Quarterback controversy

I was listening to a local radio station and heard one of the hosts say that there is a QB controversy in the minds of some of the Iowa fans. I was curious to see if this is true.

1) Is there anyone out there that feels strongly that JV should be the starter?

2) Is there anyone out there that thinks it is a toss up and the practice sessions leading up to the first game should be the deciding factor.

3) Is there anyone out there that is very confused as to who should be the starting QB and that both should play from the get go.

Personally, I am fine with Stanzi at the helm and don't fit into any of these categories. How bout you?

1) NO
2) NO
3) H*LL NO

This is just some media heads making up stuff so somebody will listen to them. I have yet to meet anyone that would even consider JVB starting this year. This is Stanzi's team.

I think a lot of us like JVB and can't wait to see how things go NEXT year (coming off of our National Championship, of course ;) ), but this is all Ricki, all the time...
This is a joke right?

If anyone thinks there should be a QB controversy please go back and watch the Minnesota game
Thanks for all the great input. The radio host in question has never hit me as a Fire Starter. But, after reading these posts, I would suggest he read or heard a couple of anti-Stanzi rants a year or 2 ago and just can't let it go.

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