Question for those who want Pearl


Well-Known Member
Personally i dont think there is much of a chance (if any) that we can land Pearl. For this discussion lets assume that we cant get Pearl or someone of his stature. Who would the Pearl supporters be staisfied with?

Keno was thrown out and was met with some disgust. How is everyone going to react when we hire somebody who isnt Bruce Pearl or at Pearl's level? I'm not a huge Keno fan but he would be better than a top level assistant or a mid major coach imo

Just curious
I'll take a stab at this since I'm in the Pearl camp. I'm going to support whatever coach they hire, but I think we have to work our way down the list. For instance, Keno would be about my 7th choice as of right now.
Personally i dont think there is much of a chance (if any) that we can land Pearl. For this discussion lets assume that we cant get Pearl or someone of his stature. Who would the Pearl supporters be staisfied with?

Keno was thrown out and was met with some disgust. How is everyone going to react when we hire somebody who isnt Bruce Pearl or at Pearl's level? I'm not a huge Keno fan but he would be better than a top level assistant or a mid major coach imo

Just curious

The problem with Keno, a top level assistant or a mid major coach is all of those situations would be at best a lateral move if not a downgrade for Iowa from Lickliter. Why pay 2.4 million to fire Lickliter and hire a coach of similar or lesser quality? Iowa needs a Bruce Pearl (or similar level) coach to pump some excitement into the fans and revitalize the program or it'll continue treading water in loserville if it doesn't go down the drain completely.
I'll take a stab at this since I'm in the Pearl camp. I'm going to support whatever coach they hire, but I think we have to work our way down the list. For instance, Keno would be about my 7th choice as of right now.

Ditto. I'm going to support whoever we hire. Pearl is my #1, but Keno or any of the others that have been mentioned would be great, too.
There is no question the bar has gone up for this hire. The margin for error is gone.
Scott Drew is my 2nd choice. After that, it gets a little tougher. Stallings from Vandy maybe. I've heard the names Ben Howland, Jamie Dixon and Jay Wright thrown out there recently, and I would be ecstatic with any of those, although I doubt it happens. Otherwise... It starts getting into mid-major territory, or assistants. If we go the assistant route, maybe Steve Forbes, Mark Montgomery or Chris Collins.

I've heard that Drew only makes $400k at Baylor, so what if we offered him $1.5 or $2M? Think he would jump? That's a big payraise.
In my opinion there is no 2nd option. I know that there may have to be, but I feel like the athletic department needs to do whatever it takes to get Pearl roaming the sidelines at Carver once again.
In my opinion there is no 2nd option. I know that there may have to be, but I feel like the athletic department needs to do whatever it takes to get Pearl roaming the sidelines at Carver once again.

This is exactly what Bus was talking about. There are people like this with no grounding in reality, who will not support whomever we hire because he isn't Bruce Pearl.

I will go on the record now and say it. I think the next coaching hire is going to cause as much anger towards Barta as the anger Lickliter got last week.
Pearl is my first choice because of the experience factor: experience coaching in thr Big Ten, experience winning championships, experience at Iowa, assistants experience at Iowa, I could go on and on...

BUT, I know a lot of things will have to happen for that to take place.

I just want a guy that can flat out coach and a staff that can flat out recruit. I don't care WHO it is and I don't care what STYLE OF PLAY they bring. I just want more points than the opposition.
This is exactly what Bus was talking about. There are people like this with no grounding in reality, who will not support whomever we hire because he isn't Bruce Pearl.

I will go on the record now and say it. I think the next coaching hire is going to cause as much anger towards Barta as the anger Lickliter got last week.

This is spot on. I'm not a great looking man, and I know the difference between the girls I can talk to and the girls I can take home. I don't waste too much time talking...
Where did I say that I would not support whoever the next head coach is? I have been a life long hawk fan and will support our teams and program no matter who it is. I am just saying that Iowa needs to do all they can to get Pearl. If he decides to stay at Tennesee, then we will go with the next best candidate and I will support him and the program.
I will support whomever they hire (I'm praying for Pearl, but I understand that is a long shot). Aside from Bruce, I just want to see someone come in that plays a similar (if not same) style as the Mr. Davis up tempo game. I've become a very casual fan recently so outside of Keno Davis and Steve Lavin I'm not sure what styles of play the other coaches will be bringing to the table.
I'll take a stab at this since I'm in the Pearl camp. I'm going to support whatever coach they hire, but I think we have to work our way down the list. For instance, Keno would be about my 7th choice as of right now.

This is my mind-set as well.,
Do I think Iowa can really get Pearl? Probably not, but I would hound his agent until he runs out of cell minutes.
What style does Lavin employ? (I honestly don't know)

It's really hard to say since when he was at UCLA he was basically working with an NBA team every season...I think his style could be described as, "talk defense, pretend like you care about it, but it's really all about the offense"

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