Question for Barta

Or football hire.....
If you think for one minute that this university hasn’t already committed to kf jr then you haven’t been paying attention. Remember the rumors of Jr leaving a couple times to coach elsewhere? He learned from the pro on how to fake interest in himself to gain leverage. I’ll bet you anything, he already has the keys to the castle and this is why dad’s been extra weepy lately. My guess is mom wants him to hang it up so they can turn it over to Jr and capt wave is having a hard time walking away, but rest assured...the next coach is simply a formality. He’ll have to perform though as he won’t get all the breaks dad got for many reasons. I don’t see it going well for him
I find it tough to find 6 wins..
I have watched every BIG team at least twice (Rutgers), but most of them 4/5 times minimally. Given the 3 BIG losses and the debacle at Purdue I have a hard time seeing 4 wins in BIG. Hopefully, I am dead wrong and the team will rise to the occasion, but history indicates that is not going to happen.
Gary Barta must be fired. It is irresponsible on his part to award these ridiculous contract extensions for mediocre performance. Barta cannot identify a talented coach who can recruit, especially recruit quick, athletic point guards. As it was with Lickliter, if the attendance goes down, something is likely to be done with a coach being fired. But really, to make way for positive change, both Barta and Fran need to go.
At this point I would have to agree.
So we lose Cook and Baer, but gain another skinny white kid. So we are going to run out 3-4 very, very lean players next year as our front line. Here's hoping Pemsl comes back strong...and Nunge puts on 25 pounds of muscle.
Agreed. Look around the P5 BBall schools and compare Iowa players physiques with other teams. Not even close and FM does not think that is a problem. I guess he still thinks muscled BBall players cannot shoot as the old adage goes. He might want to tell every other coach so they stop their strength and conditioning training.
Huge downgrade
For sure. Pretty much Nunge would be replacing Cook. PM might not play much if he don't put on much weight in year one... Tousant or however you spell it may be an upgrade on the defensive side.. Maybe? But how much of one and how good on O will he be. Just not enough to go on to know or count on him to be a difference maker right away either.
Yeah. What a great idea! It would undermine his credibility with the players; it would throw more wood on a fire that should not be started this early in the season; you already know what Barta, or any AD would say..."At the end of the season we will evaluate the head coach's performance, as we do every year."

Your purpose is to embarrass Fran and Barta. Like them or not, that is just flat stupid.
The media asking Barta point blank questions is bad? Should we just all be sheep and have faith in whatever 'plan' he and Fran have? It feels like Frans plateaued the program. If you had to bet the farm right now is this team going to the NCAA tournament or not what would you do? And in year 8 or 9 of Frans tenure after having been undefeated through the non conference part of their schedule can you say that's acceptable if they don't? If either Cook and or JBo were to get significantly hurt obviously that'd throw expectations out the window and yes Garza has missed a few but I think we need to be dancing. No if and or butts about it otherwise...
$9 million doesn't seem like that outrageous of a buyout to me. If Iowa only wins 4 or 5 more games this year then how can anyone feel like next year will be any better? Adding two players that probably should redshirt and losing Baer and probably Cook does not give me any confidence.

I know that the McCaffery kids will probably transfer if he gets fired but it's not like either one will ever be the star of an Iowa basketball team. I think they both will be solid players but probably not stars. The fact is that when a coach is ired players leave. I mean lil Lick left when his dad got fired.

It doesn't sound outrageous only compared to Ferentz's....people weren't too happy with the Lickliter buyout which I believe was less. $9M is not a number to take lightly regardless if you can find it from boosters.
If you think for one minute that this university hasn’t already committed to kf jr then you haven’t been paying attention. Remember the rumors of Jr leaving a couple times to coach elsewhere? He learned from the pro on how to fake interest in himself to gain leverage. I’ll bet you anything, he already has the keys to the castle and this is why dad’s been extra weepy lately. My guess is mom wants him to hang it up so they can turn it over to Jr and capt wave is having a hard time walking away, but rest assured...the next coach is simply a formality. He’ll have to perform though as he won’t get all the breaks dad got for many reasons. I don’t see it going well for him

As I have stated in numerous other posts....I do believe that BF will be handed the keys to the team when KF retires. That is especially true if Barta is still the AD. If he is not, then the new AD may not have the same loyalty to the Ferentz brand depending on who it is.
Since Tom Davis — heck, even after Raveling’s kids were out of the system during the TD era — Iowa basketball has sunk to Iowa State football depths pre-Campbell. As a rule we can’t get good coaches or the tough, athletic players to compete at the top of the B1G.
As I have stated in numerous other posts....I do believe that BF will be handed the keys to the team when KF retires. That is especially true if Barta is still the AD. If he is not, then the new AD may not have the same loyalty to the Ferentz brand depending on who it is.

Would not be surprised to see Kirk retire as football coach, Barta give Brian the keys, then Barta retire and Kirk take over as AD. All planned.
If you can't see the need for the AD to extend a contract to the coach so the recruit knows the coach will be there his four years then you can't be helped. Other schools would use that as an advantage.

You mean additional leverage. I think they've got more than enough against us at this point that it would be nothing more than an afterthought to most coaches. While I agree that there is a very good reason AD's offer extensions, I don't see any argument that justifies adding/including the buyout.
Since Tom Davis — heck, even after Raveling’s kids were out of the system during the TD era — Iowa basketball has sunk to Iowa State football depths pre-Campbell. As a rule we can’t get good coaches or the tough, athletic players to compete at the top of the B1G.
One of Davis’ first classes after losing bj roy and easy ed was skinner, triple threat wade and brig tubbs. Say all you want about Mr. Davis but he started this mess with that pathetic class

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