I played sports all my life, including 5 years of collegiate football at a big boy level. There are certain players that have an intensity factor when they hit the field that elevates the play of those around them. If you are unaware of this phenomenon, I can't help you. And clearly, you were not one of those players. We actually have a word for this in the English vernacular - 'Charisma'. It's a real thing. It's not like Sasquatch, the Lochness Monster, or vampires. Charisma exists and in sports it can elevate players and a team. In fact, it can even elevate the play of the other team. I played with guys like this. Their mere presence on the field elevates everyone. Bob Sanders had it. Stanzi had it. Roth had it.
Additionally, the players are not 'favoring' one player over another. I am sure that JR is a swell guy who treats his teammates with respect. And they probably respect him. But players know who is better and who can best help the team win. It showed on Saturday and it has showed with CJB at other times.
I would ask this: don't we WANT the QB to be the type of guy that can inspire and create more intensity for the team? Don't we WANT him to be a dynamic, game-changing leader? Why fight it, if the potential exists to have a transcendant game day QB.