question marks for football

While I agree that the new staff will "energize", they will also suffer growing pains. In any case, this should be the least talented Iowa team in years, I think. At least "proven" talent. There may well be some great unproven talent but young, underdeveloped guys won't get it done. I also agree that we are hosed at WR. Need to re-emphasize the TE.
a 5th year senior at QB
a possible 4* rb starting, its not like we have not seen Freshmen start before at rb
4* 5th yr senior at WR; if he would have had a year like people critisize him for not having McNutt would not have had the year he did, this offense is not geared to have 2 1000 yrd receivers
KMM had a very good season for the 3rd option at wr.
4* jr CJF will now be the starter , and should become the main target in 3rd down or short yardage in the red zone,
the Oline will have
6'7 292lbs jr Van Sloten at RT
6'5 302 lbs so Scherff will probably be the RG
6'2 285 lbs sr Ferentz will be the center and is a 3 year starter
6'6 290 lbs sr Tobin will be the LG, unless Nolan McMillian is fully healthy
6'7 302 lbs so Donnal will be the LT and was rated a 4* by all services
not exactly a mixture of misfits
Keenon had 50 reception for 713 yards
and KMM had 30 receptions for 313 yards
not bad for the #2 and 3 receivers, with Marvin gettng 83 for 1315 yards
since the team had a total of a little over 3000 total yards passing' the offense will not be the problem, in fact they will have the TE back in the discussion in receiving. and provide a 6'7 option in short yardage. and i expect more passes to RB's out of the back field or even see them line up in the slot from time to time as Coker was doing this at the end of the season
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You're trying way too hard to be funny with your posts. Better luck next time

If this is true then I suspect we learned everything we need to know about the likelihood of this happening last season.

Reminds me of Sarge back in boot camp. With the worst marksmen, I mean the really poor ones who missed the target with a majority of their shots, Sarge would always hope and pray and kick some arse to make them improve. Normally they simply regressed with the extra attention and pressure and actually got worse.

You really think throwing more balls at Davis will solve anything?
I guess i don't really see the oline or wr as question marks. i think we know what we got at both those positions. at oline we have a lot of guys who have played a lot over the last year and a half and we have the best center in college football. not sure why oline is a question mark. Even though several people are leaving the guys replacing them have all played basically. wr everybody moves up one slot is all.

i kinda think the same thing with the secondary. all the guys back will have played.

dline is the issue on the team. just like it was this past season. rb as well thanks to coker leaving.
dline is the issue on the team. just like it was this past season. rb as well thanks to coker leaving.

I think the dline will surprise through athleticism. Some frosh and RSFrosh will really need to contribute.

And I dont know how you can write "thanks to coker leaving" if he did something wrong but not charged then it is best he left, if he got a raw deal how can you expect him to stay after getting suspended for nothing.
wr - got 2 solid guys but need at least 2 more to step up. i think bullock will be 1 of them.

te - no worries

rb - no worries (weird with no proven guys but we have better talent than wegher and arob and look how they did)

qb - no worries

ol - no worries (when was the last time they were bad as a group)

safety - no worries (returning starter and a top flight special teamer)

cb - no worries (lowery showed enough i think he will be better than hyde)

lb - we are under sized and if the dl doesnt step up they could struggle but 2 returners and a lot of special teamers

dl - worried lots (very young and need people to play above their field experience)

special teams - worried lots (been bad for a few yrs and looking like a back up qb will be punting. i also dont have a lot of faith in our kicking game)
Hyde is coming back and that is a huge plus, now if you are saying Lowery is better than Prater, i might agree to a extent., the offense if there is a ? mark it will be at RB the other spots are solid.
for anyone to question the ability of Davis is to completely ignore the success of McNutt, Iowa is the wrong team to think they will have 2 1000 yard + receivers a year, maybe Davis bring a new style that allows it to happen, all we need is to have a 3rd receiver to step in,
as for the D the DL will have 2 SR's 1 JR, 4 RS SO'S, 4 RS FR'S and 4 incoming FR's to battle it out, and there are some 290-300 lb'er battling for playing time so its not like we will be throwing 255-265 players into the mix or throwing them into a complex scheme on defense, that's the great thing about simple defenses less to remember so less mistakes
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QB??? Kid is 1-100 on the road and has only one trophy rival win which was 2 years ago with the orange bowl team.
Next year is one big question mark right now. Can Vandenburg consistently carry the offense? Do we have any breakout young talent at RB? If so, does AIRBHG let them survive? Does CJF get to that next level. How do the extensive coaching changes work out? Will there be noticeable changes? More shotgun? 3 wide/1 back sets? The wishbone? What will the DL look like under Morgan? Does LaVar slip on the pads when no one is looking and make some plays?

A whole lot of things could go a whole lot of different ways. One way or another it will be a very interesting year.
Hyde is coming back and that is a huge plus, now if you are saying Lowery is better than Prater, i might agree to a extent., the offense if there is a ? mark it will be at RB the other spots are solid.for anyone to question the ability of Davis is to completely ignore the success of McNutt, Iowa is the wrong team to think they will have 2 1000 yard receivers a year, maybe Davis bring a new style that allows it to happen, all we need is to have a 3rd receiver to step in,as for the D the DL will have 2 SR's 1 JR, 4 RS SO'S, 4 RS FR'S and 4 incoming FR's to battle it out, and there are some 290-300 lb'er battling for playing time so its not like we will be throwing 255-265 players into the mix or throwing them into a complex scheme on defense, that's the great thing about simple defenses less to remember so less mistakes

i said lowery i believe will be better than hyde. hyde is still there i know but prater is capable of making an nfl roster and was actually our better cb last yr of the two. lowery i believe is as athletic as hyde and more physical. i feel he will end up being like amari was in a yr (which would make him better than than prater in the end).
rb - no worries (weird with no proven guys but we have better talent than wegher and arob and look how they did)
I'd say that's questionable.

for most teams i would say you are right. but for iowa it seems to be the norm to have a new main rusher each yr and still run the ball good enough for balance. so i will stick with my original thought as we have a lot of talent (although young) to pick up the slack.
for most teams i would say you are right. but for iowa it seems to be the norm to have a new main rusher each yr and still run the ball good enough for balance. so i will stick with my original thought as we have a lot of talent (although young) to pick up the slack.

I tend to agree with this. Granted, we're not replacing RB with Coker or Greene type talent each year, but I think our success in the running game is largely predicated on the success of our OL. Generally speaking if we're taking care of developing OL, and if our QB is able to keep defenses honest with the passing game, we don't need dominant RB talent.
I think the dline will surprise through athleticism. Some frosh and RSFrosh will really need to contribute.

And I dont know how you can write "thanks to coker leaving" if he did something wrong but not charged then it is best he left, if he got a raw deal how can you expect him to stay after getting suspended for nothing.

i think you read way more into that then what i wrote. Let me translate:
"since the guy who started at running back last year is no longer with the program for whatever reasons and whosever fault it is that he is no longer with the program."
by leaving i mean, he's no longer on the depth chart.
QB??? Kid is 1-100 on the road and has only one trophy rival win which was 2 years ago with the orange bowl team.

Honestly i struggle to see how the losses in road games and rivalry games the last two years when he played are his losses. Maybe if the all american wide receiver doesn't drop two balls on the first drive against your brand new rival on the road (nebraska), maybe if the wr core could catch a pass during big drives and opening drives of games this past season those numbers would be tilted a little better. Our wr core which was supposed to be the best in team history (thats what everyone was saying after like week 3) averaged like 9 drops a game in those same games you're talking about. When a qb hits you in the hands or chest with the ball, you should catch it, period.
So, Tight Ends that have shown no consistency and have disappeared a key moments of key games are suddenly going to be "no problem?"

So, losing three NFL linemen and replacing them with guys with VERY little starting experience is "no problem?"

So, a defensive line that only returns two reserves that got run over consistently last season and one guy coming off an ACL injury and no upper-classmen as reserves is "no problem?"

So, losing half of your defensive backfield is "no problem?"

So, losing Neilson, who finally plugged the whole in the middle of the defense is "no problem?"

So, losing a guy who had more catches than the next two guys combined is "no problem?"

So, having your returning starting running back coming off a game in which he ran behind what might be 4 NFL linemen gain 58 yards on 22 carries is "no problem?"

Here's what you guys are banking on making these things "no problem."

1) A four star true freshman running back comes in and dominates. How has the worked with the last three of these guys?

2) At least three freshmen or RS freshmen linemen come in and are dominant starters. Remember, Iowa only really does well when their D-line is more than adequate.

3) TE's to suddenly start performing at an entirely different level. One of which was a walk-on.


Next year is about development for 2013. If we get guys like Spears and Cooper up to speed and get some of the true freshmen some reps, then we will see them start being able to compete next year. Don't discount all the "those guys need to be built up" talk. That means, they are going to get their butts kicked and we need a coach who will be able to keep their heads straight while that is happening. In 2014 we have a chance to have a D line that is pretty good and in 2015 another monster.
So, Tight Ends that have shown no consistency and have disappeared a key moments of key games are suddenly going to be "no problem?"
12 of Fiedorowicz's catches (out of 16 for the season) came in the last 4 games including all three TDs

So, losing three NFL linemen and replacing them with guys with VERY little starting experience is "no problem?"

9 players vying for 5 spots including possibly 4 players with starts if MacMillan comes back- opponents losses equal or are worse in first five games + 5 de facto home games to start season followed by bye should be time to have the "five best" for the meat of the season

So, a defensive line that only returns two reserves that got run over consistently last season and one guy coming off an ACL injury and no upper-classmen as reserves is "no problem?"

This is going to be a problem all season long

So, losing half of your defensive backfield is "no problem?"
again return 3 corners and 1 safety with significant experience and again I will point to the schedule- NIU decimated on offense QB, lose 12 seniors just from offense in depth chart as well as 4 multi year starting o-lineman. ISU has significant losses on offense plus an inexperienced coordinator, Minnesota still in transition offensively and lose a ton on that side of the ball as well. Iowa isn't going to face a potent passing attack possibly all season

So, losing Neilson, who finally plugged the whole in the middle of the defense is "no problem?"

Morris and Kirksey will fill two spots ably, and no matter how well the linebackers play there are going to be issues because of projected issue at d-line

So, losing a guy who had more catches than the next two guys combined is "no problem?"

Iowa's receiving situation is arguably better stocked with known quantities in any season since 2010 and would be viewed as a potential strength in most seasons, Keenan and KMM had solid catch ratios (targets/ catches) and again will have time to develop because of soft early schedule. Also feel that Greg Davis will really have an impact in the passing game next season Iowa still returns 12 TDs receiving from last season

So, having your returning starting running back coming off a game in which he ran behind what might be 4 NFL linemen gain 58 yards on 22 carries is "no problem?"

I expect this to be an issue, but I like Iowa's offensive outlook for next season again because of the change at OC and the Charmin soft schedule

Here's what you guys are banking on making these things "no problem."

1) A four star true freshman running back comes in and dominates. How has the worked with the last three of these guys?

2) At least three freshmen or RS freshmen linemen come in and are dominant starters. Remember, Iowa only really does well when their D-line is more than adequate.

3) TE's to suddenly start performing at an entirely different level. One of which was a walk-on.


Next year is about development for 2013. If we get guys like Spears and Cooper up to speed and get some of the true freshmen some reps, then we will see them start being able to compete next year. Don't discount all the "those guys need to be built up" talk. That means, they are going to get their butts kicked and we need a coach who will be able to keep their heads straight while that is happening. In 2014 we have a chance to have a D line that is pretty good and in 2015 another monster.
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at the end of the season CJF was the starting TE, Davis and KMM combined for 80 catches compared to 82 for McNutt boy that is crazey amont of catches for the #1 WR, the OL men have all started but 1 AND that is Donnall, Wegher was a 4* rb true freshmen that got significant playing time with a rs fr in Robinson.
Coker missed half his Freshman year due to a broken collar bone and i would hope people remember what he did as a true Freshman in the insight bowl against Mizzou, oh by the way he was a 4* rb and a TRUE freshman. Berstien was a 4* one year starter in the back field for Iowa so its not like they have had 4 year starters all the time
a 5th year QB and a 5th year center who calls the blocking assignments at the line and will be a 3 year starter,
with Davis being a 5th year 4* wr i expect him to step up to be the #1 WR.with KMM being a very solid #2 after being a solid #3 this past season.
across the OL we will have 2 5th year seniors, 1 4th year jr, 2 3rd year so, its not like they are starting 5 freshmen on the line, they have paid there dues and played behind those 3 NFL LM, and with KF at the helm i see absolutely no drop off in line play
the DL is young and has very little experience as i pointed out,
Nielson was a LEO until they switched him to MLB so its not like he has been a 4 year starter there. the wlb and the Leo are solid and i feel Alston will be solid at the MLB , and the depth will be solid short of a rash of injuries.
so i don't feel the gloom and doom and utter dispair that some on here do
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