QB battle

Not officially but he pretty much calls the shots here. Runs the show. Definitely the most knowledgeable by far.

Well it definitely sounds like I should be nice to him then. I care a lot about my standing with cool kids who are beloved by a bunch of faceless Internet strangers. I bet he gets invited to a lot of parties.
Well it definitely sounds like I should be nice to him then. I care a lot about my standing with cool kids who are beloved by a bunch of faceless Internet strangers. I bet he gets invited to a lot of parties.

I have a face, thank you very much.......
U really mad. Haha

And the end of the year awards are not imaginary bud, they should be posted any day now.

Lol they might as well be imaginary "bud". It's an internet message board.... do we have even have to discuss the relevance of that? Gonna put your Legend status on your resume?
Lol they might as well be imaginary "bud". It's an internet message board.... do we have even have to discuss the relevance of that? Gonna put your Legend status on your resume?

Lets be honest, I am sure most of the guys here with "Legend" status are really proud of it. Probably a little too much.
I'm gonna say that Sokol gets the nod to start the season. It makes sense as to why he didn't get reps during the season (to not waste a year of eligibility). Aloough I had heard that Ruddock was the most accurate of the bunch (total hearsay).
IMO, the offense needs tweaks to allow any of the qb's to be successful.
I'm gonna say that Sokol gets the nod to start the season. It makes sense as to why he didn't get reps during the season (to not waste a year of eligibility). Aloough I had heard that Ruddock was the most accurate of the bunch (total hearsay).
IMO, the offense needs tweaks to allow any of the qb's to be successful.

We need a QB who won't completly break down the second they feel any pressure. Not locking on to one receiver and throwing it to that receiver no matter what would be a bonus too.
Oh look MNFreak came to stick up for her buddy Ghost. God forbid anyone ever say Ghost is a know-it-all derp! How dare you speak the truth MHA! Be careful his HawkeyeNation Mafia henchman are never too far from their keyboards!

It's like the class clown/bully who thinks his antics are hilarious, and has a couple nitwits with him to laugh at his jokes in order to make him feel funny. Even starts his own thread nominating himself for an imaginary internet message board award. LOL! The funny thing is they think you are butthurt when you call it like it is... in reality you just think the whole internet message board EGOmaniac gig is so pathetic it's funny.

Theres no Hawkeye Mafia Henchman group....so you can start your own group if you like. it's probably easy to do.

And I gotta say, you do sound more butthurt about the Internet egomaniac gig, than laffy. There is an ignore feature on this site for those of you bothered by any particular posters posts, so maybe you should consider using it.

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