Question: Do you sit CJ and Let Him Get Healthy?

At times CJ needs to understand he is limited. A couple of the sacks he took, he was outside the tackles and could have avoided the hit by just throwing the ball away. But it's in his nature to extend plays and try to make something happen.
Hell no! Are you kidding me. We are all in. Playing all our cards. If we lose we are going to go down swinging, we aren't setting our best player or players to be careful. Full steam ahead stop us if you can
Unfortunately, that is the healthiest you will see CJ this season. It appears the injury (whatever it is) is of the type that won't completely heal without weeks (or longer) of inactivity. I have no idea what the risks are of further aggravation - but we will have to protect him with play calling as much as possible and would love to be up enough in some games to pull him early but we may or may not have that luxury.
These thoughts just pizz me off. Maryland had 8-9 men in the box in the second half. No one was going to run well for Iowa in the second half. And Iowa's offensive line isn't that great. Think of something else for a change.

Props to you sir. For always figuring out a way to be negative. Iowa is 8-0 and you're still finding something to complain about. Well done! What a miserable SOB you are!
You don't sit CJ... he just has to change his style of play somewhat.

Against Maryland he had 8 rushing attempts for -14 yards. Not sure how many sacks Maryland had and I think CJ maybe ran it once??

CJ is just going ot have to live with taking a few sacks here and there and not be able to make the plays with his feet that he was earlier in the year.

Him as more of a pocket passer is still so much better of an option than our untested back up.

Hopefully each week bides more time for healing but the injuries he is dealing with sound like the nagging ones that hang around. I heard a hawkeye writer on a radio interview in DM, I beleive it was Kakert say it might not be until next year until CJ is fully healthy.
Unfortunately, that is the healthiest you will see CJ this season. It appears the injury (whatever it is) is of the type that won't completely heal without weeks (or longer) of inactivity. I have no idea what the risks are of further aggravation - but we will have to protect him with play calling as much as possible and would love to be up enough in some games to pull him early but we may or may not have that luxury.

I was first row, directly behind the bench Saturday and watching CJ warm up in the 4th Q you could tell it hurt to throw. There was no push off at all, it was 90% arm and shoulder. Lots of talk and Q&A between him and Weigers after each drive when CJ got out from underneath the headset. Weigers was on him like glue the entire game, and by the looks of it at least, it appeared he's doing everything he can to absorb it all.
No. CJ has a naggy injury that will last him the rest of the season. This may limit his total game the rest of the season. I hope he can slowly improve where he can run more again later but don't think that will be the case. Sounds like a pulled groin which will probably be there to an extent this season. Iowa has to ride him as much as they can because this is a special season.
Those types of injuries often get more inflamed as the game progresses. CJB may be considerably more effective in the first half than stiffen up over the half. CJB wasn't very effective to start out the second half. I believe he completed two passes in the second half.

If you have a lead going into the second half and are going to mostly run anyway, there might be some logic to letting trying the backup right after the half. If CJB is already hurting and stiff at the half, sitting out a few series after the half isn't going to make him much worse.
If he's 60+%, isn't getting worse, and heals a little more each week....he plays.

I think he's tough as nails and there is a lot of QB's out there that wouldn't have played last week. His mobility and throws were clearly affected. (and he still went 50+% and 190 yards).

While he may not get to 100% over the next 5 weeks, as long as he gets a little more healed each week and doesn't get a setback.....he plays.

9-0 as a starter....he plays.
So do you keep him out of one of the upcoming games and let him recover a little more, and if so which game?

I don't know if CJ is just trying to extend a play, at times, or what, but it appears to me that he is holding on to the ball way too long at times. Make your read and pass it or throw it away. If he is that valuable that you can't start someone else that is healthy, then he needs to be coached to get rid of it and avoid further contact.

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