Quarterback controversy


Well-Known Member
I was listening to a local radio station and heard one of the hosts say that there is a QB controversy in the minds of some of the Iowa fans. I was curious to see if this is true.

1) Is there anyone out there that feels strongly that JV should be the starter?

2) Is there anyone out there that thinks it is a toss up and the practice sessions leading up to the first game should be the deciding factor.

3) Is there anyone out there that is very confused as to who should be the starting QB and that both should play from the get go.

Personally, I am fine with Stanzi at the helm and don't fit into any of these categories. How bout you?
No controversy, stanzi the manzi all the way. Next year Vandy will be in competition with Derby and Rudduck.
It's just something to get people stirred up about in my opinion. Stanzi is the proven leader among the team, teammates have said this as have opponents. The kid is 18-4 as a starter, who would argue with that?
I was listening to a local radio station and heard one of the hosts say that there is a QB controversy in the minds of some of the Iowa fans. I was curious to see if this is true.

1) Is there anyone out there that feels strongly that JV should be the starter?

2) Is there anyone out there that thinks it is a toss up and the practice sessions leading up to the first game should be the deciding factor.

3) Is there anyone out there that is very confused as to who should be the starting QB and that both should play from the get go.

Personally, I am fine with Stanzi at the helm and don't fit into any of these categories. How bout you?

Not this year, but this is going to produce a wide variety of nutty responses from the "Derby will easily start next year" camp.
I was listening to a local radio station and heard one of the hosts say that there is a QB controversy in the minds of some of the Iowa fans. I was curious to see if this is true.

1) Is there anyone out there that feels strongly that JV should be the starter?

2) Is there anyone out there that thinks it is a toss up and the practice sessions leading up to the first game should be the deciding factor.

3) Is there anyone out there that is very confused as to who should be the starting QB and that both should play from the get go.

Personally, I am fine with Stanzi at the helm and don't fit into any of these categories. How bout you?

That is the key to the argument.
Lets disect it, shall we?
heard one of the hosts say No credibility, just trying to get ratings
There is a QB controversy in the minds of Not the coaches. Not the players.
Just some-body trying to stir up Hawkeyenation, anyone that thinks JV should start over Stanzi needs to have their head examined. I mean C'mon.
18-4 and a patriot...no controversey.

and someone said JV will be starting QB next year. while i agree with this, he's not going to able to go into camp assuming he will be. he will have to earn it. if he doesn't, i could see him losing the job.
No controversy, stanzi the manzi all the way. Next year Vandy will be in competition with Derby and Rudduck.

Uh, no. It will either be VB or Weinke or we are in serious trouble next year. I don't want a RS FR or a TR FR to lead the team, no offense to either guy.
Riiiight, let's have our 2-year starting QB who is on the list of a handful of awards sit on the bench his senior season.
Just look at his performance in the last two starts. Before the ankle wrenching against NW (still saddens me to think of the moment) he had it rolling. Not to mention in the Orange Bowl he got off to a great start. Take away all pick sixes and he's looking top notch.
No Controversy. He's the leader. Well, him and the entire defense.:)
I have a drunk friend that said if stanzi throws 2 picks then he wants Vandy in... needless to say, we got into a pretty good scuffle
oh i had friends texting me during the indiana game calling for his head. they all sent me texts apologizing during the northwestern game.

now i'm not saying JV isn't going to be awesome. i'm not saying JV didn't get thrown into a tough situation. but i AM saying slingin dick is a proven winner and a leader of the team
I wish we would call it 18-3. He had us up 10-0 before his injury in the NW game.

Maybe he was refering to Wienke & JVB. I know they have been competing through their first two years and he was a pretty big recruit. Recall he was going to play for Lloyd Carr before he "retired", and obviously wouldn't fit RR's system so he came to Iowa. I'm just saying he is probably pretty good so maybe that is the controversy.

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