Question for Teh Diesel and Media and errrbody else


Well-Known Member
Why is it that it is so frowned upon to talk negativly about Kirk but JVB is fair game. I dont hear the local hok media saying anything bad about Kirks bad game day calls. However the media is fine with pointing out JVB flaws.

Is it not true that almost every QB under Kirk has been better as a Jr. ?

How is it that the Kirk faithfull will tell anyone that talks negative about Kirk that they are not a true Iowa fan?
Then turn around and say that it is on the players. Does it make you a better fan to place blame on the players and not the coach who is paid?

How is it that local media is so scared to point out the negative parts of Kirks game plan? The national media and the people that call the games have no problem pointing out the many flaws.
OoTH must be very upset by the win yesterday by the fighting Kirks......nothing could have been worse for OoTH than a win heading into the bye week. Now you will have to sit back and listen to and read positive stories about this team and KF.......ohhhhhhh the humanity of it allllllllllllllllllll
Why is it that it is so frowned upon to talk negativly about Kirk but JVB is fair game. I dont hear the local hok media saying anything bad about Kirks bad game day calls. However the media is fine with pointing out JVB flaws.

Is it not true that almost every QB under Kirk has been better as a Jr. ?

How is it that the Kirk faithfull will tell anyone that talks negative about Kirk that they are not a true Iowa fan?
Then turn around and say that it is on the players. Does it make you a better fan to place blame on the players and not the coach who is paid?

How is it that local media is so scared to point out the negative parts of Kirks game plan? The national media and the people that call the games have no problem pointing out the many flaws.

How is it that those that are openly against Kirk are willing to solely pin the blame on him and continuously throw him under the bus yet not has no problem giving players that are under preforming a free ride? Just a suggestion but as I've said before lets hold everyone accountable and quit directing critism toward any single individuals whether coach or player.
How is it that those that are openly against Kirk are willing to solely pin the blame on him and continuously throw him under the bus yet not has no problem giving players that are under preforming a free ride? Just a suggestion but as I've said before lets hold everyone accountable and quit directing critism toward any single individuals whether coach or player.

Mccann - better as a senior
Banks - better as a senior
Chandler - better as a senior
Tate - fought an injury his entire senior season and other than douglas had no one to throw to
Stanzi - better as a senior
JVB - new system and no one worth a darn to throw to

Dude, lay off the sauce! Your failure is embarrasing you!
Why is it that it is so frowned upon to talk negativly about Kirk but JVB is fair game. I dont hear the local hok media saying anything bad about Kirks bad game day calls. However the media is fine with pointing out JVB flaws.

Kirk isn't going away anytime soon, and the media need access to him. Just listen to SoundOff--the Z, Eddy, and Jon are very careful about what they say about the program. You don't kill the golden goose.

Players are short-timers, and convenient targets.
Mccann - better as a senior
Banks - better as a senior
Chandler - better as a senior
Tate - fought an injury his entire senior season and other than douglas had no one to throw to
Stanzi - better as a senior
JVB - new system and no one worth a darn to throw to

Dude, lay off the sauce! Your failure is embarrasing you!

Rico, since you obviously have all the answers and my failure is embarassing me, I want to point out that you replied to the wrong post. At no point did I ever touch on players being better as seniors then they were as juniors. All I stated was that people are willing to openly express their dislike for Kirk and put everything on the staff and put no blame on the players.

Dude, your point didn't even apply to my post so not quite sure where the fail was.
If your implying that Vandy hasn't been under performing and doesn't deserve any criticism then that's your opinion.
Kirk isn't going away anytime soon, and the media need access to him. Just listen to SoundOff--the Z, Eddy, and Jon are very careful about what they say about the program. You don't kill the golden goose.

Players are short-timers, and convenient targets.

this is the correct answer. because though he acts like he doesn't, KF does read a lot of those articles and apparently holds grudges (who wouldn't though?). far easier to criticize the players and still get access to Kirk than to criticize Kirk and get no access.
This is what I hear when KF speaks: [video=youtube;ss2hULhXf04][/video]

Both men are deserving of the criticism they get.
Mccann - better as a senior
Banks - better as a senior
Chandler - better as a senior
Tate - fought an injury his entire senior season and other than douglas had no one to throw to
Stanzi - better as a senior
JVB - new system and no one worth a darn to throw to

Dude, lay off the sauce! Your failure is embarrasing you!

Didnt Mccann, Banks and Chandler just start the one year? Kirk didnt have enough time to screw them up.
Tate yes was worse as the SR
Stanzi worse as a sr as he was scared to throw the ball and was sacked a lot. Remember the end of the AU game?
JVB looks 10 times worse.

Good try Spiderman.
Sorry OOTH I was directing that toward Rico in the thread you just reponsed to. If he wants to use the new system and receivers as his defense for Vandy's performance, thats his opinion. All I've been saying in this thread is that the blame needs to go around and no one should be off limits.
Kirk isn't going away anytime soon, and the media need access to him. Just listen to SoundOff--the Z, Eddy, and Jon are very careful about what they say about the program. You don't kill the golden goose.

Not really. It's that the we're not Skip Bayless.

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