If the refs had just blown it dead from the start, we might be a bit perturbed, but no one would too upset. But to come out of nowhere with this violation upon review, when it obviously has nothing to do with the spirit of the law, is a lot to stomach. We watch sports for moments and memories, and everyone in that stadium and watching at home would have remembered that joyously for the rest of their lives. That was taken from us, and its place we are left with this turd of a memory.
This is the source of a lot of the confusion. It wasn't a foul. At all.

It was a change in the state of gameplay. The ball became immediately dead. It's not a *penalty* it's just a dead ball by rule. Same as if he had been standing on the out-of-bounds line when he fielded the ball. No foul, play dead.

The refs just missed the call at the time and it was caught during replay.

Except if he was standing out of bounds when he caught the ball, that would be whistled dead 100 out of 100 times. And this particular event is called very inconsistently, and I am quite positive has NEVER been called upon review.
Whats really dumb is after the stupid rule call we still had the ball at mid field, needing a field goal to win, with a really good field goal kicker, with the wind at our back, and we still all knew we had no chance.
I’m not going to bitch about that one call . We lost that game on the field. Is this where we’re at as Iowa fans. Thy and focus on the real problem.
Not for nothing but does anyone blame the Big Ten for doing everything possible NOT to have Iowa in the Big Ten title game. It’s bad enough us fans have to sit through that garbage offense and play calling week in and week out. Having to put the 2 bafoons Kirk and Brian on display for the entire nation to laugh at, is cruel and unusual punishment…
Honestly, with time to reflect, the play is the result in lack of coaching the rules. Since it's a rule I've never seen enforced in my life, I don't condemn Woods too much for it. But it's the coaches job to know the rules and coach the players. Wisconsin learned from their mistake and coach differently now because of it. Iowa will undoubtedly learn from theirs and coach not to wave anymore too. But man does it sting to have the mistake end up being so costly.
Apparently it is a reviewable event, I saw someone correct their original statement that it wasn't with a rule-book snippet.

I agree that most people seem to be accidentally or willfully misunderstanding the language of the actual rule. But I come back to the point that it is usually not called. I doubt that there has ever, in the history of college football, been an instance where it was not called on the field, and then it was retroactively applied upon review.

The spirit of the law is to eliminate situations where the kicking team might be confused by signals the returner is making, and hence not try to tackle him because they thought he signaled fair catch, and hence the returner gains an advantage. It was very clear that no one on the field, either teams' players or coaches, thought he was signaling fair catch. Hence, no violation by the spirit of the rule.

By the letter of the rule, his hand did waive in a clear "get away" motion, and hence it should have been dead. If the refs had just blown it dead from the start, we might be a bit perturbed, but no one would too upset. But to come out of nowhere with this violation upon review, when it obviously has nothing to do with the spirit of the law, is a lot to stomach. We watch sports for moments and memories, and everyone in that stadium and watching at home would have remembered that joyously for the rest of their lives. That was taken from us, and its place we are left with this turd of a memory.
Almost all rules make sense when you think about them. This rule makes sense to eliminate trickery from the returner. But it clearly needs tweaked in some way to avoid stupid situations like this. Something as simple as the returner can return it after the ball bounces would work. There is no way a returner would ever make an invalid fair catch signal on a ball that's bouncing, with the intent of tricking the other team. Problem solved. Hopefully the rules committe sees how stupid this rule was in this situation and tweak it. Not that it will ever affect the hawks again, I just hate stupid rules.
The overturned call played out in a way that resulted in a major gut-punch for the Iowa players and fans, but, in the end, the finding was correct based upon the letter of the law. We can gripe all we want about the rule itself and how it was applied in this instance, but the officials ultimately got it correct.

Make no mistake, this game was lost due to complete offensive ineptitude, from the head man on down to the players, not due to a special teams play from bizzaro world.

Major kudos to our ST and defensive players and coaches who, despite being burned over and over by the offense, continue to profess their loyalty. That can't be easy week after week after week.
The overturned call played out in a way that resulted in a major gut-punch for the Iowa players and fans, but, in the end, the finding was correct based upon the letter of the law. We can gripe all we want about the rule itself and how it was applied in this instance, but the officials ultimately got it correct.

Make no mistake, this game was lost due to complete offensive ineptitude, from the head man on down to the players, not due to a special teams play from bizzaro world.

Major kudos to our ST and defensive players and coaches who, despite being burned over and over by the offense, continue to profess their loyalty. That can't be easy week after week after week.

I had to get my griping out of the way, but 1 day later, it is easier to admit that Iowa's offense bears total responsibility for that loss. I still hate that we missed out on that legenday play, but the call wasn't wrong (just inconsistently applied).